NAMEProgress::Any - Record progress to any outputVERSIONThis document describes version 0.219 of Progress::Any (from Perl distribution Progress-Any), released on 2020-08-15.SYNOPSISExample of using in a script with terminal progress bar as output (progress bar will be cleared on "finish()"):use Progress::Any '$progress'; use Progress::Any::Output 'TermProgressBarColor'; $progress->target(10); for (1..10) { $progress->update(message => "Doing item $_"); sleep 1; } $progress->finish(); Sample output: % ./script.pl 60% [Doing item 6==== ]3s left Another example, this time with terminal message as output: use Progress::Any '$progress'; use Progress::Any::Output 'TermMessage', template => '[%n] %P/%T (%6.2p%%) %m'; $progress->target(10); for (1..10) { $progress->update(message => "Item $_/10"); sleep 1; } sleep 1; $progress->finish(message => "Finished!"); Sample output: % ./script.pl [] 1/10 ( 10.00%) Item 1/10 [] 2/10 ( 20.00%) Item 2/10 ... [] 10/10 (100.00%) Item 10/10 [] 10/10 (100.00%) Finished! Example of using in a module as well as script: # in lib/MyApp.pm package MyApp; use Progress::Any; sub download { my @urls = @_; return unless @urls; my $progress = Progress::Any->get_indicator( task => "download", pos=>0, target=>~~@urls); for my $url (@urls) { # download the $url ... $progress->update(message => "Downloaded $url"); } $progress->finish; } # in script.pl use MyApp; use Progress::Any::Output; Progress::Any::Output->set('TermProgressBarColor'); MyApp::download("url1", "url2", "url3", "url4", "url5"); Sample output: % ./script.pl 20% [====== Downloaded url1 ]0m00s Left Example that demonstrates multiple indicator objects: use Progress::Any; use Progress::Any::Output; my $pdl = Progress::Any->get_indicator(task => 'download'); Progress::Any::Output->set({task=>'download'}, 'TermMessage', template => '[%-8t] [%P/%2T] %m'); my $pcp = Progress::Any->get_indicator(task => 'copy'); Progress::Any::Output->set({task=>'copy' }, 'TermMessage', template => '[%-8t] [%P/%2T] %m'); $pdl->target(10); $pdl->update(message => "downloading A"); $pcp->update(message => "copying A"); sleep 1; $pdl->update(message => "downloading B"); $pcp->update(message => "copying B"); will show something like: [download] [1/10] downloading A [copy ] [1/ ?] copying A [download] [2/10] downloading B [copy ] [2/ ?] copying B Example of using with Perinci::CmdLineIf you use Perinci::CmdLine, you can mark your function as expecting a Progress::Any object and it will be supplied to you in a special argument "-progress":use File::chdir; use Perinci::CmdLine; $SPEC{check_dir} = { v => 1.1, args => { dir => {summary=>"Path to check", schema=>"str*", req=>1, pos=>0}, }, features => {progress=>1}, }; sub check_dir { my %args = @_; my $progress = $args{-progress}; my $dir = $args{dir}; (-d $dir) or return [412, "No such dir: $dir"]; local $CWD = $dir; opendir my($dh), $dir; my @ent = readdir($dh); $progress->pos(0); $progress->target(~~@ent); for (@ent) { # do the check ... $progress->update(message => $_); sleep 1; } $progress->finish; [200]; } Perinci::CmdLine->new(url => '/main/check_dir')->run; DESCRIPTION"Progress::Any" is an interface for applications that want to display progress to users. It decouples progress updating and output, rather similar to how Log::Any decouples log producers and consumers (output). The API is also rather similar to Log::Any, except Adapter is called Output and category is called task.Progress::Any records position/target and calculates elapsed time, estimated remaining time, and percentage of completion. One or more output modules (Progress::Any::Output::*) display this information. In your modules, you typically only need to use Progress::Any, get one or more indicators, set target and update it during work. In your application, you use Progress::Any::Output and set/add one or more outputs to display the progress. By setting output only in the application and not in modules, you separate the formatting/display concern from the logic. Screenshots: STATUSAPI might still change, will be stabilized in 1.0.The list of features:
