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NAMEPerlPoint::Backend - frame class to transform PerlPoint::Parser outputVERSIONThis manual describes version 0.15.SYNOPSIS# load the module: use PerlPoint::Backend; # build the backend my ($backend)=new PerlPoint::Backend(name=>'synopsis'); # register handlers $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_BLOCK, \&handleBlock); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_COMMENT, \&handleComment); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_DOCUMENT, \&handleDocument); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_HEADLINE, \&handleHeadline); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_POINT, \&handlePoint); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_SIMPLE, \&handleSimple); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_TAG, \&handleTag); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_TEXT, \&handleText); $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_VERBATIM, \&handleVerbatim); # finally run the backend $backend->run(\@streamData); DESCRIPTIONAfter an ASCII text is parsed by an PerlPoint::Parser object, the original text is transformed into stream data hold in a Perl array. To process this intermediate stream further (mostly to generate output in a certain document description language), a program has to walk through the stream and to process its tokens.Well, PerlPoint::Backend provides a class which encapsulates this walk in objects which deal with the stream, while the translator programmer is focussed on generating the final representation of the original text. This is done by registering handlers which will be called when their target objects are discovered in the intermediate stream. The stream walk can be performed in various ways (please see following sections for details). The common way is to use run() which walks through the stream from its first to its last token and takes everything found into account to invoke appropriate callbacks. ModesBy default, a backend object inspects the token stream token by token. This way everything is handled in the original order, according to the input once parsed. But sometimes you want to know something about the documents structure which simply means about headlines only.For example, consider the case that you want to build a table of contents or a table of valid chapter references before the "real" slides are made. In the mentioned token mode this takes more time than it should, because a lot of additional tokens are processed besides the headlines. In such cases, the backend can be enforced to work in "headline mode". This means that only headlines are processed which accelerates things significantly. Modes are switched by method mode(). Please note that a stream can be processed more than once, so one can process it in headline mode first, use the headline information, and then switch back to the usual token mode and process the entire document data. Ways of stream processingThe base model of stream processing implemented by this class is based on "events". This means that the token stream is processed by a loop which invokes user specified callback functions to handle certain token types. In this model, the loop is in control. This works fine in stream translation, e.g. to produce slides/documents in a target format, and is done by invoking the method run().Nevertheless, there are cases when converters need to be in full control, which means in fine grained control of token processing. In this model the calling program (the converter) initiates the processing of each token. This is especially useful if a converter is not really a converter but a projector which uses the stream to present the slides on the fly. This second model of fine grained control is supported as well. The appropriate method (used as an alternative of run()) is next(). Stream navigatonUsually a stream is processed from the beginning to its end, but it is possible to set up an arbitrary sequence of chapters as well. (This is mostly intended for use in projectors.) Two methods are provided to do this: reset() moves back to the beginning of the entire stream, while move2chapter() chooses a certain chapter to continue the processing with.Stream navigation works both in callbacks and if walking the stream via next(). The whole pictureModes, the stream processing method and stream navigation can be freely combined. If the defaults are used as shown in the SYNOPSIS, a backend object works in headline mode and processes the stream by run() , usually without further navigation. But this is no rule. Make use of the features as it is necessary to build the converter you want!METHODSnew()The constructor builds and prepares a new backend object. You may have more than one object at a certain time, they work independently.Parameters: All parameters except of the class parameter are named (pass them by hash).
Returns: the new object. Example: my ($backend)=new PerlPoint::Backend(name=>'example'); register()After building a new object by new() the object can be prepared by calls of the register method.If the object walks through the data stream generated by PerlPoint::Parser, it will find several directives. A directive is a data struture flagging that a certain document part (or even formatting) starts or is completed. E.g. a headline is represented by headline start directive followed by tokens for the headline contents followed by a headline completion directive. By using this method, you can register directive specific functions which should be called when the related directives are discovered. The idea is that such a function can produce a target language construct representing exactly the same document token that is modelled by the directive. E.g. if your target language is HTML and you register a headline handler and a headline start is found, this handler can generate a "<Hx>" tag. This is quite simple. According to this design, the object will pass the following data to a registered function:
To express this by a prototype, all registered functions should have an interface of "$$:@". Parameters:
Returns: no certain value; Example: $backend->register(DIRECTIVE_HEADLINE, \&handleHeadline); where handleHeadline could be something like sub handleDocument { my ($directive, $startStop, $level)=@_; confess "Something is wrong\n" unless $directive==DIRECTIVE_HEADLINE; if ($startStop==DIRECTIVE_START) {print "<head$level>";} else {print "</head>";} } If no handler is registered, detected items will be ignored by default except of plain strings, which will be printed by default. mode()Switches the way an object inspects stream tokens. The new behaviour comes into action with the next supplied token - either within run() or by invokation of next() ."Inspecting tokens" means how the object reads stream data to invoke registered handlers. Parameters:
