SRU::Response::Scan - A class for representing SRU scan responses
SRU::Response::Scan is a class for representing SRU scan response A scan request
allows SRU clients to browse the indexes of an SRU server, much like you would
scan the back of a book index to look up particular terms in the body of the
book. The scan response bundles up the terms that were looked up.
The constructor which you must pass a valid SRU::Request::Scan object.
Allows you to add terms to the response object. Terms that are passed in must be
valid SRU::Response::Term objects.
$response->addTerm( SRU::Response::Term->new( value => 'Foo Fighter' ) );
Get/set the terms associated with the response. Be carefult you must pass in an
array ref of SRU::Response::Term objects, or expect an array ref back when
getting the values. If you don't bad things will happen.
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Ed Summers.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.