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NAMESelenium::Remote::Driver - Perl Client for Selenium Remote DriverVERSIONversion 1.37SYNOPSISuse Selenium::Remote::Driver; my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new; $driver->get('http://www.google.com'); print $driver->get_title(); $driver->quit(); DESCRIPTIONSelenium is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. This module is an implementation of the client for the Remote driver that Selenium provides. You can find bindings for other languages at this location:<https://www.seleniumhq.org/download/> This module sends commands directly to the Server using HTTP. Using this module together with the Selenium Server, you can automatically control any supported browser. To use this module, you need to have already downloaded and started the Selenium Server (Selenium Server is a Java application). USAGEWithout Standalone ServerAs of v0.25, it's possible to use this module without a standalone server - that is, you would not need the JRE or the JDK to run your Selenium tests. See Selenium::Chrome, Selenium::PhantomJS, Selenium::Edge, Selenium::InternetExplorer,and Selenium::Firefox for details. If you'd like additional browsers besides these, give us a holler over in Github <https://github.com/teodesian/Selenium-Remote-Driver/issues>.Remote Driver ResponseSelenium::Remote::Driver uses the JsonWireProtocol <https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol> And the WC3 WebDriver Protocol <https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/> to communicate with the Selenium Server. If an error occurs while executing the command then the server sends back an HTTP error code with a JSON encoded reponse that indicates the precise Response Error Code <https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#response-status-codes>. The module will then croak with the error message associated with this code. If no error occurred, then the subroutine called will return the value sent back from the server (if a return value was sent).So a rule of thumb while invoking methods on the driver is if the method did not croak when called, then you can safely assume the command was successful even if nothing was returned by the method. WebElementSelenium Webdriver represents all the HTML elements as WebElement, which is in turn represented by Selenium::Remote::WebElement module. So any method that deals with WebElements will return and/or expect WebElement object. The POD for that module describes all the methods that perform various actions on the WebElements like click, submit etc.To interact with any WebElement you have to first "find" it, read the POD for find_element or find_elements for further info. Once you find the required element then you can perform various actions. If you don't call find_* method first, all your further actions will fail for that element. Finally, just remember that you don't have to instantiate WebElement objects at all - they will be automatically created when you use the find_* methods. A sub-class of Selenium::Remote::WebElement may be used instead of Selenium::Remote::WebElement, by providing that class name as an option the constructor: my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new( webelement_class => ... ); For example, a testing-subclass may extend the web-element object with testing methods. LWP Read Timeout errorsIt's possible to make Selenium calls that take longer than the default LWP::UserAgent timeout. For example, setting the asynchronous script timeout greater than the LWP::UserAgent timeout and then executing a long running asynchronous snippet of javascript will immediately trigger an error like:Error while executing command: executeAsyncScript: Server returned error message read timeout at... You can get around this by configuring LWP's timeout value, either by constructing your own LWP and passing it in to ::Driver during instantiation my $timeout_ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $timeout_ua->timeout(360); # this value is in seconds! my $d = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new( ua => $timeout_ua ); or by configuring the timeout on the fly as necessary: use feature qw/say/; use Selenium::Remote::Driver; my $d = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new; say $d->ua->timeout; # 180 seconds is the default $d->ua->timeout(2); # LWP wants seconds, not milliseconds! $d->set_timeout('script', 1000); # S::R::D wants milliseconds! # Async scripts only return when the callback is invoked. Since there # is no callback here, Selenium will block for the entire duration of # the async timeout script. This will hit Selenium's async script # timeout before hitting LWP::UserAgent's read timeout $d->execute_async_script('return "hello"'); $d->quit; TESTINGIf are writing automated tests using this module, you may be interested in Test::Selenium::Remote::Driver which is also included in this distribution. It includes convenience testing methods for many of the selenum methods available here.Your other option is to use this module in conjunction with your choice of testing modules, like Test::Spec or Test::More as you please. WC3 WEBDRIVER COMPATIBILITYWC3 Webdriver is a constantly evolving standard, so some things may or may not work at any given time.Furthermore, out of date drivers probably identify as WD3, while only implementing a few methods and retaining JSONWire functionality. One way of dealing with this is setting: $driver->{is_wd3} = 0 Of course, this will prevent access of any new WC3 methods, but will probably make your tests pass until your browser's driver gets it's act together. There are also some JSONWire behaviors that we emulate in methods, such as Selenium::Remote::WebElement::get_attribute. You can get around that by passing an extra flag to the sub, or setting: $driver->{emulate_jsonwire} = 0; When in WC3 Webdriver mode. WC3 WEBDRIVER CURRENT STATUSThat said, the following 'sanity tests' in the at/ (acceptance test) directory of the module passed on the following versions:
