![](/images/clear.gif) |
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SWF::Builder(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
SWF::Builder(3) |
SWF::Builder - Create SWF movie.
use SWF::Builder;
my $movie = SWF::Builder->new
( FrameRate => 15,
FrameSize => [0, 0, 400, 400],
BackgroundColor => 'ffffff'
my $shape = $movie->new_shape # red triangle.
->linestyle(1, '000000')
my $instance = $shape->place;
for (my $x = 0; $x < 400; $x++) {
SWF::Builder is a wrapper of SWF::File. It provides an easy way to
create SWF6 movie.
The SWF movie consists a dictionary of character definitions and a
hierarchical group of movie clips. You create a movie by following
- 1.
- create a '_root' movie by SWF::Builder->new.
- 2.
- define characters such as shapes, fonts, texts, movieclips, and so on, by
$movie->new_XXX methods.
- 3.
- get a display instance of the character by
- 4.
- move, scale, and rotate the instance every frame.
- 5.
- repeat 2-4 if you need.
- 6.
- save the whole movie by $movie->save.
The '_root' movie is a top of the movie clip hierarchy. It has properties of the
whole SWF movie. It also has character constructors and other methods for
movie. See the next section for details.
- $movie = SWF::Builder->new( [FrameRate => $rate, FrameSize =>
[$xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax], BackgroundColor => $color, Version =>
$version] )
- creates a new '_root' movie. It can take three optional named parameters.
FrameRate is a frame count per second. FrameSize is a box size of frames,
which is an array reference of the coordinates of top-left and
bottom-right of the box in pixels. BackgroundColor is a background color
of the movie. It can take a six-figure hexadecimal string, an array
reference of R, G, and B value, an array reference of named parameters
such as [Red => 255], and SWF::Element::RGB object. Version is a
version number of the SWF. It must be 6 and above.
- $movie->FrameRate( $rate )
- $movie->FrameSize( $xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax )
- $movie->BackgroundColor( $color )
- sets the property. See SWF::Builder->new.
- $movie->use_namespace( $namespace )
- prepares ActionScript namespace. For example,
$movie->use_namespace('SWF.Builder') creates
movieclip which is initialized by
if (_global.SWF == undefined) {
_global.SWF = new Object();
if (_global.SWF.Builder == undefined) {
_global.SWF.Builder = new Object();
and place the movieclip on the first frame of the root
- $movie->init_action
- returns SWF::Builder::ActionScript object to initialize the root
- $movie->no_namer
- $movie->auto_namer
- deactivate/reactivate auto_namer. Default is active. Auto_namer gives a
suitable name to characters and display instances automatically when their
name is referred before being named explicitly.
- $movie->save( $filename )
- saves the movie.
- $mc->new_shape
- returns a new shape (type: Shape). See SWF::Builder::Character::Shape for
the detail.
- $mc->new_font( $fontfile [, $fontname] )
- returns a new font (type: Font). $fontfile is a
font file name. It should be a TrueType font file (ttf/ttc). Optional
$fontname is a font name referred by HTMLs in
dynamic texts. It is taken from the TrueType file if not defined. See
SWF::Builder::Character::Font for the detail.
- $mc->new_static_text( [$font, $text] )
- returns a new static text (type: Text), which is fixed by authoring and
cannot be changed at playing time. See SWF::Builder::Character::Text for
the detail of a text.
- $mc->new_edit_text( [$font, $text] )
- $mc->new_dynamic_text( [$font, $text] )
- $mc->new_html_text( [$html] )
- $mc->new_text_area( $width, $height )
- $mc->new_input_field( [$length] )
- $mc->new_password_field( [$length] )
- return new dynamic editable text variations (type: EditText). See
SWF::Builder::Character::EditText for the detail.
- $mc->new_movie_clip
- $mc->new_mc
- returns a new movie clip (type: MovieClip). See
SWF::Builder::Character::MovieClip for the detail.
- $mc->new_gradient
- returns a new gradient object. See SWF::Builder::Gradient and
SWF::Builder::Character::Shape for the detail.
- $mc->new_jpeg( ... )
- returns a new JPEG bitmap (type: Bitmap). See
SWF::Builder::Character::Bitmap for the detail.
