RDF::Core::Model - RDF model
my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
my $model = new RDF::Core::Model (Storage => $storage);
my $subject = new RDF::Core::Resource('http://www.gingerall.cz/employees/Jim');
my $predicate = $subject->new('http://www.gingerall.cz/rdfns#name');
my $object = new RDF::Core::Literal('Jim Brown');
my $statement = new RDF::Core::Statement($subject, $predicate, $object);
print "Model contains ".$model->countStmts."statement(s).\n"
Model provides interface to store RDF statements, ask about them and retrieve
them back.
- •
- new(%options)
$options is a hash reference,
available options are
- •
- Storage
a reference to a RDF::Core::Storage implementation
- getOptions
- setOptions(\%options)
- addStmt($statement)
Add RDF::Core::Statement instance to Model, unless it already
exists there.
- removeStmt($statement)
Remove statement from Model, if it's there.
- existsStmt($subject,$predicate,$object)
Check if statement exists, that matches given mask. Parameters
can be undefined, every value matches undefined parameter.
- countStmts($subject,$predicate,$object)
Count matching statements.
- getStmts($subject,$predicate,$object)
Retrieve matching statements. Returns RDF::Core::Enumerator
- getObjects($subject, $predicate)
Return a reference to an array keeping all objects, that are
values of specified $predicate for given
- getContainerObjects($container)
Return a reference to an array keeping all objects, that are
members of the $container. Objects are
This package is subject to the MPL (or the GPL alternatively).
Ginger Alliance, rdf@gingerall.cz
RDF::Core::Statement, RDF::Core::Storage, RDF::Core::Serializer,
RDF::Core::Parser, RDF::Core::Enumerator