These tests are intended to be run directly against a working selenium server on the local host with said drivers configured. If you are curious as to what 'works and does not' on your driver versions (and a few other quirks), it is strongly encouraged you look at where the test calls the methods you are interested in. While other browsers/drivers (especially legacy ones) likely work fine as well, any new browser/driver will likely have problems if it's not listed above. There is also a 'legacy.test' file available to run against old browsers/selenium (2.x servers, pre geckodriver). This should only be used to verify backwards-compatibility has not been broken. Firefox NotesIf you are intending to pass extra_capabilities to firefox on a WD3 enabled server with geckodriver, you MUST do the following:$Selenium::Remote::Driver::FORCE_WD3=1; This is because the gecko driver prefers legacy capabilities, both of which are normally passed for compatibility reasons. Chrome NotesUse the option goog:chromeOptions instead of chromeOptions, if you are intending to pass extra_capabilities on a WD3 enabled server with chromedriver enabled.https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/capabilities Also, if you instantiate the object in WC3 mode (which is the default), the remote driver will throw exceptions you have no choice but to catch, rather than falling back to JSONWire methods where applicable like geckodriver does. As of chrome 75 (and it's appropriate driver versions), the WC3 spec has finally been implemented. As such, to use chrome older than this, you will have to manually force on JSONWire mode: $Selenium::Remote::Driver::FORCE_WD2=1; CONSTRUCTORnewDies if communication with the selenium server cannot be established.Input: (all optional) Desired capabilities - HASH - Following options are accepted:
On WebDriver3 the 'extra_capabilities' will be automatically converted into the parameter needed by your browser. For example, extra_capabilities is passed to the server as the moz:firefoxOptions parameter. You can also specify some options in the constructor hash that are not part of the browser-related desired capabilities.
Output: Selenium::Remote::Driver object Usage: my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new; #or my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new('browser_name' => 'firefox', 'platform' => 'MAC'); #or (for Firefox 47 or lower on Selenium 3+) my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new('browser_name' => 'firefox', 'platform' => 'MAC', 'extra_capabilities' => { 'marionette' => \0, }); #or my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new('remote_server_addr' => '', 'port' => '2222', 'auto_close' => 0); #or my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new('browser_name' =>'chrome', 'extra_capabilities' => { 'goog:chromeOptions' => { 'args' => [ 'window-size=1260,960', 'incognito' ], 'prefs' => { 'session' => { 'restore_on_startup' => 4, 'urls_to_restore_on_startup' => [ 'http://www.google.com', 'http://docs.seleniumhq.org' ]}, 'first_run_tabs' => [ 'http://www.google.com', 'http://docs.seleniumhq.org' ] } } }); #or my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new('proxy' => {'proxyType' => 'manual', 'httpProxy' => 'myproxy.com:1234'}); #or my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new('default_finder' => 'css'); error_handler clear_error_handler OPTIONAL constructor arg & associated setter/clearer: if you wish to install your own error handler, you may pass a code ref in to "error_handler" during instantiation like follows: my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new( error_handler => sub { print $_[1]; croak 'goodbye'; } ); Additionally, you can set and/or clear it at any time on an already-instantiated driver: # later, change the error handler to something else $driver->error_handler( sub { print $_[1]; croak 'hello'; } ); # stop handling errors manually and use the default S:R:D behavior # (we will croak about the exception) $driver->clear_error_handler; Your error handler will receive three arguments: the first argument is the $driver object itself, and the second argument is the exception message and stack trace in one multiline string. The final argument(s) are the argument array to the command just executed. N.B.: If you set your own error handler, you are entirely responsible for handling webdriver exceptions, _including_ croaking behavior. That is, when you set an error handler, we will no longer croak on Webdriver exceptions - it's up to you to do so. For consistency with the standard S:R:D behavior, we recommend your error handler also croak when it's done, especially since your test shouldn't be running into unexpected errors. Catching specific or desired errors in your error handler makes sense, but not croaking at all can leave you in unfamiliar territory. Reaching an unexpected exception might mean your test has gone off the rails, and the further your test gets from the source of the of the exception, the harder it will be to debug. N.B.: Four methods will still croak on their own: "find_element", "find_elements", "find_child_element", and "find_child_elements". If these methods throw a Webdriver Exception, your error handler _will still be_ invoked inside an "eval", and then they'll croak with their own error message that