Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::DeleteAll - Delete All action
Provides a "delete_all" action, which sets up
an Action Viewport by calling "action_for"
on either the object located in the
"collection" slot of the
"stash" or on the object returned by the
method "get_collection".
package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
use base 'Reaction::Controller';
use Reaction::Class;
__PACKAGE__->config( action => {
delete_all => { Chained => 'base' },
} );
sub base :Chained('/base') :CaptureArgs(0) {
sub on_delete_all_apply_callback{ #optional callback
my($self, $c, $vp, $result) = @_;
sub on_delete_all_close_callback{ #optional callback
my($self, $c, $vp) = @_;
This role also consumes the following roles:
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Simple
The following methods must be provided by the consuming class:
- "get_collection"
- "make_context_closure"
Chain endpoint with no args, sets up the viewport with the appropriate action.
If the methods
"on_delete_all_apply_callback" and
"on_delete_all_close_callback" are present
in the consuming class, they will be used as callbacks in the viewport.
Extends to set the "delete_all" key in the map
to Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action
- Reaction::UI::Controller
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::GetCollection
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Simple
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::List
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::View
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Object
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Create
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Update
- Reaction::UI::Controller::Role::Action::Delete
See Reaction::Class for authors.
See Reaction::Class for the license.
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained
- Around line 81:
- Unknown directive: =over4
- Around line 83:
- '=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 91:
- Unknown directive: =over4
- Around line 93:
- '=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 115:
- Unknown directive: =over4
- Around line 117:
- '=item' outside of any '=over'