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Test::LectroTest::Generator(3) |
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Test::LectroTest::Generator(3) |
Test::LectroTest::Generator - Random value generators and combinators
use Test::LectroTest::Generator qw(:common :combinators);
my $int_gen = Int;
my $pct_gen = Int( range=>[0,100] );
my $flt_gen = Float( range=>[0,1] );
my $bln_gen = Bool;
my $chr_gen = Char( charset=>"a-z" );
my $str_gen = String( charset=>"A-Z0-9", length=>[3,] );
my $ary_gen = List( Int(sized=>0) );
my $hsh_gen = Hash( $str_gen, $pct_gen );
my $uni_gen = Unit( "e" ); # always returns "e"
my $elm_gen = Elements("e1", "e2", "e3", "e4");
for my $sizing_guidance (1..100) {
my $i = $int_gen->generate( $sizing_guidance );
print "$i ";
print "\n";
# generates single digits
my $digit_gen = Elements( 0..9 ); # or Int(range=>[0,9],sized=>0)
# generates SSNs like "910-77-2236"
my $ssn_gen = Paste( Paste( ($digit_gen) x 3 ),
Paste( ($digit_gen) x 2 ),
Paste( ($digit_gen) x 4 ),
glue => "-" );
# print 10 SSNs
print( map {$ssn_gen->generate($_)."\n"} 1..10 );
my $english_dist_vowel_gen =
Frequency( [8.167,Unit("a")], [12.702,Unit("e")],
[6.996,Unit("i")], [ 7.507,Unit("o")],
[2.758,Unit("u")] );
# Source: http://www.csm.astate.edu/~rossa/datasec/frequency.html
This module provides random value generators for common data types and provides
an interface and tools for creating your own generators. It also provides
generator combinators that can be used to create more-complex generators by
combining simple ones.
A generator is an object having a method
"generate", which takes a single argument,
size and returns a new random value. The generated value is always a
scalar. Generators that produce data structures return references to
The "generate" method interprets its
size argument as guidance about the complexity of the value it should
create. Typically, smaller size values result in smaller generated
numbers and shorter generated strings and lists. Some generators, for which
sizing doesn't make sense, ignore sizing guidance altogether; those that do
use sizing guidance can be told to ignore it via the sized modifier.
The purpose of sizing is to allow LectroTest to generate simple
values at first and then, as testing progresses, to slowly ramp up the
complexity. In this way, counterexamples for obvious problems will be easier
for you to understand.
The following functions create fully-formed generators, ready to use. These
functions are exported into your code's namespace if you ask for
":generators" or
":all" when you
"use" this module.
Each generator has a "generate"
method that you can call to extract a new, random value from the
- Int
my $gen = Int( range=>[0,9], sized=>0 );
Creates a generator for integer values, by default in the
range [-32768,32767], inclusive, but this can be changed via the
optional range modifier.
- Int( range=>[low, high] )
- Causes the generated values to be constrained to the range [low,
high], inclusive. By default, the range is [-32768, 32767].
Note: If your range is empty (i.e., low >
high), LectroTest will complain.
Note: If zero is not within the range you provide,
sizing makes no sense because the intersection of your range and the
sizing range can be empty, and thus you must turn off sizing with
"sized=>0". If you forget,
LectroTest will complain.
- Int( sized=>bool )
- If true (the default), constrains the absolute value of the generated
integers to the sizing guidance provided to the
"generate" method. Otherwise, the
generated values are constrained only by the range.
- Float
my $gen = Float( range=>[-2.0,2.0], sized=>1 );
Creates a generator for floating-point values, by default in
the range [-32768.0,32768.0), but this can be changed via the optional
range modifier. By default Float generators are sized.
- Float( range=>[low, high] )
- Causes the generated values to be constrained to the range [low,
high). By default, the range is [-32768.0,32768.0). (Note that the
high value itself can never be generated, but values
infinitesimally close to it can.)
Note: If your range is empty (i.e., low >
high), LectroTest will complain.
Note: If zero is not within the range you provide,
sizing makes no sense because the intersection of your range and the
sizing range can be empty, and thus you must turn off sizing with
"sized=>0". If you forget,
LectroTest will complain.
- Float( sized=>bool )
- If true (the default), constrains the absolute value of the generated
values to the sizing guidance provided to the
"generate" method. Otherwise, the
generated values are constrained only by the range.
- Bool
my $gen = Bool;
Creates a generator for boolean values: 0 for false, 1 for
true. The generator ignores sizing guidance.
- Char
my $gen = Char( charset=>"A-Za-z0-9_" );
Creates a generator for characters. By default the characters
are in the ASCII range [0,127], inclusive, but this behavior can be
changed with the charset modifier:
- Char( charset=>cset )
- Characters will be drawn from the character set given by the character-set
specification cset. The syntax of cset is similar the Perl
"tr" built-in and is a string comprised
of characters and character ranges:
- c
- Adds the character c to the set.