indicates the locator and strategy used. So, your strategies for avoiding exceptions when finding elements do not change (either use find_elements and check the returned array size, wrap your calls to find_element* in an "eval", or use the parameterized versions find_element_*). new_from_capsDescription: For experienced users who want complete control over the desired capabilities, use this alternative constructor along with the C<desired_capabilities> hash key in the init hash. Unlike "new", this constructor will not assume any defaults for your desired capabilities. This alternate constructor IGNORES all other browser-related desiredCapability options; the only options that will be respected are those that are NOT part of the Capabilities JSON Object as described in the Json Wire Protocol. Input: The only respected keys in the input hash are: desired_capabilities - HASHREF - defaults to {} remote_server_addr - STRING - defaults to localhost port - INTEGER - defaults to 4444 default_finder - STRING - defaults to xpath webelement_class - STRING - defaults to Selenium::Remote::WebElement auto_close - BOOLEAN - defaults to 1 error_handler - CODEREF - defaults to croaking on exceptions Except for C<desired_capabilities>, these keys perform exactly the same as listed in the regular "new" constructor. The hashref you pass in as desired_capabilities only gets json encoded before being passed to the Selenium server; no default options of any sort will be added. This means you must handle normalization and casing of the input options (like "browser_name" vs "browserName") and take care of things like encoding the firefox profile if applicable. More information about the desired capabilities object is available on the Selenium wiki: https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#Capabilities_JSON_Object Output: Remote Driver object Usage: my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new_from_caps( 'desired_capabilities' => {'browserName' => 'firefox'} ); The above would generate a POST to the webdriver server at localhost:4444 with the exact payload of '{"desiredCapabilities": {"browserName": "firefox" }}'. METHODSnew_session (extra_capabilities)Make a new session on the server. Called by new(), not intended for regular use.Occaisonally handy for recovering from brower crashes. DANGER DANGER DANGER This will throw away your old session if you have not closed it! DANGER DANGER DANGER new_desired_session(capabilities)Basically the same as new_session, but with caps. Sort of an analog to new_from_caps.is_webdriver_3Print whether the server (or browser) thinks it's implemented webdriver 3. If this returns true, webdriver 3 methods will be used in the case an action exists in Selenium::Remote::Spec for the method you are trying to call. If a method you are calling has no webdriver 3 equivalent (or browser extension), the legacy commands implemented in Selenium::Remote::Commands will be used.Note how I said *thinks* above. In the case you want to force usage of legacy methods, set $driver->{is_wd3} to work around various browser issues. debug_onDescription: Turns on debugging mode and the driver will print extra info like request and response to stdout. Useful, when you want to see what is being sent to the server & what response you are getting back. Usage: $driver->debug_on; debug_offDescription: Turns off the debugging mode. Usage: $driver->debug_off; get_sessionsDescription: Returns a list of the currently active sessions. Each session will be returned as an array of Hashes with the following keys: 'id' : The session ID 'capabilities: An object describing session's capabilities Output: Array of Hashes Usage: print Dumper $driver->get_sessions(); statusDescription: Query the server's current status. All server implementations should return two basic objects describing the server's current platform and when the server was built. Output: Hash ref Usage: print Dumper $driver->status; get_alert_textDescription: Gets the text of the currently displayed JavaScript alert(), confirm() or prompt() dialog. Example my $string = $driver->get_alert_text; send_keys_to_active_elementDescription: Send a sequence of key strokes to the active element. This command is similar to the send keys command in every aspect except the implicit termination: The modifiers are not released at the end of the call. Rather, the state of the modifier keys is kept between calls, so mouse interactions can be performed while modifier keys are depressed. Compatibility: On webdriver 3 servers, don't use this to send modifier keys; use send_modifier instead. Input: 1 Required: {ARRAY | STRING} - Array of strings or a string. Usage: $driver->send_keys_to_active_element('abcd', 'efg'); $driver->send_keys_to_active_element('hijk'); or # include the WDKeys module use Selenium::Remote::WDKeys; $driver->send_keys_to_active_element(KEYS->{'space'}, KEYS->{'enter'}); send_keys_to_alertSynonymous with send_keys_to_promptsend_keys_to_promptDescription: Sends keystrokes to a JavaScript prompt() dialog. Input: {string} keys to send Example: $driver->send_keys_to_prompt('hello world'); or ok($driver->get_alert_text eq 'Please Input your name','prompt appears'); $driver->send_keys_to_alert("Larry Wall"); $driver->accept_alert; accept_alertDescription: Accepts the currently displayed alert dialog. Usually, this is equivalent to clicking the 'OK' button in the dialog. Example: $driver->accept_alert; dismiss_alertDescription: Dismisses the currently displayed alert dialog. For comfirm() and prompt() dialogs, this is equivalent to clicking the 'Cancel' button. For alert() dialogs, this is equivalent to clicking the 'OK' button. Example: $driver->dismiss_alert; general_actionProvide