EXPORTS$progress => OBJThe root indicator. Equivalent to:Progress::Any->get_indicator(task => '') ATTRIBUTESBelow are the attributes of an indicator/task:taskString. Default: from caller's package, or "main".Task name. If not specified will be set to caller's package ("::" will be replaced with "."), e.g. if you are calling this method from "Foo::Bar::baz()", then task will be set to "Foo.Bar". If caller is code inside eval, "main" will be used instead. titleString. Default: task name.Specify task title. Task title is a longer description for a task and can contain spaces and other characters. It is displayed in some outputs, as well as using %t in "fill_template()". For example, for a task called "copy", its title might be "Copying files to remote server". targetNon-negative number. Default: 0.The total number of items to finish. Can be set to undef to mean that we don't know (yet) how many items there are to finish (in which case, we cannot estimate percent of completion and remaining time). posNon-negative number. Default: 0.The number of items that are already done. It cannot be larger than "target", if "target" is defined. If "target" is set to a value smaller than "pos" or "pos" is set to a value larger than "target", "pos" will be changed to be "target". stateString. Default: "stopped".State of task/indicator. Either: "stopped", "started", or "finished". Initially it will be set to "stopped", which means elapsed time won't be running and will stay at 0. "update()" will set the state to "started" to get elapsed time to run. At the end of task, you can call "finish()" (or alternatively set "state" to "finished") to stop the elapsed time again. The difference between "stopped" and "finished" is: when "target" and "pos" are both at 0, percent completed is assumed to be 0% when state is "stopped", but 100% when state is "finished". METHODSget_indicatorUsage:Progress::Any->get_indicator(%args) => obj Get a progress indicator for a certain task. %args contain attribute values, at least "task" must be specified. Note that this module maintains a list of indicator singleton objects for each task (in %indicators package variable), so subsequent "get_indicator()" for the same task will return the same object. updateUsage:$progress->update(%args) Update indicator. Will also, usually, update associated output(s) if necessary. Arguments:
finishUsage:$progress->finish(%args) Equivalent to: $progress->update( ( pos => $progress->target ) x !!defined($progress->target), state => 'finished', %args, ); resetUsage:$progress->reset(%args) Equivalent to: $progress->update( pos => 0, state => 'started', %args, ); startUsage:$progress->start() Set state to "started". stopUsage:$progress->stop() Set state to "stopped". elapsedUsage:$progress->elapsed() => float Get elapsed time. Just like a stop-watch, when state is "started" elapsed time will run and when state is "stopped", it will freeze. remainingUsage:$progress->remaining() => undef|float Give estimated remaining time until task is finished, which will depend on how fast the "update()" is called, i.e. how fast "pos" is approaching "target". Will be undef if "target" is undef. total_remainingUsage:$progress->total_remaining() => undef|FLOAT Give estimated remaining time added by all its subtasks' remaining. Return undef if any one of those time is undef. total_posUsage:$progress->total_pos() => float Total of indicator's pos and all of its subtasks'. total_targetUsage:$progress->total_target() => undef|float Total of indicator's target and all of its subtasks'. Return undef if any one of those is undef. percent_completeUsage:$progress->percent_complete() => undef|float Give percentage of completion, calculated using "total_pos / total_target * 100". Undef if total_target is undef. fill_templateUsage:$progress->fill_template($template) => str Fill template with values, like in "sprintf()". Usually used by output modules. Available templates:
FAQENVIRONMENTPROGRESSBoolean. Default 1. Can be set to 0 to display progress output.HOMEPAGEPlease visit the project's homepage at <https://metacpan.org/release/Progress-Any>.SOURCESource repository is at <https://github.com/perlancar/perl-Progress-Any>.BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Progress-Any>When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSOProgress::Any::Examples distribution contains example scripts.Other progress modules on CPAN: Term::ProgressBar, Term::ProgressBar::Simple, Time::Progress, among others. Output modules: "Progress::Any::Output::*" See examples on how Progress::Any is used by other modules: Perinci::CmdLine (supplying progress object to functions), Git::Bunch (using progress object). AUTHORperlancar <perlancar@cpan.org>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSEThis software is copyright (c) 2020, 2018, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 by perlancar@cpan.org.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
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