SVN::S4::Debug - Allow debug messages to be easily switched on and off.
use SVN::S4::Debug qw(INFO DEBUG is_debug);
INFO ("informational message");
DEBUG ("debug message") if is_debug>=2;
SVN::S4::Debug functions are used instead of print, to allow control over all
log messages work in a unified way.
Debug levels can be controlled globally, or via a per-package
$Debug variable that is created automatically.
(However, it's more general to test the is_debug method in scripts, unless
it is a very hot function.)
Conventions for inside BugVise (but not required by this module)
are that debug level 1 is for high-level messages for program debug. Levels
2 and above are for package debug, 2 being common, and above 2 being very
- Print an informational message.
- Print a debug message.
- debug_option switch
- Enable debug on all modules, based on the command line argument passed.
This is typically called from a Getopt::Long parser. Options supported
are: "--debug" will set debug level 1 globally, and
"--debugi {level}" will set the global debug level to the
specified value. "--debugi {package}:{level}" to set debug on
one package, and will also work on any package that uses a
$Debug variable.
- global_debug level
- Enable debug on all modules.
- is_debug
- Return current debug level, or zero if not enabled.
- package_debug level
- Enable debug on the current package.
- show_deltas flag
- If true, print timestamps as relative to the last printout.
- If set, parse the contents of BUGVISE_DEBUG as a debug_option() at
package start time.
Copyright 2007-2016 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser
General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
Wilson Snyder <>