an 'actions definition' hash to make webdriver use input devices. Given the spec for the structure of this data is 'non normative', it is left as an exercise to the reader what that means as to how to use this function.That said, it seems most of the data looks something like this: $driver->general_action( actions => [{ type => 'pointer|key|none|somethingElseSuperSpecialDefinedByYourBrowserDriver', id => MUST be mouse|key|none|other. And by 'other' I mean anything else. The first 3 are 'special' in that they are used in the global actions queue. If you want say, another mouse action to execute in parallel to other mouse actions (to simulate multi-touch, for example), call your action 'otherMouseAction' or something. parameters => { someOption => "basically these are global parameters used by all steps in the forthcoming "action chain". }, actions => [ { type => "keyUp|KeyDown if key, pointerUp|pointerDown|pointerMove|pointerCancel if pointer, pause if any type", key => A raw keycode or character from the keyboard if this is a key event, duration => how many 'ticks' this action should take, you probably want this to be 0 all of the time unless you are evading Software debounce. button => what number button if you are using a pointer (this sounds terribly like it might be re-purposed to be a joypad in the future sometime) origin => Point of Origin if moving a pointer around x => unit vector to travel along x-axis if pointerMove event y => unit vector to travel along y-axis if pointerMove event }, ... ] }, ... ] ) Only available on WebDriver3 capable selenium servers. If you have called any legacy shim, such as mouse_move_to_location() previously, your actions passed will be appended to the existing actions queue. Called with no arguments, it simply executes the existing action queue. If you are looking for pre-baked action chains that aren't currently part of Selenium::Remote::Driver, consider Selenium::ActionChains, which is shipped with this distribution instead. release_general_actionNukes *all* input device state (modifier key up/down, pointer button up/down, pointer location, and other device state) from orbit. Call if you forget to do a *Up event in your provided action chains, or just to save time.Also clears the current actions queue. Only available on WebDriver3 capable selenium servers. mouse_move_to_locationDescription: Move the mouse by an offset of the specificed element. If no element is specified, the move is relative to the current mouse cursor. If an element is provided but no offset, the mouse will be moved to the center of the element. If the element is not visible, it will be scrolled into view. Compatibility: Due to limitations in the Webdriver 3 API, mouse movements have to be executed 'lazily' e.g. only right before a click() event occurs. This is because there is no longer any persistent mouse location state; mouse movements are now totally atomic. This has several problematic aspects; for one, I can't think of a way to both hover an element and then do another action relying on the element staying hover()ed, Aside from using javascript workarounds. Output: STRING - Usage: # element - the element to move to. If not specified or is null, the offset is relative to current position of the mouse. # xoffset - X offset to move to, relative to the top-left corner of the element. If not specified, the mouse will move to the middle of the element. # yoffset - Y offset to move to, relative to the top-left corner of the element. If not specified, the mouse will move to the middle of the element. print $driver->mouse_move_to_location(element => e, xoffset => x, yoffset => y); move_toSynonymous with mouse_move_to_locationget_capabilitiesDescription: Retrieve the capabilities of the specified session. Output: HASH of all the capabilities. Usage: my $capab = $driver->get_capabilities(); print Dumper($capab); get_timeoutsDescription: Get the currently configured values (ms) for the page load, script and implicit timeouts. Compatibility: Only available on WebDriver3 enabled selenium servers. Usage: $driver->get_timeouts(); set_timeoutDescription: Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute for before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client. Input: type - <STRING> - The type of operation to set the timeout for. Valid values are: "script" : for script timeouts, "implicit" : for modifying the implicit wait timeout "page load" : for setting a page load timeout. ms - <NUMBER> - The amount of time, in milliseconds, that time-limited commands are permitted to run. Usage: $driver->set_timeout('script', 1000); set_async_script_timeoutDescription: Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, that asynchronous scripts executed by execute_async_script() are permitted to run before they are aborted and a |Timeout| error is returned to the client. Input: ms - <NUMBER> - The amount of time, in milliseconds, that time-limited commands are permitted to run. Usage: $driver->set_async_script_timeout(1000); set_implicit_wait_timeoutDescription: Set the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for elements. When searching for a single element, the driver will poll the page until an element is found or the timeout expires, whichever occurs first. When searching for multiple elements, the driver should poll the page until at least one element is found or the timeout expires, at which point it will return an empty list. If this method is never called, the driver will default to an implicit wait of 0ms. This is exactly equivalent to calling L</set_timeout> with a type arg of C<"implicit">. Input: Time in milliseconds. Output: Server Response Hash with no data