NAMETangram::Expr - represent expressions on database server sideSYNOPSISmy ($r1, $r2) = $storage->remote(qw( ... )); $r1->{field} operator $value $r1->{field} operator $r2->{field2} $r1->{collection}->includes( $obj ) $r1->{collection}->exists( $obj, $filter ) $r1->{collection}->includes_or( $obj1, $obj2, ... ) DESCRIPTIONTangram::Expr objects represent expressions that will be evaluated on the database server side.Expression objects fall into one of the following categories: numeric, string, reference or collection. Many of the methods in Expr are needed only by people extending Tangram. See also Tangram::Relational, and the source the Tangram::mysql and Tangram::Sybase for examples on how these functions are intercepted to allow RDBMS-specific expressions. NUMERIC EXPRESSIONSNumeric expression objects can be compared using the operators ==, !=, <, >, <= and >=. The other operand must be either another numeric expression object, or a normal Perl numeric value. The result of the comparison is a Filter.STRING EXPRESSIONSString expression objects can be compared using the operators eq, ne, lt, gt, le, and ge. The other operand must be either a string expression object or any Perl scalar value. Tangram will automatically quote the operand as required by the SQL syntax. The result of the comparison is a Tangram::Expr::Filter.String expression objects also support the method like($str), where $str is a string that may contain SQL wildcards. The result is a Tangram::Expr::Filter that translates to a SQL "LIKE $str" predicate. REFERENCE EXPRESSIONSReference expression objects can be compared for equality using operators == and !=. The other operand must be another reference expression, a persistent object or undef(). The result of the comparison is a Filter.COLLECTION EXPRESSIONSCollection expression objects represents a collection inside an object. It supports the includes() and exists() methods, which returns a Tangram::Expr::Filter stating that the collection must contain the operand. exists() uses a subselect.It also supports the includes_or() methods, which accepts a list and is performs a logical OR - using the IN (x,y,z) SQL construct. The operand may be a Tangram::Remote, a persistent object, or an object ID. operator < is provided as a synonym for includes(). The includes() method can be used for all collection types (Set, Array, Hash, and the Intr* versions). PREDICATESPredicate objects represent logical expressions, or conditions. Predicates support logical operators &, | and !. Note that a single ampersand or vertical bar must be used (this is a Perl limitation). The result is another predicate.CLASS METHODSnew($type, $expr, @remotes)Returns a new instance.$type is a Type object corresponding to this expression (see Tangram::Type). $expr is a SQL expression. It will eventually become part of a WHERE-CLAUSE. @remotes contains the Remote objects (see Tangram::Remote) that participate in the expression. Tangram uses this list to insert the corresponding tables in the FROM clause and conditions in the WHERE-CLAUSE. INSTANCE METHODSexpr()Returns the SQL equivalent for this expression.type()Returns the Type (see Tangram::Type) corresponding to this expression.objects()Returns the list of the objects that participate in this expression.storage()Returns the Storage associated with this expression.EXAMPLES$person is called 'Homer'$person->{name} eq 'Homer' $person's name ends with 'mer' $person->{name}->like('%mer'); $person is older than 35 $person->{age} > 35 $person is married to $homer $person->{partner} == $homer $person is not $homer $person != $homer $person is not $homer and is older than 65 $person != $homer & $person->{age} > 65 $person is $bart's parent $person->{children}->includes( $bart ) $person->{children} < $bart $person is not $bart's parent !$person->{children}->includes( $bart ) !($person->{children} < $bart) $person is one of the local list of people, @person $person->in(@person) SEE ALSOTangram::Remote, Tangram::Expr, Tangram::Storage
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