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Reaction::Class(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Reaction::Class(3)


  • Catalyst
  • Reaction::Manual

(will properly format and stuff later. no time right now)

"use"ing "Reaction::Class" will alias the current package name see aliased.

    package MyApp::Pretty::Picture

    # Picture expands to 'MyApp::Pretty::Picture'
    class Picture, which { ...

Will make your attributes lazy and required, if they are not set they will default to the value returned by "&build_$attrname"

    has created_d => (isa => 'DateTime', set_or_lazy_build('created_d') );
    sub build_created_d{ DateTime->now }

Will make your attributes lazy and required, if they are not set and their accessor is called an exception will be thrown

Create attributes in the local class that mirror the specified @attrs in $from_class

Sugary class declaration, will create a a package $name with an optional base class of $superclass. The class declaration, should be placed inside the brackets using "implements" to declare a method and "has" to declare an attribute.

Alias to "with" for the current package, see "Moose::Role"

Only valid whithin a class block, allows you to declare a method for the class.

    implements 'current_date' => as { DateTime->today };

  • Matt S. Trout
  • K. J. Cheetham
  • Guillermo Roditi
  • Justin Hunter
  • Jess Robinson (Documentation)
  • Kaare Rasmussen (Documentation)
  • Andres N. Kievsky (Documentation)
  • Robert Sedlacek (Documentation)


Ionzero <> sponsored the writing of the Reaction::Manual::Tutorial, Reaction::Manual::Overview and Reaction::Manual::Widgets documentations as well as improvements to Reaction::Manual::Intro and many API documentation improvements throughout the project.

This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2011-03-05 perl v5.32.1

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