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NAMESPOPS::Iterator::LDAP - Implementation of SPOPS::Iterator for SPOPS::LDAPSYNOPSISmy $iter = My::SPOPS->fetch_iterator({ skip_security => 1, filter => '&(objectclass=person)(mail=chris*)' }); while ( my $person = $iter->get_next ) { print "Item ", $iter->position, ": $person->{first_name}: $person->{mail}", " (", $iter->is_first, ") (", $iter->is_last, ")\n"; } DESCRIPTIONThis is an implementation of the "SPOPS::Iterator" interface -- for usage guidelines please see the documentation for that module. The methods listed here are for SPOPS developers (versus SPOPS users).METHODSinitialize()Store the Net::LDAP::Message object so we can peel off one record at a time, along with the various other pieces of information. fetch_object() Peel off a record, see if it fits in our min/max requirements and if this user can see it. If so return, otherwise try again. finish() Just clear out the "Net::LDAP::Message" object. SEE ALSOSPOPS::IteratorSPOPS::LDAP Net::LDAP COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2001-2004 Marketing Service Northwest, GmbH. All rights reserved.This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHORSChris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>