returned back from the server. Usage: $driver->set_implicit_wait_timeout(10); pauseDescription: Pause execution for a specified interval of milliseconds. Usage: $driver->pause(10000); # 10 second delay $driver->pause(); # 1 second delay default DEPRECATED: consider using Time::HiRes instead. closeDescription: Close the current window. Usage: $driver->close(); or #close a popup window my $handles = $driver->get_window_handles; $driver->switch_to_window($handles->[1]); $driver->close(); $driver->switch_to_window($handles->[0]); quitDescription: DELETE the session, closing open browsers. We will try to call this on our down when we get destroyed, but in the event that we are demolished during global destruction, we will not be able to close the browser. For your own unattended and/or complicated tests, we recommend explicitly calling quit to make sure you're not leaving orphan browsers around. Note that as a Moo class, we use a subroutine called DEMOLISH that takes the place of DESTROY; for more information, see https://metacpan.org/pod/Moo#DEMOLISH. Usage: $driver->quit(); get_current_window_handleDescription: Retrieve the current window handle. Output: STRING - the window handle Usage: print $driver->get_current_window_handle(); get_window_handlesDescription: Retrieve the list of window handles used in the session. Output: ARRAY of STRING - list of the window handles Usage: print Dumper $driver->get_window_handles; or # get popup, close, then back my $handles = $driver->get_window_handles; $driver->switch_to_window($handles->[1]); $driver->close; $driver->switch_to_window($handles->[0]); get_window_sizeDescription: Retrieve the window size Compatibility: The ability to get the size of arbitrary handles by passing input only exists in WebDriver2. You will have to switch to the window first going forward. Input: STRING - <optional> - window handle (default is 'current' window) Output: HASH - containing keys 'height' & 'width' Usage: my $window_size = $driver->get_window_size(); print $window_size->{'height'}, $window_size->('width'); get_window_positionDescription: Retrieve the window position Compatibility: The ability to get the size of arbitrary handles by passing input only exists in WebDriver2. You will have to switch to the window first going forward. Input: STRING - <optional> - window handle (default is 'current' window) Output: HASH - containing keys 'x' & 'y' Usage: my $window_size = $driver->get_window_position(); print $window_size->{'x'}, $window_size->('y'); get_current_urlDescription: Retrieve the url of the current page Output: STRING - url Usage: print $driver->get_current_url(); navigateDescription: Navigate to a given url. This is same as get() method. Input: STRING - url Usage: $driver->navigate('http://www.google.com'); getDescription: Navigate to a given url Input: STRING - url Usage: $driver->get('http://www.google.com'); get_titleDescription: Get the current page title Output: STRING - Page title Usage: print $driver->get_title(); go_backDescription: Equivalent to hitting the back button on the browser. Usage: $driver->go_back(); go_forwardDescription: Equivalent to hitting the forward button on the browser. Usage: $driver->go_forward(); refreshDescription: Reload the current page. Usage: $driver->refresh(); has_javascriptDescription: returns true if javascript is enabled in the driver. Compatibility: Can't be false on WebDriver 3. Usage: if ($driver->has_javascript) { ...; } execute_async_scriptDescription: Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame. The executed script is assumed to be asynchronous and must signal that is done by invoking the provided callback, which is always provided as the final argument to the function. The value to this callback will be returned to the client. Asynchronous script commands may not span page loads. If an unload event is fired while waiting for a script result, an error should be returned to the client. Input: 2 (1 optional) Required: STRING - Javascript to execute on the page Optional: ARRAY - list of arguments that need to be passed to the script. Output: {*} - Varied, depending on the type of result expected back from the script. Usage: my $script = q{ var arg1 = arguments[0]; var callback = arguments[arguments.length-1]; var elem = window.document.findElementById(arg1); callback(elem); }; my $elem = $driver->execute_async_script($script,'myid'); $elem->click; execute_scriptDescription: Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page and return its result. WebElements that should be passed to the script as an argument should be specified in the arguments array as WebElement object. Likewise, any WebElements in the script result will be returned as WebElement object. Input: 2 (1 optional) Required: STRING - Javascript to execute on the page Optional: ARRAY - list of arguments that need to be passed to the script. Output: {*} - Varied, depending on the type of result expected back from the script. Usage: my $script = q{ var arg1 = arguments[0]; var elem = window.document.findElementById(arg1); return elem; }; my $elem = $driver->execute_script($script,'myid'); $elem->click; screenshotDescription: Get a screenshot of the current page as a base64 encoded image. Optionally pass {'full' => 1} as argument to take a full screenshot and not only the viewport. (Works only with firefox and geckodriver >= 0.24.0) Output: STRING - base64 encoded image Usage: print $driver->screenshot(); print $driver->screenshot({'full' => 1}); To conveniently write the screenshot to a file, see "capture_screenshot". capture_screenshotDescription: Capture a screenshot and save as a PNG to provided file name. (The method is compatible with the WWW::Selenium method of the same name) Optionally pass {'full' => 1} as second argument to take a full screenshot and not only the viewport. (Works only with firefox and geckodriver >= 0.24.0) Output: TRUE - (Screenshot is written to file) Usage: $driver->capture_screenshot($filename); $driver->capture_screenshot($filename, {'full' => 1}); available_enginesDescription: List all available engines on the machine. To use an engine, it has to be present in this list. Compatibility: Does not appear to be available on Webdriver3 enabled selenium servers. Output: {Array.