SRU::Response - A factory for creating SRU response objects
my $request = SRU::Request->newFromURI( $uri );
my $response = SRU::Response->newFromRequest( $request );
SRU::Response provides a mechanism for creating the appropriate response object
based on a request that is passed in. For example, if you pass in a
SRU::Request::Scan object you'll get back a SRU::Response::Scan object with
some of the particulars filled in.
The factory method which you must pass in a valid request object:
SRU::Request::Explain, SRU::Request::Scan or SRU::Request::SearchRetrieve. If
you fail to pass in the correct object you will be returned undef, with an
appropriate error stored in $SRU::Error.
SRU::Resonse also serves as the base class for the three response types, and
thus provides some general functionality to the child classes.
Returns 'searchRetrieve', 'scan' or 'explain' depending on what type of object
it is.
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Ed Summers.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.