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RCX(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
RCX(3) |
use LOGO::RCX;
$rcx = new LEGO::RCX();
# Turn motor A on for 10 seconds, then turn
# it off
$rcx->motorOn( "A" );
sleep( 10 );
$rcx->motorOff( "A" );
This module allows one to communicate with the Lego MindStorms(R) RCX brick from
a workstation through the IR tower.
The internals of this module are based of the rcx.tcl by
Peter Pletcher <peterp@autobahn.org> and Laurent Demailly
<L@Demailly.com>. I have hower made my external interface to this
module OO based, and changed the way a few things are done.
Without there tcl module I would have never been able to complete
this in a timely manner. Thanks guys.
- ping() or alive()
- Check to see if RCX is on and responding. A defined value on the return
means it is alive, an undef means it is not alive.
- motorOn( motors )
- Turns motor(s) on
Motors are specifed in string format
eg: "A"
eg: "bc"
- motorOff( motors )
- Turns motor(s) off
Motors are specifed in string format
eg: "A"
eg: "bc"
- motorFloat( motors )
- Floats motor(s) output
Motors are specifed in string format
eg: "A"
eg: "bc"
- motorPower( motors, power )
- Sets the motors power to value from 0-7
Motors are specifed in string format
eg: "A"
eg: "bc"
- motorDir( motors, direction
- Sets the motors direction which can be "forward",
"reverse", or "toggle"
Motors are specifed in string format
eg: "A"
eg: "bc"
- beep( sound );
- Plays on of the following sounds
0 Blip
1 Beep beep
2 Downward tones
3 Upward tones
4 Low buzz
5 Fast upward tones
- tone( frequence, duration )
- Plays a tone of a specific frequency for a length of duration
frequency is in Hz and duration is in 1/100th of a second.
- display( display )
- Selects the display for the RCX.
The valid display values are:
0 Watch
1 Sensor 1
2 Sensor 2
3 Sensor 3
4 Motor A
5 Motor B
6 Motor C
- powerOff()
- Powers the RCX off.
- powerDelay( delay )
- Sets the power off delay time for the RCX. The delay is measured in
minutes. A 0 value tells the RCX to never power off, and vuture
powerOff() calls will fail.
- program( program_number )
- Sets the RCX to be on the specified program number. The valid
program_number values ares 1-5.
- watch( hour, minutes)
- Sets the RCX's watch to hour house and minute mintutes. hour is 0-23 and
minutes is 0-59.
- messageSet( message )
- Set a message in the RCX. Valid message values are 0-255.
- start( task|name ) || start()
- Starts a specific task running. If no task is specified it defaults to
task 0. Valid task values are 0-9.
If the loadNQClist method has been called then you can
specify a task name
- stop( task|name ) || stop();
- Stops a specific task. If no task is specified it will stop all running
If the loadNQClist method has been called then you can
specify a task name
- call( subnumber|name )
- Call a subroutine.
If the loadNQClist method has been called then you can
specify a subroutine name.
- clearTimer( timer )
- This will clear the selected RCX timer. The timer values are from
- clearSensor( sensor_number )
- This will clear the counter associated with sensor_number sensor.
- setSensorType( sensor_number, sensor_type )
- This will set the sensor sensor_number's type to sensor_type. The type
value can be any one of the following.
- setSensorMode( sensor_number, sensor_mode, [ slope ] )
- This will set the sensor sensor_number's mode to sensor_mode, with said
slope. If slope is omited it defaults to 0. This is like NQC.
The mode value can be any one of the following.
- setSensor( sensor_number, sensor_kind )
- This will set the sensor sensor_number's kind to sensor_kind. This is like
the NQC function SetSensor.
The kind value can be any one of the following.
- getReg( register ) | getVar( variable )
- Get the value of a variable/register (the same thing) in the RCX. The
register/variable can be from 0-31.
If the loadNQClist method has been called then you can
specify a variable name instead of a number.
- setReg( register, value ) | setVar( variable, value );
- Set the value of a variable/register (the same thing) in the RCX to value.
