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Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame(3)

"Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame" - a byte buffer storing the content of a CQL message frame

This class provides wire-protocol encoding and decoding support for constructing and parsing Cassandra CQL message frames. An object represents a buffer during construction or parsing.

To construct a message frame, create a new empty object and use the "pack_*" methods to append data to it, before eventually obtaining the actual frame bytes using "bytes". Each "pack_*" method returns the frame object, allowing them to be easily chained:

 my $bytes = Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame->new
    ->pack_short( 123 )
    ->pack_int( 45678 )
    ->pack_string( "here is the data" )

To parse a message frame, create a new object from the bytes in the message, and use the "unpack_*" methods to consume the values from it.

 my $frame = Protocol::CassandraCQL::Frame->new( $bytes );
 my $s   = $frame->unpack_short;
 my $i   = $frame->unpack_int;
 my $str = $frame->unpack_string;

Returns a new frame buffer, optionally initialised with the given byte string.

Returns the byte string currently in the buffer.

Add or remove a byte value.

Add or remove a short value.

Add or remove an int value.

Add or remove a string value.

Add or remove a long string value.

Add or remove a UUID as a plain 16-byte raw scalar

Add or remove a list of strings from or to an ARRAYref

Add or remove opaque bytes or "undef".

Add or remove opaque short bytes.

Add or remove an IPv4 or IPv6 address from or to a packed sockaddr string (such as returned from "pack_sockaddr_in" or "pack_sockaddr_in6".

Add or remove a string map from or to a HASH of strings.

Add or remove a string multimap from or to a HASH of ARRAYs of strings.

This code was paid for by
  • Perceptyx <>
  • Shadowcat Systems <>

Paul Evans <>
2022-04-08 perl v5.32.1

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