Returns and optionally initializes a new Search::InvertedIndex::Update
my $update = Search::InvertedIndex::Update->new;
my $update = Search::InvertedIndex::Update->new({ -group => $group,
-index => $index,
-data => $index_data,
-keys => {
$key0 => 10,
$key1 => 20,
$key2 => 15,
Inherits 'get/set' methods from Class::NamedParms
The -keys parameter is a reference to a hash containing all
the keys for this index and their assigned rankings. Rankings are
allowed to be integer values between -32768 and +32767 inclusive.
The -group and -index are required, the -keys are optional.
The Update object is used for update by replacement of all -keys for the
specified -group and -index. All existing keys are deleted and the
passed -keys is used to insert a completely new set of keys for the
specified index/group.
The -data parameter is optional, but if passed will replace
the existing -data record for the -index.