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Prima::Dialog::ImageDialog(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Prima::Dialog::ImageDialog(3) |
Prima::Dialog::ImageDialog - file open and save dialogs.
The module provides dialogs specially adjusted for image loading and saving.
Provides a preview feature, allowing the user to view the image file before
loading, and the selection of a frame index for the multi-framed image files.
Instead of "execute" call, the load method
is used to invoke the dialog and returns the loaded image as a
"Prima::Image" object. The loaded object by
default contains "{extras}" hash variable
set, which contains extra information returned by the loader. See
Prima::image-load for more information.
use Prima qw(Application Dialog::ImageDialog);
my $dlg = Prima::Dialog::ImageOpenDialog-> new;
my $img = $dlg-> load;
return unless $img;
print "$_:$img->{extras}->{$_}\n" for sort keys %{$img-> {extras}};
- preview BOOLEAN
- Selects if the preview functionality is active. The user can switch it on
and off interactively.
Default value: 1
- load %PROFILE
- Executes the dialog, and, if successful, loads the image file and frame
selected by the user. Returns the loaded image as a
"Prima::Image" object. PROFILE is a
hash, passed to "Prima::Image::load"
method. In particular, it can be used to disable the default loading of
extra information in "{extras}"
variable, or to specify a non-default loading option. For example,
"{extras}->{className} =
'Prima::Icon'" would return the loaded image as an icon
object. See Prima::image-load for more.
"load" can report
progressive image loading to the caller, and/or to an instance of
"Prima::ImageViewer", if desired. If
either (or both) "onHeaderReady" and
"onDataReady" notifications are
specified, these are called from the respective event handlers of the
image being loaded ( see "Loading with progress indicator" in
Prima::image-load for details). If profile key
"progressViewer" is supplied, its
value is treated as a
"Prima::ImageViewer" instance, and it
is used to display image loading progress. See
"watch_load_progress" in Prima::ImageViewer.
- HeaderReady IMAGE
- See "HeaderReady" in Prima::Image.
- See "DataReady" in Prima::Image.
Provides a save dialog where the user can select image format, the bit depth and
other format-specific options. The format-specific options can be set if a
dialog for the file format is provided. The standard toolkit dialogs reside
under in "Prima::Image" namespace, in
Prima/Image subdirectory. For example,
"Prima::Image::gif" provides the selection
of transparency color, and
"Prima::Image::jpeg" the image quality
control. If the image passed to the image property contains
"{extras}" variable, the data are read and
used as the default values. In particular,
"{extras}->-{codecID}" field, responsible
for the file format, if present, affects the default file format selection.
my $dlg = Prima::Dialog::ImageSaveDialog-> create;
return unless $dlg-> save( $image );
print "saved as ", $dlg-> fileName, "\n";
- image IMAGE
- Selects the image to be saved. This property is to be used for the
standard invocation of dialog, via
"execute". It is not needed when the
execution and saving is invoked via save method.
- Invokes the dialog, and, if the execution was successful, saves the IMAGE
according to the user selection and PROFILE hash. PROFILE is not used for
the default options, but is passed directly to
"Prima::Image::save" call, possibly
overriding selection of the user. Returns 1 in case of success, 0 in case
of error. If the error occurs, the user is notified before the method
Dmitry Karasik, <dmitry@karasik.eu.org>.
Prima, Prima::Window, Prima::codecs, Prima::image-load, Prima::Image,
Prima::Dialog::FileDialog, Prima::ImageViewer, examples/iv.pl.
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