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NAMETest::HexDifferences::HexDump - Format binary to hexadecimal stringsVERSION0.008SYNOPSISuse Test::HexDifferences::HexDump; $string = hex_dump( $binary, ); $string = hex_dump( $binary, { address => $start_address, format => "%a : %4C : %d\n", } ); Format elementsEvery format element in the format string is starting with % like sprintf.If the given format is shorter defined as needed for the data length the remaining data are displayed in default format. If the given format is longer defined as the data length the output will filled with space and it stops before next repetition. Data format It is not very clever to use little-endian formats for tests. There is a fallback to bytes if multibyte formats can not displayed. %C - unsigned char %S - unsigned 16-bit, endian depends on machine %S< - unsigned 16-bit, little-endian %S> - unsigned 16-bit, big-endian %v - unsigned 16-bit, little-endian %n - unsigned 16-bit, big-endian %L - unsigned 32-bit, endian depends on machine %L< - unsigned 32-bit, little-endian %L> - unsigned 32-bit, big-endian %V - unsigned 32-bit, little-endian %N - unsigned 32-bit, big-endian %Q - unsigned 64-bit, endian depends on machine %Q< - unsigned 64-bit, little-endian %Q> - unsigned 64-bit, big-endian "pack" and "unpack" before Perl v5.10 do not allow "<" and ">" to mark the byte order. This is allowed here for all Perl versions. "pack" and "unpack" on a 32 bit machine do not allow the "Q" formats. This is allowed here for all machines. Address format %a - 16 bit address %4a - 16 bit address %8a - 32 bit address ASCII format It can not display all chars. First it must be a printable ASCII char. It can not be anything of space, q{.}, q{'}, q{"} or q{\}. Otherwise q{.} will be printed. %d - display ASCII Repetition %*x - repetition endless %1x - repetition 1 time %2x - repetition 2 times ... Special formats %\n - ignore \n Default formatThe default format is:"%a : %4C : %d\n" or fully written as "%a : %4C : %d\n%*x" Complex formatsThe %...x allows to write mixed formats e.g.Format: %a : %N %4C : %d\n%1x% %a : %n %2C : %d\n%*x Input: \0x01\0x23\0x45\0x67\0x89\0xAB\0xCD\0xEF \0x01\0x23\0x45\0x67 \0x89\0xAB\0xCD\0xEF Output: 0000 : 01234567 89 AB CD EF : .#-Eg... 0008 : 0123 45 67 : .#-E 000C : 89AB CD EF : g... EXAMPLEInside of this Distribution is a directory named example. Run this *.t files.DESCRIPTIONThis is a formatter for binary data.SUBROUTINES/METHODSsubroutine hex_dump$string = hex_dump( $binary, { address => $display_start_address, format => $format_string, } ); DIAGNOSTICSnothingCONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENTnothingDEPENDENCIESHash::UtilSub::Exporter INCOMPATIBILITIESnoneBUGS AND LIMITATIONSnoneSEE ALSOTest::HexDifferencesData::Hexdumper inspired by AUTHORSteffen WinklerLICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2012 - 2014, Steffen Winkler "<steffenw at cpan.org>". All rights reserved.This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.