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NAMETest::Auto::DocumentABSTRACTDocumentation GeneratorSYNOPSISpackage main; use Test::Auto; use Test::Auto::Parser; use Test::Auto::Document; my $test = Test::Auto->new( 't/Test_Auto.t' ); my $parser = Test::Auto::Parser->new( source => $test ); my $doc = Test::Auto::Document->new( parser => $parser ); # render documentation # $doc->render DESCRIPTIONThis package use the Test::Auto::Parser object to generate a valid Perl 5 POD document.LIBRARIESThis package uses type constraints from:Test::Auto::Types ATTRIBUTESThis package has the following attributes:contentcontent(ArrayRef[Str]) This attribute is read-only, accepts "(ArrayRef[Str])" values, and is optional. parserparser(Parser) This attribute is read-only, accepts "(Parser)" values, and is required. templatetemplate(Maybe[Str]) This attribute is read-only, accepts "(Maybe[Str])" values, and is optional. METHODSThis package implements the following methods:renderrender() : Str This method returns a string representation of a valid POD document. You can also provide a template to wrap the generated document by passing it to the constructor or specifying it in the "TEST_AUTO_TEMPLATE" environment variable.
AUTHORAl Newkirk, "awncorp@cpan.org"LICENSECopyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/test-auto/blob/master/LICENSE>. PROJECTWiki <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/test-auto/wiki>Project <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/test-auto> Initiatives <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/test-auto/projects> Milestones <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/test-auto/milestones> Issues <https://github.com/iamalnewkirk/test-auto/issues>