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PostScript::Simple(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
PostScript::Simple(3) |
PostScript::Simple - Produce PostScript files from Perl
use PostScript::Simple;
# create a new PostScript object
$p = new PostScript::Simple(papersize => "A4",
colour => 1,
eps => 0,
units => "in");
# create a new page
# draw some lines and other shapes
$p->line(1,1, 1,4);
$p->box(1.5,1, 2,3.5);
$p->circle(2,2, 1);
$p->setlinewidth( 0.01 );
$p->curve(1,5, 1,7, 3,7, 3,5);
$p->curvextend(3,3, 5,3, 5,5);
# draw a rotated polygon in a different colour
$p->polygon({rotate=>45}, 1,1, 1,2, 2,2, 2,1, 1,1);
# add some text in red
$p->setfont("Times-Roman", 20);
$p->text(1,1, "Hello");
# write the output to a file
PostScript::Simple allows you to have a simple method of writing PostScript
files from Perl. It has graphics primitives that allow lines, curves, circles,
polygons and boxes to be drawn. Text can be added to the page using standard
PostScript fonts.
The images can be single page EPS files, or multipage PostScript
files. The image size can be set by using a recognised paper size
(""A4"", for example) or by
giving dimensions. The units used can be specified
(""mm"" or
""in"", etc) and are the same as
those used in TeX. The default unit is a bp, or a PostScript point, unlike
This module requires "strict" and
- "new(options)"
- Create a new PostScript::Simple object. The different options that can be
set are:
- units
- Units that are to be used in the file. Common units would be
"bp", and
"cm". Others are as used in TeX.
(Default: "bp")
- xsize
- Specifies the width of the drawing area in units.
- ysize
- Specifies the height of the drawing area in units.
- papersize
- The size of paper to use, if "xsize" or
"ysize" are not defined. This allows a
document to easily be created using a standard paper size without having
to remember the size of paper using PostScript points. Valid choices are
currently ""A3"",
""A5"", and
- landscape
- Use the landscape option to rotate the page by 90 degrees. The paper
dimensions are also rotated, so that clipping will still work. (Note that
the printer will still think that the paper is portrait.) (Default:
- copies
- Set the number of copies that should be printed. (Default: 1)
- clip
- If set to 1, the image will be clipped to the xsize and ysize. This is
most useful for an EPS image. (Default: 0)
- colour
- Specifies whether the image should be rendered in colour or not. If set to
0 (default) all requests for a colour are mapped to a greyscale. Otherwise
the colour requested with "setcolour" or
"line" is used. This option is present
because most modern laser printers are only black and white. (Default:
- eps
- Generate an EPS file, rather than a standard PostScript file. If set to 1,
no newpage methods will actually create a new page. This option is
probably the most useful for generating images to be imported into other
applications, such as TeX. (Default: 1)
- page
- Specifies the initial page number of the (multi page) document. The page
number is set with the Adobe DSC comments, and is used nowhere else. It
only makes finding your pages easier. See also the
"newpage" method. (Default: 1)
- coordorigin
- Defines the co-ordinate origin for each page produced. Valid arguments are
"RightBottom" and
"RightTop". The default is
- direction
- The direction the co-ordinates go from the origin. Values can be
"LeftUp" and
"LeftDown". The default value is
- reencode
- Requests that a font re-encode function be added and that the 13 standard
PostScript fonts get re-encoded in the specified encoding. The most
popular choice (other than undef) is 'ISOLatin1Encoding' which selects the
iso8859-1 encoding and fits most of western Europe, including the
Scandinavia. Refer to Adobes Postscript documentation for other encodings.
The output file is, by default, re-encoded to
ISOLatin1Encoding. To stop this happening, use 'reencode => undef'.
To use the re-encoded font, '-iso' must be appended to the names of the
fonts used, e.g. 'Helvetica-iso'.
$ref = new PostScript::Simple(landscape => 1,
eps => 0,
xsize => 4,
ysize => 3,
units => "in");
Create a document that is 4 by 3 inches and prints landscape on a
page. It is not an EPS file, and must therefore use the
"newpage" method.
$ref = new PostScript::Simple(eps => 1,
colour => 1,
xsize => 12,
ysize => 12,
units => "cm",
reencode => "ISOLatin1Encoding");
Create a 12 by 12 cm EPS image that is in colour. Note that
""eps => 1"" did not have to
be specified because this is the default. Re-encode the standard fonts into
the iso8859-1 encoding, providing all the special characters used in Western
Europe. The "newpage" method should not be
Unless otherwise specified, object methods return 1 for success or 0 in some
error condition (e.g. insufficient arguments). Error message text is also
drawn on the page.
- "newpage([number])"
- Generates a new page on a PostScript file. If specified,
"number" gives the number (or name) of
the page. This method should not be used for EPS files.