- $mc->new_bitmap( $obj [, $type] )
- returns a new lossless bitmap (type: Bitmap). See
SWF::Builder::Character::Bitmap for the detail.
- $mc->import_asset( $url, $name [, $type] )
- returns a character which will be imported from the SWF movie in
$url by $name. This method
does not actually import a character but put an 'ImportAssets' tag on the
movie. $type is a type of the character, such as
'Shape', 'Font', 'Text', 'EditText', 'MovieClip', and 'Bitmap'. Default is
'MovieClip'. This method does not check whether a character which has
$name and $type is
actually exported.
Here describe other common methods for root movie and movie clips.
- $mc->frame_action( $frame )
- returns SWF::Builder::ActionScript object for a frame action.
- $mc->frame_label( $frame, $label [, $anchorflag] )
- gives $label to $frame to
which ActionScripts can refer. If the $anchorflag
is set to 1, it is accessible as an HTML anchor.
Display and export methods of characters are described here. See
SWF::Builder::Character::* for details of type-specific methods.
- $disp_i = $char->place( [ MovieClip => $mc, Frame => $frame,
above => $another_i, below => $another_i, clip_with => $mask_i ]
- places the character on $mc and returns the
display instance. It can take four optional named parameters.
'MovieClip'(MC) is a parent movie clip on which the character is placed.
The movie clip must be under the same root movie with the movie clip in
which the character is defined. If MC is not set, the character is placed
on the movie clip in which it is defined. 'Frame' is a first frame number
on which the character is placed. Default is 1. You can set the relative
depth of the new instance by 'above' and 'below'. 'clip_with' is a mask
instance with which the character is clipped.
Font character can't place itself.
- $mask_i = $char->place_as_mask( [ MovieClip => $mc, Frame =>
$frame, above => $another_i, below => $another_i ] )
- places the character on $mc as the mask object
(clipping layer) and returns the mask instance. It can take optional
parameters as same as 'place' method except 'clip_with'. You can handle
the mask instance as same as the display instance.
Only Shape and Text characters can place_as_mask.
- $char->name( [$name] )
- gives a name to the character, exports the character, and returns the
name. ActionScripts can refer the character as
$name. Other movies can import the character by
$name. When you call 'name' method without a
parameter, the method simply returns the name of the character. If the
character is not named yet and auto_namer is active, auto_namer gives a
suitable name.
- $char->export_asset( [$name] )
- Same as $char->name.
It is necessary to get the display instance to show the defined character. Each
instance has its own timeline tied to the parent movie clip and the current
frame to move, to rotate, etc.
- $disp_i->name( [$name] )
- gives a name to the display instance to which ActionScripts can refer and
returns the name. When you call 'name' method without a parameter, the
method simply returns the name of the character. If the character is not
named yet and auto_namer is active, auto_namer gives a suitable name.
- $fobj = $disp_i->frame( $frame )
- gets the specified frame object of the display instance and sets the
current frame of the display instance to $frame.
Moving, rotating, scaling, and any other matrix transforming
of the display instance are handled in a frame by frame via a frame
object. When a frame object is not specified, the 'current frame object'
kept by the display item is used. The current frame is counted up after
it is used.
- $fobj/$disp_i->moveto( $x, $y )
- moves the display item to ($x, $y) at the
(current) frame.
- $fobj/$disp_i->r_moveto( $dx, $dy )
- moves the display item relatively ( to (former X +
$x, former Y + $y)).
- $fobj/$disp_i->scale( $xscale [, $yscale] )
- magnifies/reduces the display item at the (current) frame. The scaling
effect is accumulative.
- $fobj/$disp_i->rotate( $angle )
- rotates the display item at the (current) frame. The rotation angle is
- $fobj/$disp_i->reset
- resets the rotation and scaling at the (current) frame.
- $fobj/$disp_i->remove
- removes the display instance from the parent movie clip at the (current)
- $fobj/$disp_i->matrix
- gets the transformation matrix of the display instance at the (current)
frame. The result is an SWF::Element::MATRIX object.
- $fobj/$disp_i->frame_action
- $fobj/$disp_i->frame_label( $label [, $anchorflag] )
- same as those for movie clips, setting the frame number to that of the
frame object.
Copyright 2003 Yasuhiro Sasama (ySas), <ysas@nmt.ne.jp>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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