DBIx::SQLEngine::Schema::Table - A table in a data source
$sqldb = DBIx::SQLEngine->new( ... );
$table = $sqldb->table( $table_name );
$hash_ary = $table->fetch_select( where => { status => 2 } );
$table->do_insert( values => { somefield => 'A Value', status => 3 } );
$table->do_update( values => { status => 3 }, where => { status => 2 } );
$table->do_delete( where => { somefield => 'A Value' } );
$hash = $table->fetch_row( $primary_key );
$table->insert_row( { somefield => 'Some Value' } );
$table->update_row( { id => $primary_key, somefield => 'Some Value' } );
$table->delete_row( { id => $primary_key } );
The DBIx::SQLEngine::Schema::Table class represents database tables accessible
via a particular DBIx::SQLEngine.
By storing a reference to a SQLEngine and the name of a table to
operate on, a Schema::Table object can facilitate generation of SQL queries
that operate on the named table.
Each table can retrieve and cache a ColumnSet containing
information about the name and type of the columns in the table. Column
information is loaded from the storage as needed, but if you are creating a
new table you must provide the definition.
The *_row() methods use this information about the table
columns to facilitate common operations on table rows using their primary
keys and simple hash-refs.
- SQLEngine->table()
$sqldb->table( $tablename ) : $table
Convenience function to create a table with the given table
name and sqlengine.
- new()
DBIx::SQLEngine::Schema::Table->new( sqlengine=>$sqldb, name=>$name ) : $table
Standard hash constructor. You are expected to provde the name
and sqlengine arguments.
- name()
$table->name() : $string
Get and set the table name. Required value. Identifies this
table in the data source.
- get_name()
$table->get_name() : $string or exception
Returns the table name, or throws an exception if it is not
- sqlengine()
$table->sqlengine() : $sqldb
Get and set our current DBIx::SQLEngine. Required value. The
SQLEngine provides the DBI connection and SQL execution capabilities
required to talk to the remote data storage.
- get_sqlengine()
$table->get_sqlengine() : $sqldb or exception
Returns the SQLEngine, or throws an exception if it is not
- sqlengine_do()
$table->sqlengine_do( $method, %sql_clauses ) : $results or exception
Calls the provided method name on the associated SQLEngine,
passing along the table name and the other provided arguments. Intended
for methods with hash-based argument parsing like
"fetch_select( table => $table_name
- sqlengine_table_method()
$table->sqlengine_table_method( $method, @args ) : $results or exception
Calls the provided method name on the associated SQLEngine,
passing along the table name and the other provided arguments. Intended
for methods with list-based argument parsing like
"detect_table( $table_name )".
- detect_sqlengine()
$table->detect_sqlengine : $flag
Detects whether the SQL database is avaialable by attempting
to connect.
- detect_table()
$table->detect_table : @columns
Checks to see if the table exists in the SQL database by
attempting to retrieve its columns.
- record_class()
$table->record_class() : $record_class
Returns the Record::Class which corresponds to the table.
- fetch_select()
$table->fetch_select ( %select_clauses ) : $row_hash_array
Calls the corresponding SQLEngine method with the table name
and the provided arguments. Return rows from the table that match the
provided criteria, and in the requested order, by executing a SQL select
- visit_select()
$table->visit_select ( $sub_ref, %select_clauses ) : @results
$table->visit_select ( %select_clauses, $sub_ref ) : @results
Calls the provided subroutine on each matching row as it is
retrieved. Returns the accumulated results of each subroutine call (in
list context).
- select_row()
$table->select_row ( $primary_key_value ) : $row_hash
$table->select_row ( \@compound_primary_key ) : $row_hash
$table->select_row ( \%hash_with_primary_key_value ) : $row_hash
Fetches a single row by primary key.
- select_rows()
$table->select_rows ( @primary_key_values_or_hashrefs ) : $row_hash_array
Fetches a set of one or more by primary key.
- fetch_one_value()
$table->fetch_one_value( %sql_clauses ) : $scalar
Calls fetch_select, then returns the first value from the
first row of results.
