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NAMEPlugtools - LDAP and PosixVERSIONVersion 1.3.0SYNOPSISuse Plugtools; my $pt = Plugtools->new(); ... METHODSnewInitiate Plugtools.Only one arguement is accepted and that is a hash. args hash At this time, none of these values are required. config This specifies a config file to read other than the default. #initilize it and read the default config my $pt=Plugtools->new(); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } #initilize it and read '/some/config' my $pt=Plugtools->new({ config=>'/some/config' }); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } addGroupargs hashgroup This is the group name to add. gid This is the numeric ID of the group to add. If it is not defined, it will automatically be added. dump If this is true, call the dump method on the create Net::LDAP::Entry object. #the most basic form $pt->addGroup({ group=>'someGroup', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } #do more $pt->addGroup({ group=>'someGroup', gid=>'4444', dump=>'1', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } addUserargs hashuser The user to create. uid The numeric user ID for the new user. If this is note defined, the first free one will be used. group The primary group of user. If this is not defined, the username is used. If the user is this is not defined, it will be set to the same as the user. gid If this is defined, the specified GID will be used instead of automatically assigning one. gecos The gecos field for the user. If this is not defined, it is set to the user name. shell This is the shell for the user. If this is not defined, the default one is used. home This is the home directory for the user. If this is not defined, the home prototype is used. createHome If this is specified, the default value for createHome will be overrode the defaults or what is specified in the config. If it exists, it assumes it does not need to be created, but it will still be chowned. skel Use this instead of the default skeleton or the one specified in the config file. This is skipped, if the home already exists. chmodValue Overrides the default value for this or the one specified in the config. chmodHome Overrides the default value for this or the one specified in the config. chownHome If home should be chowned. This overrides the value specified in the config or the default one. dump If this is true, call the dump method on the create Net::LDAP::Entry object. #the most basic form $pt->addUser({ user=>'someUser', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } #do more $pt->addUser({ user=>'someUser', uid=>'3333', group=>'someGroup', gid=>'4444', dump=>'1', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } connectThis forms a LDAP connection using the information in config file.my $ldap=$pt->connect; if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } deleteGroupThis removes a group.$pt->deleteGroup('someGroup'); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } deleteUserThis removes a user.Only LDAP is touched at this time, so if a user is a member of a group setup in '/etc/groups', then it won't be removed from that group. This does not remove the user's old home directory. arge hash 'user' is the only required value. user This is the user to be removed. removeHome This removes the home directory of the user. removeGroup Remove the primary group if it is empty. #the most basic form $pt->deleteUser({ user=>'someUser', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } #do more $pt->deleteUser({ user=>'someUser', removeHome=>'1', removeGroup=>'0', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } findGroupDNThis locates a DN for a already setup group.my $dn=$pt->findGroupDN('someGroup'); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!"; } findUserDNThis locates a DN for a already setup group.my $dn=$pt->findUserDN('someUser'); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!"; } getUserEntryFetch a Net::LDAP::Entry object of a user.args hash user This is the user to fetch a Net::LDAP::Entry of. my $entry=$pt->getUserEntry({ user=>'someUser', }); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } groupAddUserThis adds a user from a group.args hash group The group to act on. user The user to act remove from the group. dump Call the dump method on the entry afterwards. $pt->groupAddUser({ group=>'someGroup', user=>'someUser', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } groupGIDchangeThis changes the GID for a group.args hash group The group to act on. gid The GID to change this group to. userUpdate Update any user that has the old GID as their primary GID. This defaults to true, '1'. dump Call the dump method on the group afterwards. $pt->groupGIDchange({ group=>'someGroup', gid=>'2222', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } groupRemoveUserThis removes a user from a group.args hash group The group to act on. user The user to act remove from the group. dump Call the dump method on the group afterwards. $pt->groupRemoveUser({ group=>'someGroup', user=>'someUser', }) if($pt->{errpr}){ print "Error!\n"; } groupCleanThis checks through the groups setup in LDAP and removes any group that does not exist.args hash dump If this is specified, the dump method is called on any updated entry. If this is not defined, it defaults to false. $pt->groupClean; if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } #do the same thing as above, but do $entry->dump for any changed entry $pt->groupClean({dump=>'1'}); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } isLDAPgroupThis tests if a group is in LDAP or not.my $returned=$pt->isLDAPgroup('someGroup'); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; }else{ if($returned){ print "Yes!