Prima::Drawable::Subcanvas - paint a hierarchy of widgets to any drawable
Needed for painting a screenshot on an image, printer, etc. When loaded, it
aytomatically adds two methods to any Drawable: paint_with_widgets and
use Prima qw(Application Button);
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create;
$w->insert( 'Button' );
- paint_with_widgets $canvas, $x=0, $y=0
- Given a $canvas is in paint mode, traverses all
widgets as they are seen on screen, and paints them on the canvas with
given "$x,$y" offsets.
- screenshot $canvas, %opt
- Syntax sugar over the paint_with_widgets. Creates an image with the
$self's, size, and calls
"paint_with_widgets" with it. Returns
the screen shot.