Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject - Notify feed updates to CD Drive
This class ejects the CD each time a notification is triggered.
This class relies on helper classes for the functionality for the
particular operating system you are working on. Provided in the main Plagger
distribution are helper classes for Linux, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows
(MSWin32) and Mac OS X (Darwin.)
This module relies on a helper class existing that is named after the
architecture name returned in $^O.
Each module must simply subclass this module and implement the
"eject" method. For example, for the
hypothetical HAL2000 system:
package Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::hal2000;
use base qw( Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject );
sub eject {
Plagger, Plagger::Plugin::Notify::Eject::linux,