Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect - An Expect like module for Net::SSH2
This is a module to have expect like features for Net::SSH2. This is the first
version of this module. Please report bugs at GitHub
use Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect;
my $exp = Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect->new($ssh2);
$exp->expect($timeout, [
qr/Enter new UNIX password:/ => sub {
my ($exp, $line) = @_;
qr/Retype new UNIX password:/ => sub {
my ($exp, $line) = @_;
qr/passwd: password updated successfully/ => sub {
my ($exp, $line) = @_;
Constructor: You need to parse an connected Net::SSH2 Object.
Log everything to a file. $file can be a filename, a
filehandle or a subRef.
Spawn $command with @parameters
as parameters.
Currently only an alias to hard_close();
Stops the execution of the process.
This method controls the execution of your process.
Send a string to the running command.