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NAMESet::Tiny - Simple sets of stringsVERSIONVersion 0.04SYNOPSISuse Set::Tiny; my $s1 = Set::Tiny->new(qw( a b c )); my $s2 = Set::Tiny->new(qw( b c d )); my $u = $s1->union($s2); my $i = $s1->intersection($s2); my $s = $s1->symmetric_difference($s2); print $u->as_string; # (a b c d) print $i->as_string; # (b c) print $s->as_string; # (a d) print "i is a subset of s1" if $i->is_subset($s1); print "u is a superset of s1" if $u->is_superset($s1); # or using the shorter initializer: use Set::Tiny qw( set ); my $s1 = set(qw( a b c )); my $s2 = set([1, 2, 3]); DESCRIPTIONSet::Tiny is a thin wrapper around regular Perl hashes to perform often needed set operations, such as testing two sets of strings for equality, or checking whether one is contained within the other.For a more complete implementation of mathematical set theory, see Set::Scalar. For sets of arbitrary objects, see Set::Object. Why Set::Tiny?
EXPORTABLE FUNCTIONSset( [list or arrayref] )If you request it, Set::Tiny can export a function "set()", which lets you create a Set::Tiny instance in a more compact form.Unlike the constructor, this function also accepts the set elements as an array reference. If you pass an existing Set::Tiny to the initializer, it creates a clone of the set and returns that. METHODSNote that all methods that expect a list of set elements stringify their arguments before inserting them into the set.new( [list] )Class method. Returns a new Set::Tiny object, initialized with the strings in list, or the empty set if list is empty.clonecopyReturns a new set with the same elements as this one.insert( [list] )Inserts the elements in list into the set.delete( [list] )remove( [list] )Removes the elements in list from the set. Elements that are not members of the set are ignored.invert( [list] )For each element in list, if it is already a member of the set, deletes it from the set, else insert it into the set.clearRemoves all elements from the set.as_stringReturns a string representation of the set.elementsmembersReturns the (unordered) list of elements.sizeReturns the number of elements.has( [list] )contains( [list] )Returns true if all of the elements in list are members of the set. If list is empty, returns true.element( [string] )member( [string] )Returns the string if it is contained in the set.is_nullis_emptyReturns true if the set is the empty set.union( set )Returns a new set containing both the elements of this set and set.intersection( set )Returns a new set containing the elements that are present in both this set and set.intersection2( set )Like "intersection()", but orders the sets by size before comparing their elements. This results in a small overhead for small, evenly sized sets, but a large speedup when comparing bigger (~ 100 elements) and very unevenly sized sets.difference( set )Returns a new set containing the elements of this set with the elements of set removed.unique( set )symmetric_difference( set )Returns a new set containing the elements that are present in either this set or set, but not in both.is_equal( set )Returns true if this set contains the same elements as set.is_disjoint( set )Returns true if this set has no elements in common with set. Note that the empty set is disjoint to any other set.is_properly_intersecting( set )Returns true if this set has elements in common with set, but both also contain elements that they have not in common with each other.is_proper_subset( set )Returns true if this set is a proper subset of set.is_proper_superset( set )Returns true if this set is a proper superset of set.is_subset( set )Returns true if this set is a subset of set.is_superset( set )Returns true if this set is a superset of set.AUTHORStanis Trendelenburg, "<trendels at cpan.org>"CREDITSThanks to Adam Kennedy for advice on how to make this module "Tiny".BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-set-tiny at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Set-Tiny>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.COPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2009 Stanis Trendelenburg, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSOSet::Scalar, Set::Object