NAMESMS::Send::DeviceGsm - An SMS::Send driver for Device::Gsm.SYNOPSISmy $sender = SMS::Send->new('DeviceGsm', _baudrate => '19200', _port => '/dev/ttyS1', ); # Send a message to ourself my $sent = $sender->send_sms( text => 'Messages have a limit of 160 chars', to => '+61 4 444 444', ); # Did it send? if ( $sent ) { print "Sent test message\n"; } else { print "Test message failed\n"; } DESCRIPTIONSMS::Send::DeviceGsm is an SMS::Send driver that uses Device::Gsm to deliver messages via attached hardware.You provide the hardware port and the baudrate to use. Consult Device::Gsm for further information on what devices and baudrates are supported. DisclaimerThe authors of this driver take no responsibility for any costs accrued on your phone bill by using this module.Using this driver will cost you money. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED METHODS"new"# Create a new sender using this driver my $sender = SMS::Send->new( 'DeviceGsm', _baudrate => '19200', _port => '/dev/ttyS1', ); The "new" constructor takes two parameters, which should be passed through from the SMS::Send constructor. The params are driver-specific for now, until SMS::Send adds a standard set of params for specifying the login and password.
Returns a new "SMS::Send::DeviceGsm" object, or dies on error. "send_sms"# Send a message to a particular address my $result = $sender->send_sms( text => 'This is a test message', to => '+61 4 1234 5678', ); The "send_sms" method sends a standard text SMS message to a destination phone number. SUPPORTBugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=SMS-Send-DeviceGsm> For other issues, contact the author. AUTHORChris Williams <chris@bingosnet.co.uk<gt>LICENSECopyright © Chris WilliamsThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Additionally, you are again reminded that this software comes with no warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the implied warranty of merchantability. ANY use may result in charges on your phone bill, and you should use this software with care. The author takes no responsibility for any such charges accrued. SEE ALSOSMS::SendDevice::Gsm
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