Pugs::Compiler::Grammar - Compiler for Perl 6 Grammars
use Pugs::Compiler::Grammar;
my $grammar = q{
grammar MyC;
token def {
<type> <?ws> <var_list> <?ws>? ';'
token type { int | float | double | char }
token var_list {
<ident>**{1} <?ws>? [ ',' <?ws>? <ident> ]*
grammar MyVB;
token def {
'Dim' <?ws> <MyC.var_list>
[ <?ws> 'As' <?ws> <MyC.type> ]? <?ws>? ';'
my $obj = Pugs::Compiler::Grammar->compile($grammar);
my $perl5 = $obj->perl5;
eval $perl5; die $@ if $@;
my $match = MyC->def("float foo;");
print "type: ", $match->{type}, "\n";
print "vars: ", $match->{var_list}, "\n";
$match = MyVB->def("Dim foo, bar;");
print "vars: ", $match->{'MyC.var_list'}, "\n";
- "$obj = Pugs::Compile::Grammar->compile($src)"
- Acts as contructor. Accepts a string containing the grammar specs and
returns a Pugs::Compiler::Grammar instance.
- "$perl5 = $obj->perl5()"
- Returns a string containing the Perl source for the grammars
The Pugs contributors <perl6-compiler@perl.org>.
Copyright 2007 by Agent Zhang and others.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
compile_p6grammar.pl, Pugs::Compiler::Regex, Pugs::Grammar::Rule,