SQL::Translator::Schema::Role::Extra - "extra" attribute for schema
package Foo;
use Moo;
with qw(SQL::Translator::Schema::Role::Extra);
This role provides methods to set and get a hashref of extra attributes for
schema objects.
Get or set the objects "extra" attributes (e.g., "ZEROFILL"
for MySQL fields). Call with no args to get all the extra data. Call with a
single name arg to get the value of the named extra attribute, returned as a
scalar. Call with a hash or hashref to set extra attributes. Returns a hash or
a hashref.
$field->extra( qualifier => 'ZEROFILL' );
$qualifier = $field->extra('qualifier');
%extra = $field->extra;
$extra = $field->extra;
"extra" can only be used to get or set "extra" attributes
but not to remove some. Call with no args to remove all extra attributes that
have been set before. Call with a list of key names to remove certain extra
attributes only.
# remove all extra attributes
# remove timezone and locale attributes only
$field->remove_extra(qw/timezone locale/);