The page number is automatically incremented each time this is
called without a new page number, or decremented if the current page
number is negative.
will generate five pages, numbered: 1, 2, "hello",
-6, -7.
- "output(filename)"
- Writes the current PostScript out to the file named
"filename". Will destroy any existing
file of the same name.
Use this method whenever output is required to disk. The
current PostScript document in memory is not cleared, and can still be
- "get"
- Returns the current document.
Use this method whenever output is required as a scalar. The
current PostScript document in memory is not cleared, and can still be
- "geteps"
- Returns the current document as a PostScript::Simple::EPS object. Only
works if the current document is EPS.
This method calls new PostScript::Simple::EPS with all the
default options. To change these, call it yourself as below, rather than
using this method.
$eps = new PostScript::Simple::EPS(source => $ps->get);
- "setcolour((red, green, blue)|(name))"
- Sets the new drawing colour to the RGB values specified in
"green" and
"blue". The values range from 0 to 255.
Alternatively, a colour name may be specified. Those currently
defined are listed at the top of the PostScript::Simple module in the
%pscolours hash and include the standard
X-Windows colour names.
# set new colour to brown
# set new colour to black
- "setcmykcolour(cyan, magenta, yellow, black)"
- Sets the new drawing colour to the CMYK values specified in
"yellow} and
"black". The
values range from 0 to 1. Note that
PostScript::Simple does not do any colour management, so
the output colour (as also with
"setcolour") may
vary according to output device."
# set new colour to a shade of blue
$p->setcmykcolour(0.1, 0.5, 0, 0.2);
# set new colour to black
$p->setcmykcolour(0, 0, 0, 1);
# set new colour to a rich black
$p->setcmykcolour(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
- "setlinewidth(width)"
- Sets the new line width to "width"
# draw a line 10mm long and 4mm wide
$p = new PostScript::Simple(units => "mm");
$p->line(10,10, 20,10);
- "line(x1,y1, x2,y2 [,red, green, blue])"
- Draws a line from the co-ordinates (x1,x2) to (x2,y2). If values are
specified for "red",
"green" and
"blue", then the colour is set before
the line is drawn.
# set the colour to black
# draw a line in the current colour (black)
$p->line(10,10, 10,20);
# draw a line in red
$p->line(20,10, 20,20, 255,0,0);
# draw another line in red
$p->line(30,10, 30,20);
- "linextend(x,y)"
- Assuming the previous command was
"curve" or
"curvextend", extend that line to
include another segment to the co-ordinates (x,y). Behaviour after any
other method is unspecified.
$p->line(10,10, 10,20);
The "polygon" method may be
more appropriate.
- "arc([options,] x,y, radius, start_angle, end_angle)"
- Draws an arc on the circle of radius
"radius" with centre
The arc starts at angle "start_angle"
and finishes at "end_angle". Angles are
specified in degrees, where 0 is at 3 o'clock, and the direction of travel
is anti-clockwise.
Any options are passed in a hash reference as the first
parameter. The available option is:
- filled => 1
- If "filled" is 1 then the arc will be
filled in.
# semi-circle
$p->arc(10, 10, 5, 0, 180);
# complete filled circle
$p->arc({filled=>1}, 30, 30, 10, 0, 360);
- "polygon([options,] x1,y1, x2,y2, ..., xn,yn)"
- The "polygon" method is multi-function,
allowing many shapes to be created and manipulated. Polygon draws lines
from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) and then from (x2,y2) to (x3,y3) up to (xn-1,yn-1)
to (xn,yn).
Any options are passed in a hash reference as the first
parameter. The available options are as follows:
- rotate => angle =item rotate => [angle,x,y]
- Rotate the polygon by "angle" degrees
anti-clockwise. If x and y are specified then use the co-ordinate (x,y) as
the centre of rotation, otherwise use the co-ordinate (x1,y1) from the
main polygon.
- filled => 1
- If "filled" is 1 then the PostScript
output is set to fill the object rather than just draw the lines.
- offset => [x,y]
- Displace the object by the vector (x,y).
# draw a square with lower left point at (10,10)
$p->polygon(10,10, 10,20, 20,20, 20,10, 10,10);
# draw a filled square with lower left point at (20,20)
$p->polygon( {offset => [10,10], filled => 1},
10,10, 10,20, 20,20, 20,10, 10,10);
# draw a filled square with lower left point at (10,10)
# rotated 45 degrees (about the point (10,10))
$p->polygon( {rotate => 45, filled => 1},
10,10, 10,20, 20,20, 20,10, 10,10);
- "circle([options,] x,y, r)"
- Plot a circle with centre at (x,y) and radius of r.
There is only one option.
- filled => 1
- If "filled" is 1 then the PostScript
output is set to fill the object rather than just draw the lines.