<string>} A list of available engines Usage: print Dumper $driver->available_engines; switch_to_frameDescription: Change focus to another frame on the page. If the frame ID is null, the server will switch to the page's default content. You can also switch to a WebElement, for e.g. you can find an iframe using find_element & then provide that as an input to this method. Also see e.g. Input: 1 Required: {STRING | NUMBER | NULL | WebElement} - ID of the frame which can be one of the three mentioned. Usage: $driver->switch_to_frame('frame_1'); or $driver->switch_to_frame($driver->find_element('iframe', 'tag_name')); switch_to_parent_frameWebdriver 3 equivalent of calling switch_to_frame with no arguments (e.g. NULL frame). This is actually called in that case, supposing you are using WD3 capable servers now.switch_to_windowDescription: Change focus to another window. The window to change focus to may be specified by its server assigned window handle, or by the value of the page's window.name attribute. If you wish to use the window name as the target, you'll need to have set C<window.name> on the page either in app code or via L</execute_script>, or pass a name as the second argument to the C<window.open()> function when opening the new window. Note that the window name used here has nothing to do with the window title, or the C<< <title> >> element on the page. Otherwise, use L</get_window_handles> and select a Webdriver-generated handle from the output of that function. Input: 1 Required: STRING - Window handle or the Window name Usage: $driver->switch_to_window('MY Homepage'); or # close a popup window and switch back my $handles = $driver->get_window_handles; $driver->switch_to_window($handles->[1]); $driver->close; $driver->switch_to_window($handles->[0]); set_window_positionDescription: Set the position (on screen) where you want your browser to be displayed. Compatibility: In webDriver 3 enabled selenium servers, you may only operate on the focused window. As such, the window handle argument below will be ignored in this context. Input: INT - x co-ordinate INT - y co-ordinate STRING - <optional> - window handle (default is 'current' window) Output: BOOLEAN - Success or failure Usage: $driver->set_window_position(50, 50); set_window_sizeDescription: Set the size of the browser window Compatibility: In webDriver 3 enabled selenium servers, you may only operate on the focused window. As such, the window handle argument below will be ignored in this context. Input: INT - height of the window INT - width of the window STRING - <optional> - window handle (default is 'current' window) Output: BOOLEAN - Success or failure Usage: $driver->set_window_size(640, 480); maximize_windowDescription: Maximizes the browser window Compatibility: In webDriver 3 enabled selenium servers, you may only operate on the focused window. As such, the window handle argument below will be ignored in this context. Also, on chromedriver maximize is actually just setting the window size to the screen's available height and width. Input: STRING - <optional> - window handle (default is 'current' window) Output: BOOLEAN - Success or failure Usage: $driver->maximize_window(); minimize_windowDescription: Minimizes the currently focused browser window (webdriver3 only) Output: BOOLEAN - Success or failure Usage: $driver->minimize_window(); fullscreen_windowDescription: Fullscreens the currently focused browser window (webdriver3 only) Output: BOOLEAN - Success or failure Usage: $driver->fullscreen_window(); get_all_cookiesDescription: Retrieve all cookies visible to the current page. Each cookie will be returned as a HASH reference with the following keys & their value types: 'name' - STRING 'value' - STRING 'path' - STRING 'domain' - STRING 'secure' - BOOLEAN Output: ARRAY of HASHES - list of all the cookie hashes Usage: print Dumper($driver->get_all_cookies()); add_cookieDescription: Set a cookie on the domain. Input: 2 (4 optional) Required: 'name' - STRING 'value' - STRING Optional: 'path' - STRING 'domain' - STRING 'secure' - BOOLEAN - default false. 'httponly' - BOOLEAN - default false. 'expiry' - TIME_T - default 20 years in the future Usage: $driver->add_cookie('foo', 'bar', '/', '.google.com', 0, 1) delete_all_cookiesDescription: Delete all cookies visible to the current page. Usage: $driver->delete_all_cookies(); get_cookie_namedBasically get only the cookie with the provided name. Probably preferable to pick it out of the list unless you expect a *really* long list.Input: Cookie Name - STRING Returns cookie definition hash, much like the elements in get_all_cookies(); Compatibility: Only available on webdriver3 enabled selenium servers. delete_cookie_namedDescription: Delete the cookie with the given name. This command will be a no-op if there is no such cookie visible to the current page. Input: 1 Required: STRING - name of cookie to delete Usage: $driver->delete_cookie_named('foo'); get_page_sourceDescription: Get the current page source. Output: STRING - The page source. Usage: print $driver->get_page_source(); find_elementDescription: Search for an element on the page, starting from the document