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FreeBSD Library Functions Manual |
rpcb_getmaps , rpcb_getaddr ,
rpcb_gettime , rpcb_rmtcall ,
rpcb_set , rpcb_unset —
library routines for RPC bind service
Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
rpcblist *
rpcb_getmaps (const
struct netconfig *netconf,
const char *host);
rpcb_getaddr (const
rpcprog_t prognum, const
rpcvers_t versnum, const
struct netconfig *netconf,
struct netbuf *svcaddr,
const char *host);
rpcb_gettime (const
char *host, time_t *
enum clnt_stat
rpcb_rmtcall (const
struct netconfig *netconf,
const char *host,
const rpcprog_t prognum,
const rpcvers_t versnum,
const rpcproc_t procnum,
const xdrproc_t inproc,
const caddr_t in,
const xdrproc_t outproc,
const caddr_t out,
const struct timeval
tout, const struct netbuf
rpcb_set (const
rpcprog_t prognum, const
rpcvers_t versnum, const
struct netconfig *netconf,
const struct netbuf
rpcb_unset (const
rpcprog_t prognum, const
rpcvers_t versnum, const
struct netconfig *netconf);
These routines allow client C programs to make procedure calls to the RPC binder
service. (see
maintains a list of mappings between programs and their universal addresses.
rpcb_getmaps ()
- An interface to the rpcbind service, which returns a list of the current
RPC program-to-address mappings on host. It uses the
transport specified through netconf to contact the
remote rpcbind service on host. This routine will
NULL , if the remote rpcbind could not be
rpcb_getaddr ()
- An interface to the rpcbind service, which finds the address of the
service on host that is registered with program
number prognum, version
versnum, and speaks the transport protocol
associated with netconf. The address found is
returned in svcaddr. The
svcaddr argument should be preallocated. This
routine returns
TRUE if it succeeds. A return
value of FALSE means that the mapping does not
exist or that the RPC system failed to contact the remote rpcbind service.
In the latter case, the global variable
rpc_createerr (see
contains the RPC status.
rpcb_gettime ()
- This routine returns the time on host in
timep. If host is
NULL , rpcb_gettime ()
returns the time on its own machine. This routine returns
TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE
if it fails. The rpcb_gettime () function can be
used to synchronize the time between the client and the remote
rpcb_rmtcall ()
- An interface to the rpcbind service, which instructs rpcbind on
host to make an RPC call on your behalf to a
procedure on that host. The
netconfig () structure
should correspond to a connectionless transport. The
svcaddr argument will be modified to the server's
address if the procedure succeeds (see rpc_call ()
and clnt_call () in
for the definitions of other arguments).
This procedure should normally be used for a
“ping” and nothing else. This routine allows programs to
do lookup and call, all in one step.
Note: Even if the server is not running
rpcb_rmtcall () does not return any error
messages to the caller. In such a case, the caller times out.
Note: rpcb_rmtcall () is only available
for connectionless transports.
rpcb_set ()
- An interface to the rpcbind service, which establishes a mapping between
the triple [prognum, versnum,
netconf->nc_netid] and
svcaddr on the machine's rpcbind service. The value
of nc_netid must correspond to a network identifier
that is defined by the netconfig database. This routine returns
TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE
otherwise. (See also svc_reg () in
If there already exists such an entry with rpcbind,
rpcb_set () will fail.
rpcb_unset ()
- An interface to the rpcbind service, which destroys the mapping between
the triple [prognum, versnum,
netconf->nc_netid] and the address on the
machine's rpcbind service. If netconf is
NULL , rpcb_unset ()
destroys all mapping between the triple [prognum,
versnum, all-transports] and
the addresses on the machine's rpcbind service. This routine returns
TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE
otherwise. Only the owner of the service or the super-user can destroy the
mapping. (See also svc_unreg () in
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