NAMEPerlIO::via::Unidecode - a perlio layer for UnidecodeSYNOPSIS# An example program using the perlio layer: % cat utf8translit #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use PerlIO::via::Unidecode; foreach my $fs (@ARGV) { open( my $IN, '<:encoding(utf8):via(Unidecode)', # the layers $fs ) or die "$f -> $!\n"; print while <$IN>; close($IN); } __END__ # We're feeding it this file, which is the Chinese # characters for Beijing (in UTF8) % od -x home_city.txt 000000: E5 8C 97 E4 BA B0 0D 0A So: % utf8translit home_city.txt Bei Jing DESCRIPTIONPerlIO::via::Unidecode implements a PerlIO::via layer that applies Unidecode (Text::Unidecode) to data passed through it.You can use PerlIO::via::Unidecode on already-Unicode data, as in the example in the SYNOPSIS; or you can combine it with other layers, as in this little program that converts KOI8R text into Unicode and then feeds it to Unidecode, which then outputs an ASCII transliteration: % cat transkoi8r #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use PerlIO::via::Unidecode; foreach my $filespec (@ARGV) { open( # Three-argument open is always great my $IN, '<:encoding(koi8-r):via(Unidecode)', # the layers $filespec ) or die $!; print while <$IN>; close($IN); } __END__ % cat fet_koi8r.txt ëÏÇÄÁ ÞÉÔÁÌÁ ÔÙ ÍÕÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÓÔÒÏËÉ, çÄÅ ÓÅÒÄÃÁ Ú×ÕÞÎÙÊ ÐÙÌ ÓÉÑÎØÅ ÌØÅÔ ËÒÕÇÏÍ é ÓÔÒÁÓÔÉ ÒÏËÏ×ÏÊ ×ÚÄÙÍÁÀÔÓÑ ÐÏÔÏËÉ,- îÅ ×ÓÐÏÍÎÉÌÁ ÌØ Ï ÞÅÍ? % transkoi8r fet_koi8r.txt Koghda chitala ty muchitiel'nyie stroki, Gdie sierdtsa zvuchnyi pyl siian'ie l'iet krughom I strasti rokovoi vzdymaiutsia potoki,- Nie vspomnila l' o chiem? Of course, you could do this all by manually calling Text::Unidecode's "unidecode(...)" function on every line you fetch, but that's just what ":via(...)" layers do automatically do for you. Note that you can also use ":via(Unidecode)" as an output layer too. In that case, add a dummy ":utf8" after it, as below, just to silence some "wide character in print" warnings that you might otherwise see. % cat writebei.pl use PerlIO::via::Unidecode; open( my $OUT, ">:via(Unidecode):utf8", # the layers "roman_bei.txt" ) or die $!; print $OUT "\x{5317}\x{4EB0}\n"; # those are the Chinese characters for Beijing close($OUT); % perl writebei.pl % cat roman_bei.txt Bei Jing FUNCTIONS AND METHODSThis module provides no public functions or methods — everything is done thru the "via" interface. If you want a function, see Text::Unidecode.TIPSDon't forget the "use PerlIO::via::Unidecode;" line, and be sure to get the case right.Don't type "Unicode" when you mean "Unidecode", nor vice versa. Handy layer-modes to remember: <:encoding(utf8):via(Unidecode) <:encoding(some-other-encoding):via(Unidecode) >:via(Unidecode):utf8 SEE ALSOText::UnidecodePerlIO::via Encode and Encode::Supported (even though the modes they implement are called as "":encoding(...)""). PerlIO::via::PinyinConvert perlunitut and perlunicode <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afanasy_Fet> NOTESNote that if Unidecode's transliteration of something changes, so will its effect on ":via(Unidecode)". So the first word of the above text is "Koghda" from one particular version of Unidecode, and "Kogda" from another.Thanks for Jarkko Hietaniemi for help with this module and many other things besides. THE POEMIn the first release of this module, I forgot to give the source of the above Russian text! So here it is:The Russian text is the first stanza of a poem by Afanasy Afanasevich Fet (1822-1892). Above I have shown only its first stanza ("Koghda chitala..."), first in raw KOI8R, then passed through Unidecode. But here it is, in its entirety: Когда читала ты мучительные строки, Где сердца звучный пыл сиянье льёт кругом И страсти роковой вздымаются потоки,— Не вспомнила ль о чём? Я верить не хочу! Когда в степи, как диво, В полночной темноте безвременно горя, Вдали перед тобой прозрачно и красиво Вставала вдруг заря. И в эту красоту невольно взор тянуло, В тот величавый блеск за тёмный весь предел,— Ужель ничто тебе в то время не шепнуло: «Там человек сгорел!» —Афанасий Афанасьевич Фет, 15 февраля 1887 Its conventional English title is a translation of the first line, "When you were reading those tormented lines"— which I found rather apt for a poem about mangled encodings. COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMERWith the exception of the text of the poem, this is copyright 2003, 2014, Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.The programs and documentation in this dist are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. AUTHORSean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
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