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NAMEReaction::UI::ViewPort::Action - Provide user with a form with OK, Apply and Close.SYNOPSIS$controller->push_viewport('Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action', model => $interface_model_action, field_order => [qw( firstname lastname )], excluded_fields => [qw( password )], ); DESCRIPTIONThis subclass of Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Object::Mutable is used for rendering a complete form supporting Apply, Close and OK.ATTRIBUTESmessagemodelInherited from Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Object::Mutable. Must be a Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action.Also handles "error_message" and "has_error_message" methods. methodpost / getchangedReturns true if a field has been edited.METHODScan_applyReturns true if no field "needs_sync" and the "model" "can_apply".do_applyDelegates to "do_apply" on the "model", which is a Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action.sync_action_from_fieldsFirstly calls "sync_to_action" on every Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Field::Mutable in fields. Then it calls "sync_all" on the Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action in "model". Next it will call "sync_from_action" on every field to repopulate them from the "model".SUBCLASSINGpackage MyApp::UI::ViewPort::Action; use Reaction::Class; use MooseX::Types::Moose qw( Int ); use namespace::clean -except => 'meta'; extends 'Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Action'; has render_timestamp => ( is => 'ro', isa => Int, default => sub { time }, required => 1, ); has '+field_order' => (default => sub {[qw( firstname lastname )]}); 1; SEE ALSOReaction::UI::ViewPortReaction::UI::ViewPort::Object Reaction::UI::ViewPort::Object::Mutable Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::Role::Apply Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::Role::Close Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::Role::OK AUTHORSSee Reaction::Class for authors.LICENSESee Reaction::Class for the license.