NAMEPlucene::Document::Field - A field in a Plucene::DocumentSYNOPSISmy $field = Plucene::Document::Field->Keyword($name, $string); my $field = Plucene::Document::Field->Text($name, $string); my $field = Plucene::Document::Field->UnIndexded($name, $string); my $field = Plucene::Document::Field->UnStored($name, $string); DESCRIPTIONEach Plucene::Document is made up of Plucene::Document::Field objects. Each of these fields can be stored, indexed or tokenised.FIELDSnameReturns the name of the field.stringReturns the value of the field.is_storedReturns true if the field is or will be stored, or false if it was created with "UnStored".is_indexedReturns true if the field is or will be indexed, or false if it was created with "UnIndexed".is_tokenizedReturns true if the field is or will be tokenized, or false if it was created with "UnIndexed" or "Keyword".METHODSKeywordmy $field = Plucene::Document::Field->Keyword($name, $string); This will make a new Plucene::Document::Field object that is stored and indexed, but not tokenised. UnIndexedmy $field = Plucene::Document::Field->UnIndexded($name, $string); This will make a new Plucene::Document::Field object that is stored, but not indexed or tokenised. Textmy $field = Plucene::Document::Field->Text($name, $string); This will make a new Plucene::Document::Field object that is stored, indexed and tokenised. UnStoredmy $field = Plucene::Document::Field->UnStored($name, $string); This will make a new Plucene::Document::Field object that isn't stored, but is indexed and tokenised.
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