The register/variable can be from 0-31.
If the loadNQClist method has been called then you can
specify a variable name instead of a number.
- addReg( register, value ) | addVar( register, value )
- Add value to a register and store back in register.
- subReg( register, value ) | subVar( register, value )
- Subtract value from a register and store back in register.
- mulReg( register, value ) | mulVar( register, value )
- Multiply value to a register and store back in register.
- divReg( register, value ) | divVar( register, value )
- Divide value into a register and store back in register.
- andReg( register, value ) | andVar( register, value )
- And value with a register and store back in register.
- orReg( register, value ) | orVar( register, value )
- Or value with a register and store back in register.
- getSensor( sensor_number )
- Get value of a sensor sensor_number. sensor_number can be 1-3.
- getSensorType( sensor_number )
- Get type of a sensor sensor_number. sensor_number can be 1-3.
- getSensorMode( sensor_number )
- Get mode of a sensor sensor_number. sensor_number can be 1-3.
- getSensorRaw( sensor_number )
- Get raw value of a sensor sensor_number. sensor_number can be 1-3.
- getSensorBool( sensor_number )
- Get boolean value of a sensor sensor_number. sensor_number can be
- setTXRange( range )
- Set the Transmit range of the RCX. Ranges are eithor "short" or
- deleteAllTasks()
- Delete all tasks in current program
- deleteTask( task )
- Delete <task> task in current program.
If the loadNQClist method has been called then you can
specify a task name.
- deleteAllSubs()
- Delete a subroutines in current program
- deleteSub( sub )
- Delete all subroutines in current program
If the loadNQClist method has been called then you can
specify a subroutine name.
- getBattery()
- Returns the battery voltage in volts.
- getVersion()
- Returns the version of the ROM and Firmware in the following order. (
$ROMMajor, $ROMMinor,
$FIRMMajor, $FIRMMinor
- setCommTimeout( timeout )
- Sets the timeout in seconds for all commands sent to the RCX. Default is 2
- uploadDatalog()
- Returns an array of the datalog. Each item in the data log has two
elements in the array. The first is the type of data being loged, and the
second is the value of the data. The different types are listed as follows
(taken from http://graphics.stanford.edu/~kekoa/rcx/opcodes.html
Variable value (source 0, variables 0..31)
Timer value (source 1, timers 0..3)
Sensor reading (source 9, sensors 0..2)
Clock reading (source 14)
- loadNQClist( nqc_list_file_name )
- This method will read in a list file produced by nqc version 2.0. It
parses out the variable, task, and subrouting information to allow you to
use names in the related calls instead of just the numbers. This will also
allow the fredom to move things around with out impacting the code.
I have developed this software under Linux. I know it works there.
John C. Quillan quillan@cox.net
01/29/2000 VER 0.5 First Version
02/04/2000 VER 0.6 Removed some commented code
Added posix serial code.
02/06/2000 VER 0.7 Added the alive/ping method
Added the time out for communications.
Added the setCommTimeout method
Added the uploadDatalog method
02/22/2000 VER 0.8 Fixed wrong named method in NQC translation
Added getVersion
Added clearSensor
Started sensor config code
Moved package RCX to Lego::RCX
Made a real perl module with Makefile.PL
Added div,mul,add,sub,and,or
Added setTXRange
Added deleteAllTasks and deleteAllSubs
Added deleteTask and deleteSub
02/29/2000 VER 0.9 Moved package from Lego::RCX to LEGO::RCX
Added setSensor, setSensorMode, setSensorType
Fixed / 1000 bug in getReg.
Fixed bug in pattern matches that was not catching
0x0a characters. Now a single line match.
04/16/2000 VER 1.00 Clean up source a little bit.
Made README more descriptive for CPAN users.
Fixed some typo in the pod documentation for the
usage. Sorry for any problems this may have
Fixed a typo in the warning.
Added a few samples to start off with
Visit the GSP FreeBSD Man Page Interface. Output converted with ManDoc.