Plagger::Plugin::Filter::GuessTimeZoneByDomain - Guess timezone by domains if
datetime is floating or UTC
- module: Filter::GuessTimeZoneByDomain
This plugin guesses feed date timezone by domains, if dates are floating or UTC.
It uses the mapping table from ISO 3166 country code to timezones available in
Olson database (hence requires DateTime::TimeZone 0.51).
Optionally, if you have IP::Country module installed. This plugin
also checks the country name which the host address is assigned to, instead
of its domain name (ccTLD).
For example, if the datetime is floating or UTC set in the feed of, it is resolved to Asia/Tokyo since its ccTLD is
jp. In the case of, ccTLD is null but the IP
address is assigned to Japan, hence it is resolved to Asia/Tokyo as
- conflict_policy
conflict_policy: cc
conflict_policy: ip
conflict_policy determines what to do if timezones
guessed from 1) ccTLD and 2) country code from IP::Country doesn't
match. cc prioritizes ccTLD, and ip prioritizes
For example, has a ccTLD
jp, but its host address is assigned to the United States
(US). In this case:
conflict_policy timezone
cc Asia/Tokyo
ip America/New_York
(Note that US has multiple timezones but
America/New_York is used since this one is listed first in the
Olson database.)
Defaults to cc.
Plagger, Plagger::Plugin::Filter::FloatingDateTime, DateTime::TimeZone