root. The located element will be returned as a WebElement object. If the element cannot be found, we will CROAK, killing your script. If you wish for a warning instead, use the parameterized version of the finders: find_element_by_class find_element_by_class_name find_element_by_css find_element_by_id find_element_by_link find_element_by_link_text find_element_by_name find_element_by_partial_link_text find_element_by_tag_name find_element_by_xpath These functions all take a single STRING argument: the locator search target of the element you want. If the element is found, we will receive a WebElement. Otherwise, we will return 0. Note that invoking methods on 0 will of course kill your script. Input: 2 (1 optional) Required: STRING - The search target. Optional: STRING - Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: {class, class_name, css, id, link, link_text, partial_link_text, tag_name, name, xpath} Defaults to 'xpath' if not configured global during instantiation. Output: Selenium::Remote::WebElement - WebElement Object (This could be a subclass of L<Selenium::Remote::WebElement> if C<webelement_class> was set. Usage: $driver->find_element("//input[\@name='q']"); find_elementsDescription: Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the document root. The located elements will be returned as an array of WebElement object. Input: 2 (1 optional) Required: STRING - The search target. Optional: STRING - Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: {class, class_name, css, id, link, link_text, partial_link_text, tag_name, name, xpath} Defaults to 'xpath' if not configured global during instantiation. Output: ARRAY or ARRAYREF of WebElement Objects Usage: $driver->find_elements("//input"); find_child_elementDescription: Search for an element on the page, starting from the identified element. The located element will be returned as a WebElement object. Input: 3 (1 optional) Required: Selenium::Remote::WebElement - WebElement object from where you want to start searching. STRING - The search target. (Do not use a double whack('//') in an xpath to search for a child element ex: '//option[@id="something"]' instead use a dot whack ('./') ex: './option[@id="something"]') Optional: STRING - Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: {class, class_name, css, id, link, link_text, partial_link_text, tag_name, name, xpath} Defaults to 'xpath' if not configured global during instantiation. Output: WebElement Object Usage: my $elem1 = $driver->find_element("//select[\@name='ned']"); # note the usage of ./ when searching for a child element instead of // my $child = $driver->find_child_element($elem1, "./option[\@value='es_ar']"); find_child_elementsDescription: Search for multiple element on the page, starting from the identified element. The located elements will be returned as an array of WebElement objects. Input: 3 (1 optional) Required: Selenium::Remote::WebElement - WebElement object from where you want to start searching. STRING - The search target. Optional: STRING - Locator scheme to use to search the element, available schemes: {class, class_name, css, id, link, link_text, partial_link_text, tag_name, name, xpath} Defaults to 'xpath' if not configured global during instantiation. Output: ARRAY of WebElement Objects. Usage: my $elem1 = $driver->find_element("//select[\@name='ned']"); # note the usage of ./ when searching for a child element instead of // my $child = $driver->find_child_elements($elem1, "./option"); find_element_by_classSee "find_element".find_element_by_class_nameSee "find_element".find_element_by_cssSee "find_element".find_element_by_idSee "find_element".find_element_by_linkSee "find_element".find_element_by_link_textSee "find_element".find_element_by_nameSee "find_element".find_element_by_partial_link_textSee "find_element".find_element_by_tag_nameSee "find_element".find_element_by_xpathSee "find_element".get_active_elementDescription: Get the element on the page that currently has focus.. The located element will be returned as a WebElement object. Output: WebElement Object Usage: $driver->get_active_element(); cache_statusDescription: Get the status of the html5 application cache. Usage: print $driver->cache_status; Output: <number> - Status code for application cache: {UNCACHED = 0, IDLE = 1, CHECKING = 2, DOWNLOADING = 3, UPDATE_READY = 4, OBSOLETE = 5} set_geolocationDescription: Set the current geographic location - note that your driver must implement this endpoint, or else it will crash your session. At the very least, it works in v2.12 of Chromedriver. Input: Required: HASH: A hash with key C<location> whose value is a Location hashref. See usage section for example. Usage: $driver->set_geolocation( location => { latitude => 40.714353, longitude => -74.005973, altitude => 0.056747 }); Output: BOOLEAN - success or failure get_geolocationDescription: Get the current geographic location. Note that your webdriver must implement this endpoint - otherwise, it will crash your session. At the time of release, we couldn't get this to work on the desktop FirefoxDriver or desktop Chromedriver. Usage: print $driver->get_geolocation; Output: { latitude: number, longitude: number, altitude: number } - The current geo location. get_logDescription: Get the log for a given log type. Log buffer is reset after each request. Input: Required: <STRING> - Type of log to retrieve: {client|driver|browser|server}. There may be others available; see get_log_types for a full list for your driver. Usage: $driver->get_log( $log_type ); Output: <ARRAY|ARRAYREF> - An array of log entries since the most recent request. get_log_typesDescription: Get available log types. By default, every