Storable::AMF3 - serializing/deserializing AMF3 data
use Storable::AMF3 qw(freeze thaw);
$amf3 = freeze($perl_object);
$perl_object = thaw($amf3);
# Store/retrieve to disk amf3 data
store $perl_object, 'file';
$restored_perl_object = retrieve 'file';
use Storable::AMF3 qw(nstore freeze thaw dclone);
# Advisory locking
use Storable::AMF3 qw(lock_store lock_nstore lock_retrieve)
lock_store \%table, 'file';
lock_nstore \%table, 'file';
$hashref = lock_retrieve('file');
# Deparse one object
use Storable::AMF0 qw(deparse_amf);
my( $obj, $length_of_packet ) = deparse_amf( my $bytea = freeze($a1) . freeze($a) ... );
- or -
$obj = deparse_amf( freeze($a1) . freeze($a) ... );
This module is (de)serializer for Adobe's AMF3 (Action Message Format ver 3).
This is only module and it recognize only AMF3 data. Almost all function
implemented in C for speed. And some cases faster then Storable( for me
- freeze($obj) --- Serialize perl object($obj) to AMF3, and return AMF
- thaw($amf3) --- Deserialize AMF data to perl object, and return the perl
- store $obj, $file --- Store serialized AMF3 data to file
- nstore $obj, $file --- Same as store
- retrieve $obj, $file --- Retrieve serialized AMF3 data from file
- lock_store $obj, $file --- Same as store but with Advisory locking
- lock_nstore $obj, $file --- Same as lock_store
- lock_retrieve $file --- Same as retrieve but with advisory locking
- dclone $file --- Deep cloning data structure
- ref_clear $obj --- cleaning arrayref and hashref. (Usefull for destroing
complex objects)
- ref_lost_memory $obj --- test if object contain lost memory fragments
inside. (Example do { my $a = []; @$a=$a; $a})
- deparse_amf $bytea --- deparse from bytea one item Return one object and
number of bytes readed if scalar context return object
- parse_option =item parse_serializator_option generate option scalar for
freeze/thaw/deparse_amf See Storable::AMF0 for complete list of options
At current moment and with restriction of AMF0/AMF3 format referrences to scalar
are not serialized, and can't/ may not serialize tied variables.
Data::AMF, Storable, Storable::AMF3, Storable::AMF
Anatoliy Grishaev, <grian at cpan dot org>
Alberto Reggiori. ( basic externalized object support )
Adam Lounds. ( tests and some ideas and code for boolean support )
Copyright (C) 2011 by A. G. Grishaev
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.