Returns: the new mode. Example: $backend->mode(STREAM_HEADLINES); run()The stream processor. The method walks through the data stream and inspects its tokens according to the current mode (see mode()) (which may be changed on the way). For each token, "run()" detects the appropriate type and checks if there is a callback registered for this type (see "register()"). If so, the callback is invoked to handle the token. If no handler is registered, the token will be ignored except in the case of simple tokens, which will be printed to "STDOUT" by default.If all (mode according) stream data are handled <run()> finishs. The model of this method is to perform stream data processing by an enclosing loop which is in control and knows of callbacks to handle "events" (occurences of certainly typed data). There is an alternative model using next() to give the caller control of when to process the next token. Parameters:
Returns: nothing specific. Example: $backend->run($streamData); next()This is an alternative stream data processing method to run() . While run() processes all data completely, "next()" handles exactly one token. The most important difference of these two approaches is that with "next()" a caller is in full control of what happens. This enables to move freely between chapters, to switch modes or to abort processing dependend on current needs which might be expressed by a users input. In fact, "next()" was introduced to enable the implementation of projectors working on base of the token stream data directly.Processing a token works equally to run() by type detection and handler invokation, see there for details. Please note that different to run() a stream must be bound to a backend object before using "next()". This is necessary to store processing states between various "next()" calls and is done by bind(). After processing all data, unbind() may be used to detach the stream. To avoid confusion, "next()" cannot be called from a callback invoked by run(). In other words, both approaches cannot be mixed. Parameters:
Returns: A true value if there is more to process, a false value otherwise. It is up to the caller to handle these cases appropriately. Example: # This example emulates run() by next(). $backend->bind($streamData); {redo while $backend->next;} $backend->unbind; bind()Binds a stream data structure to a backend object. If run() is used to process a stream, there is no need to use "bind()" because it is called by "run()" implicitly.If there was already a stream connected to the backend object, the new connection will replace the old one. Binding a stream resets stream processing (see reset()). Do not call this method from a handler unless you know exactly what is going on. Parameters:
Returns: nothing significant. Example: $backend->bind($streamData); unbind()Detaches a stream data structure bound to the backend object.Unbinding a stream resets stream processing (see reset()) - if the stream is rebound to the object and furtherly processed, it will be processed from its beginning. Do not call this method from a handler unless you know exactly what is going on. Parameters:
Returns: nothing significant. Example: $backend->unbind(); reset()Resets processing of a stream associated with (or bound to) the backend object. This means that further processing will start with the very first token matching the current mode (see mode()).Parameters:
Returns: nothing significant. Example: $backend->reset; move2chapter()Causes stream processing to continue with a certain chapter.Parameters:
Returns: nothing significant. Example: $backend->move2chapter(15); headlineNr()Replies the number of headlines in the stream associated with the object. If no stream is associated, an undefined value is supplied.Parameters:
Returns: The number of headlines in the stream if a stream is associated, an undefined value otherwise. Example: $backend->headlineNr; headlineIds2Data()Parameters:
Returns: The number of headlines in the stream if a stream is associated, an undefined value otherwise. Example: $backend->headlineIds2Data; currentChapterNr()Replies the number of the currently processed chapter - in the stream associated with the object. If no stream is associated, an undefined value is supplied.Parameters:
Returns: The number of the currently handled headline in the stream if a stream is associated, an undefined value otherwise. Example: $backend->currentChapterNr; toc()This method provides a convenient way to get a list of subchapters related to a certain "parent" chapter. More, it can be used to get a complete table of contents as well. Each subchapter is presented by its headline (hierarchy) level and its title in plain text.Parameters:
Returns: a reference to an array of arrays, where each entry describes a subchapter by its headline level and its title (as plain text - tags etc. are stripped off). Example: $subchapters=$backend->toc(5, 2); docstreams()Supplies the names of all document streams in the data stream. A data streams needs to be bound to the object.Parameters:
Returns: A list of document stream titles in list context, the number of document streams in scalar context. Example: @docstreams=$backend->docstreams; SEE ALSO
SUPPORTA PerlPoint mailing list is set up to discuss usage, ideas, bugs, suggestions and translator development. To subscribe, please send an empty message to perlpoint-subscribe@perl.org.If you prefer, you can contact me via perl@jochen-stenzel.de as well. AUTHORCopyright (c) Jochen Stenzel (perl@jochen-stenzel.de), 1999-2002. All rights reserved.This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License distributed with Perl version 5.003 or (at your option) any later version. Please refer to the Artistic License that came with your Perl distribution for more details. The Artistic License should have been included in your distribution of Perl. It resides in the file named "Artistic" at the top-level of the Perl source tree (where Perl was downloaded/unpacked - ask your system administrator if you dont know where this is). Alternatively, the current version of the Artistic License distributed with Perl can be viewed on-line on the World-Wide Web (WWW) from the following URL: http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html DISCLAIMERThis software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied, INCLUDING, without limitation, the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.The ENTIRE RISK as to the quality and performance of the software IS WITH YOU (the holder of the software). Should the software prove defective, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY CREATE, MODIFY, OR DISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE TO YOU OR TO ANY OTHER ENTITY FOR ANY KIND OF DAMAGES (no matter how awful - not even if they arise from known or unknown flaws in the software). Please refer to the Artistic License that came with your Perl distribution for more details.