$p->circle(40,40, 20);
$p->circle( {filled => 1}, 62,31, 15);
- "circletext([options,] x, y, r, a, text)"
- Draw text in an arc centered about angle
"a" with circle midpoint
and radius "r".
There is only one option.
- align => "alignment"
- "alignment" can be 'inside' or
'outside'. The default is 'inside'.
# outside the radius, centered at 90 degrees from the origin
$p->circletext(40, 40, 20, 90, "Hello, Outside World!");
# inside the radius centered at 270 degrees from the origin
$p->circletext( {align => "inside"}, 40, 40, 20, 270, "Hello, Inside World!");
- "box(x1,y1, x2,y2 [, options])"
- Draw a rectangle from lower left co-ordinates (x1,y1) to upper right
co-ordinates (y1,y2).
Options are:
- filled => 1
- If "filled" is 1 then fill the
$p->box(10,10, 20,30);
$p->box( {filled => 1}, 10,10, 20,30);
The "polygon" method is far more
flexible, but this method is quicker!
- "setfont(font, size)"
- Set the current font to the PostScript font
"font". Set the size in PostScript
points to "size".
This method must be called on every page before the
"text" method is used.
- "text([options,] x,y, string)"
- Plot text on the current page with the lower left co-ordinates at (x,y)
and using the current font. The text is specified in
Options are:
- align => "alignment"
- alignment can be 'left', 'centre' or 'right'. The default is 'left'.
- rotate => angle
- "rotate" degrees of rotation, defaults to 0 (i.e. no rotation).
The angle to rotate the text, in degrees. Centres about (x,y) and rotates
clockwise. (?). Default 0 degrees.
$p->setfont("Times-Roman", 12);
$p->text(40,40, "The frog sat on the leaf in the pond.");
$p->text( {align => 'centre'}, 140,40, "This is centered.");
$p->text( {rotate => 90}, 140,40, "This is rotated.");
$p->text( {rotate => 90, align => 'centre'}, 140,40, "This is both.");
- curve( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 )
- Create a curve from (x1, y1) to (x4, y4). (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) are the
control points for the start- and end-points respectively.
- curvextend( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 )
- Assuming the previous command was
"curve" or
"curvextend", extend that path with
another curve segment to the co-ordinates (x3, y3). (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
are the control points. Behaviour after any other method is
- newpath
- This method is used internally to begin a new drawing path - you should
generally NEVER use it.
- moveto( x, y )
- This method is used internally to move the cursor to a new point at (x, y)
- you will generally NEVER use this method.
- "importepsfile([options,] filename, x1,y1, x2,y2)"
- Imports an EPS file and scales/translates its bounding box to fill the
area defined by lower left co-ordinates (x1,y1) and upper right
co-ordinates (x2,y2). By default, if the co-ordinates have a different
aspect ratio from the bounding box, the scaling is constrained on the
greater dimension to keep the EPS fully inside the area.
Options are:
- overlap => 1
- If "overlap" is 1 then the scaling is
calculated on the lesser dimension and the EPS can overlap the area.
- stretch => 1
- If "stretch" is 1 then fill the entire
area, ignoring the aspect ratio. This option overrides
"overlap" if both are given.
# Assume smiley.eps is a round smiley face in a square bounding box
# Scale it to a (10,10)(20,20) box
$p->importepsfile("smiley.eps", 10,10, 20,20);
# Keeps aspect ratio, constrained to smallest fit
$p->importepsfile("smiley.eps", 10,10, 30,20);
# Keeps aspect ratio, allowed to overlap for largest fit
$p->importepsfile( {overlap => 1}, "smiley.eps", 10,10, 30,20);
# Aspect ratio is changed to give exact fit
$p->importepsfile( {stretch => 1}, "smiley.eps", 10,10, 30,20);
- "importeps(filename, x,y)"
- Imports a PostScript::Simple::EPS object into the current document at
position "(x,y)".
use PostScript::Simple;
# create a new PostScript object
$p = new PostScript::Simple(papersize => "A4",
colour => 1,
units => "in");
# create a new page
# create an eps object
$e = new PostScript::Simple::EPS(file => "test.eps");
# add eps to the current page
$p->importeps($e, 10,50);
- "err()"
- Returns the last error generated.
unless ($ps->setcolour("purplewithyellowspots")) {
print $ps->err();
# prints "bad colour name 'purplewithyellowspots'";
Some current functionality may not be as expected, and/or may not work
correctly. That's the fun with using code in development!
The PostScript::Simple module was created by Matthew Newton, with ideas and
suggestions from Mark Withall and many other people from around the world.
Please see the README file in the distribution for more
information about contributors.
Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Matthew C. Newton
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details, available at
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- Unterminated C<...> sequence
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