driver should have client, driver, browser, and server types, but there may be more available, depending on your driver. Usage: my @types = $driver->get_log_types; $driver->get_log($types[0]); Output: <ARRAYREF> - The list of log types. set_orientationDescription: Set the browser orientation. Input: Required: <STRING> - Orientation {LANDSCAPE|PORTRAIT} Usage: $driver->set_orientation( $orientation ); Output: BOOLEAN - success or failure get_orientationDescription: Get the current browser orientation. Returns either LANDSCAPE|PORTRAIT. Usage: print $driver->get_orientation; Output: <STRING> - your orientation. send_modifierDescription: Send an event to the active element to depress or release a modifier key. Input: 2 Required: value - String - The modifier key event to be sent. This key must be one 'Ctrl','Shift','Alt',' or 'Command'/'Meta' as defined by the send keys command isdown - Boolean/String - Whether to generate a key down or key up Usage: $driver->send_modifier('Alt','down'); $elem->send_keys('c'); $driver->send_modifier('Alt','up'); or $driver->send_modifier('Alt',1); $elem->send_keys('c'); $driver->send_modifier('Alt',0); compare_elementsDescription: Test if two element IDs refer to the same DOM element. Input: 2 Required: Selenium::Remote::WebElement - WebElement Object Selenium::Remote::WebElement - WebElement Object Output: BOOLEAN Usage: $driver->compare_elements($elem_obj1, $elem_obj2); clickDescription: Click any mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command). Input: button - any one of 'LEFT'/0 'MIDDLE'/1 'RIGHT'/2 defaults to 'LEFT' queue - (optional) queue the click, rather than executing it. WD3 only. Usage: $driver->click('LEFT'); $driver->click(1); #MIDDLE $driver->click('RIGHT'); $driver->click; #Defaults to left double_clickDescription: Double-clicks at the current mouse coordinates (set by moveto). Compatibility: On webdriver3 enabled servers, you can double click arbitrary mouse buttons. Usage: $driver->double_click(button); button_downDescription: Click and hold the left mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command). Note that the next mouse-related command that should follow is buttonup . Any other mouse command (such as click or another call to buttondown) will yield undefined behaviour. Compatibility: On WebDriver 3 enabled servers, all this does is queue a button down action. You will either have to call general_action() to perform the queue, or an action like click() which also clears the queue. Usage: $self->button_down; button_upDescription: Releases the mouse button previously held (where the mouse is currently at). Must be called once for every buttondown command issued. See the note in click and buttondown about implications of out-of-order commands. Compatibility: On WebDriver 3 enabled servers, all this does is queue a button down action. You will either have to call general_action() to perform the queue, or an action like click() which also clears the queue. Usage: $self->button_up; upload_fileDescription: Upload a file from the local machine to the selenium server machine. That file then can be used for testing file upload on web forms. Returns the remote-server's path to the file. Passing raw data as an argument past the filename will upload that rather than the file's contents. When passing raw data, be advised that it expects a zipped and then base64 encoded version of a single file. Multiple files and/or directories are not supported by the remote server. Usage: my $remote_fname = $driver->upload_file( $fname ); my $element = $driver->find_element( '//input[@id="file"]' ); $element->send_keys( $remote_fname ); get_textDescription: Get the text of a particular element. Wrapper around L<find_element()> Usage: $text = $driver->get_text("//div[\@name='q']"); get_bodyDescription: Get the current text for the whole body. If you want the entire raw HTML instead, See L<get_page_source>. Usage: $body_text = $driver->get_body(); get_pathDescription: Get the path part of the current browser location. Usage: $path = $driver->get_path(); get_user_agentDescription: Convenience method to get the user agent string, according to the browser's value for window.navigator.userAgent. Usage: $user_agent = $driver->get_user_agent() set_inner_window_sizeDescription: Set the inner window size by closing the current window and reopening the current page in a new window. This can be useful when using browsers to mock as mobile devices. This sub will be fired automatically if you set the C<inner_window_size> hash key option during instantiation. Input: INT - height of the window INT - width of the window Output: BOOLEAN - Success or failure Usage: $driver->set_inner_window_size(640, 480) get_local_storage_itemDescription: Get the value of a local storage item specified by the given key. Input: 1 Required: STRING - name of the key to be retrieved Output: STRING - value of the local storage item Usage: $driver->get_local_storage_item('key') delete_local_storage_itemDescription: Get the value of a local storage item specified by the given key. Input: 1 Required STRING - name of the key to be deleted Usage: $driver->delete_local_storage_item('key') SEE ALSOPlease see those modules/websites for more information related to this module.
BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website <https://github.com/teodesian/Selenium-Remote-Driver/issues>When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHORSCurrent Maintainers:
Previous maintainers:
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COPYRIGHT AND LICENSECopyright (c) 2010-2011 Aditya Ivaturi, Gordon ChildCopyright (c) 2014-2017 Daniel Gempesaw Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: