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NAMEPugs::Runtime::Match - Match object created by rulesMETHODS* array- return the positional matches * hash - return both the named and positional (numbered) matches * str - return the stringified capture object. If there is no capture, return the matched substring * scalar - return the capture object If there is no capture, return the matched substring * bool - return whether there was a match * from - return the string position (a "Pugs::Runtime::StrPos" object) where the match started. * to - return the string position (a "Pugs::Runtime::StrPos" object) immediately after where the match finished. * from_as_codes * to_as_codes - same as "from"/"to" methods, but return perl5 integers. "Hash" methods* elems* kv * keys * values "Str" methods* charsOVERLOADS* $$match- return the capture object * $match->[$n] - return the positional matches * $match->{$n} - return the named matches * $match ? 1 : 0 - return whether there was a match Dumper methods* data- return the internal representation as a data structure. * perl - return the internal representation as Perl source code. * yaml - return the internal representation as YAML. Requires the "YAML::Syck" module. * dump_hs - for Pugs interoperability SEE ALSO"v6" on CPANAUTHORSThe Pugs Team <perl6-compiler@perl.org>.COPYRIGHTCopyright 2006 by Flavio Soibelmann Glock and others.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>