NAMERT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition - Require core fields and ticket custom fields on status transitionsRT VERSIONWorks with RT 4.4, 5.0RT 4.0 and 4.2 are now end-of-life, so compatibility with newer versions of this extension is unknown. DESCRIPTIONThis RT extension enforces that certain fields have values before tickets are explicitly moved to or from specified statuses. If you list custom fields which must have a value before a ticket is resolved, those custom fields will automatically show up on the "Resolve" page. The reply/comment won't be allowed until a value is provided.See the configuration example under "INSTALLATION". Supported fieldsThis extension only enforces mandatory-ness on defined status transitions. It also supports defining mandatory fields when transitioning a ticket from one queue to another.Basics Currently the following are supported:
A larger set of basic fields may be supported in future releases. If you'd like to see additional fields added, please email your request to the bug address at the bottom of this documentation. Custom fields Ticket custom fields of all types are supported. CAVEATSCustom field validation (Input must match [Mandatory])The custom fields enforced by this extension are validated by the standard RT rules. If you've set Validation patterns for your custom fields, those will be checked before mandatory-ness is checked. Setting a CFs Validation to "(?#Mandatory)." will not magically make it enforced by this extension.Not all pages where you can change status are supportedSelfService, for example. See "TODO" for others.On 4.0, Basics and Jumbo are not supported because they do not have the needed code, which is present in 4.2. Multiple-entry CFs do not play well with "must_be" and "must_not_be"The "must_be" and "must_not_be" configurations are currently not well-defined for multiply-valued CFs. At current, only their first value is validated against the configured whitelist or blacklist.INSTALLATION
CONFIGURATIONTo define which fields should be mandatory on certain status changes (either globally or in a specific queue) use the %MandatoryOnTransition config option. This option takes the generic form of:Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, 'QueueName' => { 'from -> to' => [ 'BasicField', 'CF.MyField', 'CustomRole.MyRole' ], }, ); "from" and "to" are expected to be valid status names. "from" may also be "*" which will apply to any status and also tickets about to be created with status "to". If you need to express rules that apply only on ticket creation and not on updates, you can use the special "from" value of '__CREATE__'. For example, Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, 'MyQueue' => { '__CREATE__ -> open' => [ 'CF.MyField1' ], '* -> open' => [ 'CF.MyField2', 'CF.MyField3' ], }, ); would require "CF.MyField1" on ticket creation and "CF.MyField2" and "CF.MyField3" on any other transition to "open". The fallback for queues without specific rules is specified with '*' where the queue name would normally be. Requiring Any ValueBelow is an example which requires 1) time worked and filling in a custom field named Resolution before resolving tickets in the Helpdesk queue and 2) a Category selection before resolving tickets in every other queue.Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, Helpdesk => { '* -> resolved' => ['TimeWorked', 'CF.Resolution', 'CustomRole.Analyst'], }, '*' => { '* -> resolved' => ['CF.Category'], }, ); The transition syntax is similar to that found in RT's Lifecycles. See "perldoc /opt/rt5/etc/RT_Config.pm". Requiring role valuesYou can require any core or custom role on a RT::Ticket object, below is an example of requiring a custom role "customer" be set on transition from open and the owner also be set for the ticket on transition from a status of open.Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, 'General' => { '* -> resolved' => ['CustomRole.customer', 'Owner'], }, ); Role Membership in a GroupRoles can require the members of the role to also be a member of a group before satisfying to mandatory condition. Below we require that the Owner role be set and that the member it is set to is a member of the group 'SupportReps' or 'Admins'.Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, 'General' => { 'open -> *' => ['Owner'], 'Owner' => { transition => 'open -> *', group => ['SupportReps', 'Admins'] }, } ); Restrictions on Queue TransitionsThe default behavior for "MandatoryOnTransition" operates on status transitions, so a change from "new" to "open" or from "open" to "resolved". It also supports making fields mandatory when transitioning from one queue to another. To define fields that are required when changing the queue for a ticket, add an entry to the configuration like this:Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, Helpdesk => { 'Engineering' => ['CF.Category'], }, ); The key is the destination queue and the values are the mandatory fields. In this case, before a user can move a ticket from the Helpdesk queue to the Engineering queue, they must provide a value for Category, possibly something like "bug" or "feature request". Note that this configuration makes the most sense if the custom fields are applied to both queues. Otherwise the users on the destination queue won't be able to see the required values. Requiring or Restricting Specific ValuesSometimes you want to restrict a transition if a field has a specific value (maybe a ticket can't be resolved if System Status = down) or require a specific value to to allow a transition (ticket can't be resolved unless a problem was fixed). To enforce specific values, you can add the following:Set( %MandatoryOnTransition, Helpdesk => { '* -> resolved' => ['TimeWorked', 'CF.Resolution', 'CF.System Status'], 'CF.Resolution' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_be => ['fixed', 'not an issue'] }, 'CF.System Status' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_not_be => ['reduced', 'down']} }, ); This will then enforce both that the value is set and that it either has one of the required values on the configured transition or does not have one of the restricted values. Note that you need to specify the transition the rule applies to since a given queue configuration could have multiple transition rules. $ShowAllCustomFieldsOnMandatoryUpdateBy default, this extension shows only the mandatory fields on the update page to make it easy for users to fill them out when completing an action. If you would like to show all custom fields rather than just the mandatory ones, use this configuration option. You can set it like this:Set($ShowAllCustomFieldsOnMandatoryUpdate, 1); IMPLEMENTATION DETAILSIf you're just using this module on your own RT instance, you should stop reading now. You don't need to know about the implementation details unless you're writing a patch against this extension.Package variables
If you're looking to add support for other core fields, you'll need to push into @CORE_SUPPORTED and possibly @CORE_TICKET. You'll also need to add a pair to %CORE_FOR_UPDATE and/or %CORE_FOR_CREATE. MethodsRequiredFieldsReturns three array refs of required fields for the described status transition. The first is core fields, the second is CF names, the third is roles. Returns empty array refs on error or if nothing is required. A fourth returned parameter is a hashref of must-have values for custom fields. The fifth parameter is a hashref of groups a role member must be in. Takes a paramhash with the keys Ticket, Queue, From, and To. Ticket should be an object. Queue should be a name. From and To should be statuses. If you specify Ticket, only To is otherwise necessary. If you omit Ticket, From, To, and Queue are all necessary. The first transition found in the order below is used: from -> to * -> to from -> * CheckMandatoryFields Pulls core and custom mandatory fields from the configuration and checks that they have a value set before transitioning to the requested status. Accepts a paramhash of values: ARGSRef => Reference to Mason ARGS Ticket => ticket object being updated Queue => Queue object for the queue in which a new ticket is being created From => Ticket status transitioning from To => Ticket status transitioning to Works for both create, where no ticket exists yet, and update on an existing ticket. ARGSRef is required for both. For create, you must also pass Queue, From, and To. In this case, the From status should be the special flag value of '__CREATE__'. Update requires only Ticket and To since From can be fetched from the ticket object. Config Takes a queue name. Returns a hashref for the given queue (possibly using the fallback rules) which contains keys of transitions and values of arrayrefs of fields. You shouldn't need to use this directly. TODO
AUTHORBest Practical Solutions, LLC <modules@bestpractical.com>BUGSAll bugs should be reported via email toL<bug-RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition@rt.cpan.org|mailto:bug-RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition@rt.cpan.org> or via the web at L<rt.cpan.org|http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition>. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis software is Copyright (c) 2012-2020 by Best Pracical Solutions, LLC.This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
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