SOAP::Transport::JABBERThis class provides a Jabber-based transport backend for SOAP::Lite.This class uses the Net::Jabber classes to abstract the Jabber protocol away from the direct notice of the application. Besides maintaining any needed objects internally, the package also uses a separate class as a proxy between communication layers, SOAP::Transport::JABBER::Query. The Jabber support provides both client and server classes. SOAP::Transport::JABBER::ClientInherits from: SOAP::Client, Net::Jabber::Client. This class provides localized implementations for both the new and send_receive methods, neither of which are changed in terms of interface. The only difference is that the send_receive method doesn't directly use the action hash key on the input it receives. In addition to these two basic methods, the server class overrides the endpoint method it would otherwise inherit from SOAP::Client:
SOAP::Transport::JABBER::ServerInherits from: SOAP::Server.The server class provided for Jabber support defines a slightly different interface to the constructor. The server manages the Jabber communication by means of an internal Net::Jabber::Client instance. In a fashion similar to that used by SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon, the server class catches methods that are meant for the Jabber client and treats them as if the class inherits directly from that class, without actually doing so. In doing so, the handle method is implemented as a frontend to the Process method of the Jabber client class. The difference in the interface to the constructor is:
BUGSThis module is currently unmaintained, so if you find a bug, it's yours - you probably have to fix it yourself. You could also become maintainer - just send an email to mkutter@cpan.orgAUTHORSPaul Kulchenko (paulclinger@yahoo.com)Randy J. Ray (rjray@blackperl.com) Byrne Reese (byrne@majordojo.com) Martin Kutter (martin.kutter@fen-net.de)
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