\n"; }else{ print "No!\n"; } } isLDAPuserThis tests if a group is in LDAP or not.my $returned=$pt->isLDAPuser('someUser'); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; }else{ if($returned){ print "Yes!\n"; }else{ print "No!\n"; } } onlyMemberThis figures out if a user is the only member of a group.This returns true if the user is the only member of that group. A value of false means that user is not in that group and there are no members or that it that there are other members. args hash Both 'user' and 'group' are required. user This is the user it is checking to see if it is the only member of a group. group This is the group to check. my $returned=$pt->onlyMember({ user=>'someUser', group=>'someGroup', }); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } pluginThis processes series plugins.opts hash This is the first required hash. ldap This is the current LDAP connect. do This contains the variable it should reference for what plugins to run. entry This is the LDAP entry to work on. args hash This is the hash that was passed to the function calling the plugin. removeUserFromGroupsThis removes a user from any group in LDAP they are a member of.No checks are made to see if the user exists or not. $pt->removeUserFromGroups('someUser'); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } readConfigThis reads the specified config.#reads the default config $pt->readConfig(); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!"; } #reads the config '/some/config' $pt->readConfig('/some/config'); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!"; } userGECOSchangeThis changes the UID for a user.args hash user The user to act on. gecos The GECOS to change this user to. dump Call the dump method on the group afterwards. $pt->userGECOSchange({ user=>'someUser', gecos=>'whatever', }); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } userShellChangeThis changes the UID for a user.args hash user The user to act on. shell The shell to change this user to. dump Call the dump method on the group afterwards. $pt->userShellChange({ user=>'someUser', shell=>'/bin/tcsh', }); if($pt->error){ print "Error!\n"; } userSetPassThis changes the password for a user.args hash user This is the user to act on. pass This is the new password to set. $pt->userSetPass({ user=>'someUser', pass=>'whatever', }); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } userGIDchangeThis changes the UID for a user.args hash user The user to act on. gid The GID to change this user to. This GID must already exist. dump Call the dump method on the group afterwards. $pt->userGIDchange({ user=>'someUser', gid=>'1234', }); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } userUIDchangeThis changes the UID for a user.args hash user The user to act on. uid The UID to change this user to. dump Call the dump method on the group afterwards. $pt->userUIDchange({ user=>'someUser', uid=>'1234', }); if($pt->{error}){ print "Error!\n"; } errorReturns the current error code and true if there is an error.If there is no error, undef is returned. my $error=$foo->error; if($error){ print 'error code: '.$error."\n"; } errorblankThis is a internal function and should not be called.errorStringReturns the error string if there is one. If there is not, it will return ''.my $error=$foo->error; if($error){ print 'error code:'.$error.': '.$foo->errorString."\n"; } ERROR CODES1Could not read config.2Missing required variable.3Can't find a free UID.4Can't find a free GID.5No user name specified.6No group name specified.7UID is not numeric.8GID is not numeric.9User already exists.10Group already exists.11Connecting to LDAP failed.12Net::LDAP::posixGroup failed.13Failed to bind to the LDAP server.14The group does not exist.15The group does not exist in LDAP or under specified group base.16Failed to delete the group's entry.17The user does not exist.18The user does not exist in LDAP or under specified user base.19Adding the new entry failed.20The GID already exists.21Failed to create home.22Copying the skeleton to the home location failed.23Failed to chown the new home directory.24Failed to chmod the new home directory.25Failed to update a entry when removing a memberUid.26Failed to remove the users home directory.27Faild to fetch a list posixGroup objects.28No GID specified.29Failed to update the entry when changing the GID.30No UID specified.31Failed to update the entry when changing the UID.32Failed to fetch the user entry.33No GECOS specified.34Failed to update the entry when changing the GECOS.35No password specified.36Updating the password for the user failed.37Errored when fetching a list of users that may possibly need updated.38No LDAP object given.39$opts{do} has not been specified.40The specified selection of plugins to run does not exist.41Exectuting a plugin failed.42$opts{entry} is not defined.43$opts{entry} is not a Net::LDAP::Entry object.44$opts{ldap} is not a Net::LDAP object.45$returned{error} is set to true.46Calling the LDAP update function on the entry modified by the userSetPass plugin failed. The unix password has been set though.47No shell specified.CONFIG FILEThe default is xdg_config_home().'