NAMETenjin::Template - A Tenjin template object, either built from a file or from memory.VERSIONversion 0.070001SYNOPSIS# mostly used internally, but you can manipulate # templates like so my $template = Tenjin::Template->new('/path/to/templates/template.html'); my $context = { scalar => 'scalar', arrayref => ['one', 2, "3"] }; $template->render($context); DESCRIPTIONThis module is in charge of the task of compiling Tenjin templates. Templates in Tenjin are compiled into standard Perl code (combined with any Perl code used inside the templates themselves). Rendering a template means "eval"uating that Perl code and returning its output.The Tenjin engine reads a template file or a template string, and creates a Template object from it. Then the object compiles itself by traversing the template, parsing Tenjin macros like 'include' and 'start_capture', replaces Tenjin expressions (i.e. "[== $expr =]" or "[= $expr =]") with the appropriate Perl code, etc. This module ties a template object with a context object, but all context manipulation (and the actual "eval"uation of the Perl code) is done by Tenjin::Context. If you're planning on using this module by itself (i.e. without the Tenjin engine), keep in mind that template caching and layout templates are not handled by this module. METHODSnew( [$filename, \%opts] )Creates a new Tenjin::Template object, possibly from a file on the file system (in which case $filename must be provided and be an absolute path to a template file). Optionally, a hash-ref of options can be passed to set some customizations. Available options are 'escapefunc', which will be in charge of escaping expressions (from "[= $expr =]") instead of the internal method (which uses HTML::Entities); and 'rawclass', which can be used to prevent variables and objects of a certain class from being escaped, in which case the variable must be a hash-ref that has a key named 'str', which will be used instead. So, for example, if you have a variable named $var which is a hash-ref, and 'rawclass' is set as 'HASH', then writing "[= $var =]" on your templates will replace $var with "$var->{str}".render( [$_context] )Renders the template, possibly with a context hash-ref, and returns the rendered output. If errors have occured when rendering the template (which might happen since templates have and are Perl code), then this method will croak.INTERNAL METHODSconvert_file( $filename )Receives an absolute path to a template file, converts that file to Perl code by calling convert() and returns that code.convert( $input, [$filename] )Receives a text of a template (i.e. the template itself) and possibly an absolute path to the template file (if the template comes from a file), and converts the template into Perl code, which is later "eval"uated for rendering. Conversion is done by parsing the statements in the template (see parse_stmt()).compile_stmt_pattern( $pl )Receives a string which denotes the Perl code delimiter which is used inside templates. Tenjin uses '"<?pl ... ?>"' and '"<?PL ... ?>"' (the latter for preprocessing), so $pl will be 'pl'. This method returns a tranlsation regular expression which will be used for reading embedded Perl code.stmt_patternReturns the default pattern (which uses 'pl') with the previous_method.expr_pattern()Defines how expressions are written in Tenjin templates ("[== $expr =]" and "[= $expr =]").parse_stmt( $bufref, $input )Receives a buffer which is used for saving a template's expressions and the template's text, parses all expressions in the templates and pushes them to the buffer.hook_stmt( $stmt )expand_macro( $funcname, $arg )This method is in charge of invoking macro functions which might be used inside templates. The following macros are available:
get_expr_and_escapeflag( $not_escape, $expr, $delete_newline )parse_expr( $bufref, $input )start_text_part( $bufref )stop_text_part( $bufref )add_text( $bufref, $text )add_stmt( $bufref, $stmt )add_expr( $bufref, $expr, $flag_escape )defun( $funcname, @args )compile()escaped_expr( $expr )Receives a Perl expression (from "[= $expr =]") and escapes it. This will happen in one of three ways: with the escape function defined in "$opts->{escapefunc}" (if defined), with a scalar string (if "$opts->{rawclass}" is defined), or with "escape_xml()" from Tenjin::Util, which uses HTML::Entites._read_file( $filename, [$lock_required] )Receives an absolute path to a template file, reads its content and returns it. If $lock_required is passed (and has a true value), the file will be locked for reading._write_file( $filename, $content, [$lock_required] )Receives an absolute path to a template file and the templates contents, and creates the file (or truncates it, if existing) with that contents. If $lock_required is passed (and has a true value), the file will be locked exclusively when writing.SEE ALSOTenjin.AUTHORThe CPAN version of Tenjin was forked by Ido Perlmuter <ido at ido50.net> from version 0.0.2 of the original plTenjin, which is developed by Makoto Kuwata at <http://www.kuwata-lab.com/tenjin/>.Development of Tenjin is done with github at <http://github.com/ido50/Tenjin>. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTTenjin is licensed under the MIT license.Copyright (c) 2007-2010 the aforementioned authors. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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