SVN::S4 - Wrapper for Subversion
SVN::S4 is a derived class of SVN::Client. The various SVN::S4::... classes add
member functions to this class to perform various functions.
- $self->client
- Return the SVN::Client object.
- $self->propget_string(filename=>file,
- Return the string value of the property, or undef if not set or bad
- $self->propset_string(filename=>file,
propname=>prop, propval=>val)
- Set the string value of the property.
- new (params)
- Create a new SVN::S4 object.
The latest version is available from CPAN and from
Copyright 2002-2016 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either
the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
Bryce Denney <> and Wilson Snyder
svn, s4
SVN::Client, SVN::S4::Commit, SVN::S4::FixProp, SVN::S4::Getopt,
SVN::S4::Info, SVN::S4::Path, SVN::S4::Scrub, SVN::S4::Snapshot,
SVN::S4::Update, SVN::S4::ViewSpec