- count_rows()
$table->count_rows ( ) : $number
$table->count_rows ( $criteria ) : $number
Return the number of rows in the table. If called with
criteria, returns the number of matching rows.
- try_count_rows()
$table->try_count_rows ( ) : $number
$table->try_count_rows ( $criteria ) : $number
Exception catching wrapper around count_rows. If the eval
block catches an exception, undef is returned.
- fetch_max()
$table->count_rows ( $colname, CRITERIA ) : $number
Returns the largest value in the named column.
- do_insert()
$table->do_insert ( %insert_clauses ) : $row_count
Calls the corresponding SQLEngine method with the table name
and the provided arguments.
- insert_row()
$table->insert_row ( $row_hash ) : $row_count
Adds the provided row by executing a SQL insert statement.
Uses column_names() and column_primary_is_sequence() to
produce the proper clauses. Returns the total number of rows affected,
which is typically 1.
- insert_rows()
$table->insert_rows ( @row_hashes ) : $row_count
Insert each of the rows from the provided list into the table.
Returns the total number of rows affected, which is typically the same
as the number of arguments passed.
- do_update()
$table->do_update ( %update_clauses ) : $row_count
Calls the corresponding SQLEngine method with the table name
and the provided arguments.
- update_row()
$table->update_row ( $row_hash ) : $row_count
Update this existing row based on its primary key. Uses
column_names() and column_primary_is_sequence() to produce
the proper clauses. Returns the total number of rows affected, which is
typically 1.
- update_rows()
$table->update_rows ( @row_hashes ) : $row_count
Update several existing rows based on their primary keys. Uses
update_row(). Returns the total number of rows affected, which is
typically the same as the number of arguments passed.
- do_delete()
$table->do_delete ( %delete_clauses ) : $row_count
Calls the corresponding SQLEngine method with the table name
and the provided arguments.
- delete_row()
$table->delete_row ( $row_hash_or_id ) : ()
Deletes the provided row from the table. Returns the total
number of rows affected, which is typically 1.
- delete_rows()
$table->delete_rows ( @row_hashes_or_ids ) : ()
Deletes all of the provided rows from the table. Returns the
total number of rows affected, which is typically the same as the number
of arguments passed.
- columnset()
$table->columnset () : $columnset
Returns the current columnset, if any.
- get_columnset()
$table->get_columnset () : $columnset
Returns the current columnset, or runs a trivial query to
detect the columns in the sqlengine. If the table doesn't exist, the
columnset will be empty.
- columns()
$table->columns () : @columns
Return the column objects from the current columnset.
- column_names()
$table->column_names () : @column_names
Return the names of the columns, in order.
- column_named()
$table->column_named ( $name ) : $column
Return the column info object for the specifically named
- column_primary_is_sequence()
- Inheritable boolean which can be set for the table class or any instance.
Indicates that the primary key column uses an auto-incrementing
- column_primary_name()
- Returns the name of the primary key column. (TODO: Currently hard-coded to
the first column in the column set.)
- primary_criteria()
- Returns a hash of key-value pairs which could be used to select this
record by its primary key.
- table_exists()
$table->table_exists() : $flag
Detects whether the table has been created and has not been
- create_table()
$table->create_table ()
$table->create_table ( $column_ary )
- drop_table()
$table->drop_table ()
- ensure_table_exists()
$table->ensure_table_exists ( $column_ary )
Create the table's remote storage if it does not already
- recreate_table()
$table->recreate_table ()
$table->recreate_table ( $column_ary )
Drop and then recreate the table's remote storage.
- recreate_table_with_rows
$table->recreate_table_with_rows ()
$table->recreate_table_with_rows ( $column_ary )
Selects all of the existing rows, then drops and recreates the
table, then re-inserts all of the rows.
See DBIx::SQLEngine for the overall interface and developer documentation.
See DBIx::SQLEngine::Docs::ReadMe for general information about
this distribution, including installation and license information.