Test::DBIx::Class::SchemaManager::Trait::SQLite - The Default Role
The default Storage trait which provides the ability to deploy to a SQLite
database. It also sets some %ENV and or configuration
options that you can use to specify alternative database setup.
In addition to the documented %ENV
settings, this Trait adds the following:
- Defaults to ':memory:' to create an in memory database. Provide a string
suitable for the "dbname=XXX" part of your connect string.
Typically this should be the path to a location on the filesystem you want
the datbase file to be stored.
Please note that this file will automatically be deleted
unless you have specified to 'keep_db' in the config or via the
$ENV{KEEP_DB} setting.
Also note that if you specify a path that already exists, we
will automatically add the option 'force_drop_table', on the assumption
you are roundtripping tests to the same database file. This way you can
avoid having to specifically tell the system to delete the file each
John Napiorkowski "<jjnapiork@cpan.org>"
Copyright 2009, John Napiorkowski
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.