/plugtoolsrc', which wraps around to "~/.config/plugtoolsrc". The file format is ini.The only required ones are 'bind', 'pass', 'groupbase', and 'userbase'. bind=cn=admin,dc=foo,dc=bar pass=somebl00dyp@ssw0rd userbase=ou=users,dc=foo,dc=bar groupbase=ou=groups,dc=foo,dc=bar bindThis is the DN to bind as.passThis is the password for the bind DN.userbaseThis is the base for where the users are located.groupbaseThis is the base where the groups are located.serverThis is the LDAP server to connect to. If the server is not specified, '' is used.portThis is the LDAP port to use. If the port is not specified, '389' is used.UIDstartThis is the first UID to start checking for existing users at. The default is '1001'.GIDstartThis is the first GID to start checking for existing groups at. The default is '1001'.defaultShellThis is the default shell for a user. The default is '/bin/tcsh'.HOMEprotoThe prototype for the home directory. %%USERNAME%% is replaced with the username. The default is '/home/%%USERNAME%%/'.skeletonHomeThis is the location that will be copied for when creating a new home directory. If this is not defined, a blanked one will be created. The default is '/etc/skel'.chmodValueThis is the numeric value the newly created home directory will be chmoded to. The default is '640'.chmodHomeIf home should be chmoded. The default value is '1', true.chownHomeIf home should be chowned. The default value is '1', true.createHomeIf this is true, it the home directory for the user will be created. The default is '1'.groupPrimaryThis is the attribute to use for when creating the DN for the group entry. Either 'cn' or 'gidNumber' are currently accepted. The default is 'cn'.userPrimaryThis is the attribute to use for when creating the DN for the user entry. Either 'cn', 'uid', or 'uidNumber' are currently accepted. The default is 'uid'.starttlsWether or not it should try to do start_tls.TLSverifyThe verify mode for TLS. The default is 'none'.none The server may provide a certificate but it will not be checked - this may mean you are be connected to the wrong server. optional Verify only when the server offers a certificate. require The server must provide a certificate, and it must be valid. SSLversionThis is the SSL versions accepted.'sslv2', 'sslv3', 'sslv2/3', or 'tlsv1' are the possible values. The default is 'tlsv1'. SSLciphersThis is a list of ciphers to accept. The string is in the standard OpenSSL format. The default value is 'ALL'.removeGroupThis determines if it should try to remove the user's primary group after removing the user.The default value is '1', true. removeHomeThis determines if it should try to remove a user's home directory when deleting the user.The default value is '0', false. userUpdateThis determines if it should update the primary GIDs for users after groupGIDchange has been called.The default value is '1', true. pluginAddGroupA comma seperated list of plugins to run when addGroup is called.pluginAddUserA comma seperated list of plugins to run when addUser is called.pluginGroupAddUserA comma seperated list of plugins to run when groupAddUser is called.pluginGroupGIDchangeA comma seperated list of plugins to run when groupGIDchange is called.pluginGroupRemoveUserA comma seperated list of plugins to run when groupRemoveUser is called.pluginUserGECOSchangeA comma seperated list of plugins to run when userGECOSchange is called.pluginUserSetPassA comma seperated list of plugins to run when userSetPass is called.pluginUserGIDchangeA comma seperated list of plugins to run when userGIDchange is called.pluginUserShellChangeA comma seperated list of plugins to run when userShellChange is called.pluginUserUIDchangeA comma seperated list of plugins to run when userUIDchange is called.pluginDeleteUserA comma seperated list of plugins to run when deleteUser is called.pluginDeleteGroupA comma seperated list of plugins to run when deleteGroup is called.PLUGINSPlugins are supported by the functions specified in the config section.A plugin may be specified for any of those by setting that value to a comma seperated list of plugins. For example if you wanted to call 'Plugtools::Plugins::Dump' and then 'Foo::Bar' for a userSetPass, you would set the value 'pluginsUserSetPass' equal to 'Plugtools::Plugins::Dump,Foo::Bar'. Both hashes specified in the section covering the plugin function. The key 'self' is added to %opts before it is passed to the plugin. That key contains a copy of the Plugtools object. A plugin is a Perl module that is used via eval and then the function 'plugin' is called on it. The expected return is The plugin is called before the update method is called on a Net::LDAP::Entry object, except for the function 'userSetPass'. It is called after the password is updated. exampleWhat is shown below is copied from Plugtools::Plugins::Dump. This is a simple plugin that calls Data::Dumper->Dumper on what is passed to it.package Plugtools::Plugins::Dump; use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = '0.0.0'; sub plugin{ my %opts; if(defined($_[1])){ %opts= %{$_[1]}; }; my %args; if(defined($_[2])){ %args= %{$_[2]}; }; print '%opts=...'."\n".Dumper(\%opts)."\n\n".'%args=...'."\n".Dumper(\%args); my %returned; $returned{error}=undef; return %returned; } 1; AUTHORZane C. Bowers, "<vvelox at vvelox.net>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-plugtools at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Plugtools>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Plugtools You can also look for information at:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSCOPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2010 Zane C. Bowers, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.