RDF::Core::NodeFactory - produces literals and resources, generates labels for
anonymous resources
require RDF::Core::NodeFactory;
my $factory = new RDF::Core::NodeFactory(BaseURI=>'http://www.foo.org/');
my $resource = $factory->newResource('http://www.foo.org/pages');
#get the same uri:
my $absolutizedResource = $factory->newResource('/pages');
#anonymous resource
my $generatedResource = $factory->newResource;
NodeFactory generates RDF graph nodes - literals and resources. The resources'
URIs are expanded against base uri (BaseURI option) to their absolute forms
using URI module. NodeFactory can generate unique 'anonymous' resources.
- •
- new(%options)
Available options are:
- BaseURI
When NodeFactory generates a resource from relative URI,
BaseURI is used to obtain absolute URI. BaseURI must be absolute.
Default value is 'uri:'.
- GenPrefix, GenCounter
Is used to generate bNode label (an anonymous resource).
Default values are '_:a' for GenPrefix and 0 for GenCounter. Resulting
label is concatenation of GenPrefix and GenCounter.
- getOptions
- setOptions(\%options)
- newLiteral($value)
- newResource($namespace, $localValue)
- newResource($uri)
- newResource
This package is subject to the MPL (or the GPL alternatively).
Ginger Alliance, rdf@gingerall.cz
URI, RDF::Core::Resource, RDF::Core::Literal