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NAMESPOPS::Secure::Util - Common utilities for SPOPS::Secure and subclassesSYNOPSISmy $levels = SPOPS::Secure::Util->parse_object_into_hashref( \@security_objects ); print "Given security from objects:\n", "USER: $levels->{ SEC_SCOPE_USER() }\n", "WORLD: $levels->{ SEC_SCOPE_WORLD() }\n"; "GROUP [ID/LEVEL]: "; print join( ' ', map { "[$_/$levels->{ SEC_SCOPE_GROUP() }{ $_ }" } keys %{ $levels->{ SEC_SCOPE_GROUP() } } ); # Not sure if $item is class or object? sub somesub { my ( $item, $params ) = @_; my ( $object_class, $object_id ) = SPOPS::Secure::Util->find_class_and_oid( $item, $params ); } DESCRIPTIONCommon utility methods for security tasks.METHODSAll methods are class methods.parse_objects_into_hashref( \@security_objects ) Places the relevant information from "\@security_objects" into a hashref for easy analysis. If no objects are in "\@security_objects" it returns undef. Otherwise the returned hashref should have as the three keys the constants "SEC_SCOPE_WORLD", "SEC_SCOPE_GROUP" and "SEC_SCOPE_USER". The values of "SEC_SCOPE_WORLD" and "SEC_SCOPE_USER" are a single value corresponding to one of the "SEC_LEVEL_*" constants. The value of "SEC_LEVEL_GROUP" is another hashref with the keys as the group IDs each of which has a single value corresponding to one of the "SEC_LEVEL_*" constants. find_class_and_oid( [$class|$object], \%params ) Useful when a method can be called as a class or object method and the class/ID to be analyzed can be either in the object calling or in the class and the parameters. Returns a two-argument list. The first is the object class, the second is the object ID. If the first argument is an object and it has a method "id()", we assign the result of calling it to the object ID; for the object class we call "ref" on the object. Otherwise we look in "\%params" for a parameter 'class'. If it is not found we use the first argument. For the object ID we look in "\%params" for a parameter 'object_id' or 'oid'. If neither are found we assign '0' to the object ID. For example: my $class = 'My::Object'; my ( $object_class, $object_id ) = SPOPS::Secure::Util->find_class_and_oid( $class, { object_id => 5 } ); # $object_class = 'My::Object'; $object_id = 5 my $object = My::OtherObject->new({ id => 99 }); my ( $object_class, $object_id ) = SPOPS::Secure::Util->find_class_and_oid( $object ); # $object_class = 'My::OtherObject'; $object_id = 99 BUGSNone known.TO DONothing known.SEE ALSOCOPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2002-2004 intes.net, inc.. All rights reserved.This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHORSChris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>