- c-d
- Adds the characters in the range c through d (inclusive) to
the set. Note: If c is lexicographically greater than d, the
range is empty, and no characters will be added to the set.
- charset=>"abcdwxyz"
- The characters "a", "b", "c", "d",
"w", "x", "y", and "z" are in the
- charset=>"a-dx-z"
- Shorter version of the previous example.
- charset=>"\x00-\x7f"
- The ASCII character set.
- charset=>"-_A-Za-z0-9"
- The character set contains "-", "_", upper- and
lower-case ASCII letters, and the digits 0-9. Notice that the dash must
occur first so that it is not misinterpreted as denoting a range of
- List(elemgen)
my $gen = List( Bool, length=>[1,10] );
Creates a generator for lists (which are returned as array
refs). The elements of the lists are generated by the generator given as
elemgen. The lengths of the generated lists are constrained by
sizing guidance at the time of generation. You can override the default
sizing behavior using the optional length modifier:
When the list generator calls the element generator, it
divides the sizing guidance by the length of the list. For example, if
the list being generated will have 7 elements, when the list generator
calls the element generator to generate each element, it will scale the
sizing guidance by 1/7. In this way the sizing guidance provides a rough
constraint on the total number of elements produced, regardless of the
depth of the list structure being generated.
- List( ..., length=>N )
- Generated lists are exactly length N.
- List( ..., length=>[M,] )
- Generated lists are at least length M. (Maximum length is
constrained by sizing factor.)
- List( ..., length=>[M,N] )
- Generated lists are of length between M and N, inclusive.
Sizing guidance is ignored.
Advanced Note: If more than one elemgen is given,
they will be used in turn to create successive elements. In this case, the
length of the list will be multiplied by the number of generators given. For
example, providing two generators will create double-length lists.
- Hash(keygen, valgen)
my $gen = Hash( String( charset=>"A-Z", length=>3 ),
Float( range=>[0.0, 100.0] );
Creates a generator for hashes (which are returned as hash
refs). The keys of the hash are generated by the generator given as
keygen, and the values are generated by the generator
The Hash generator takes an optional length modifier
that specifies the desired hash length (= number of keys):
- Hash( ..., length=>length-spec )
- Specifies the desired length of the generated hashes, using the same
length-spec syntax as for the List generator. Note that the
generated hashes may be smaller than expected because of key
- String
my $gen = String( length=>[3,], charset=>"A-Z" );
Creates a generator for strings. By default the strings will
be drawn from the ASCII character set (0 through 127) and be of length
constrained by the sizing factor. Both defaults can be changed using
- String( charset=>cset )
- Characters will be drawn from the character set given by the character-set
specification cset. The syntax of cset is similar the Perl
"tr" operator and is a string comprised
of characters and character ranges. See Char for a full description.
- String( length=>length-spec )
- Specifies the desired length of generated strings, using the same
length-spec syntax as for the List generator.
- Elements(e1, e2, ...)
my $gen = Elements( "alpha", "beta", "gamma" );
Creates a generator that chooses among the given elements
e1, e2, ... with equal probability. Each call to the
"generate" method will return one of
the element values. Sizing guidance has no effect on this generator.
Note: This generator builder does not accept modifiers.
If you pass any, they will be interpreted as elements to be added to the
pool from which the generator randomly selects, which is probably not
what you want.
- Unit(e)
my $gen = Unit( "alpha" );
Creates a generator that always returns the value e.
Not too useful on its own but can be handy as a building block for
combinators to chew on. Naturally, sizing guidance has no effect on this
Note: This generator builder does not accept
The following combinators allow you to build more complicated generators from
simpler ones. These combinators are exported into your code's namespace if you
ask for ":combinators" or
":all" when you
"use" this module.
- Paste(gens..., glue=>str)
my $gen = Paste( (String(charset=>"0-9",length=>4)) x 4,
glue => " " );
# gens credit-card numbers like "4592 9459 9023 1369"
my $lgen = Paste( List( String(charset=>"0-9",length=>4)
, length=>4 ), glue => " " );
# another way of doing the same
Creates a combined generator that generates values by joining
the values generated by each of the supplied sub-generators gens.
(Generated list values will have their elements "flattened"
into the rest of the generated results before joining.) The resulting
string is returned.
The values are joined using the given glue string str.
If no glue modifier is provided, the default glue is the empty
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each of the sub-generators.
- OneOf(gens...)
my $gen = OneOf( Unit(0), List(Int,length=>3) );
# generates scalar 0 or a 3-element list of integers
Creates a combined generator that generates each value by
selecting at random (with equal probability) one of the sub-generators
in gens and using that generator to generate the output
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to the selected sub-generator.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- Frequency([freq1, gen1], [freq2, gen2],
my $gen = Frequency( [50, Unit("common" )],
[35, Unit("less common")],
[15, Unit("uncommon" )] );
# generates one of "common", "less common", or
# "uncommon" with respective probabilities
# 50%, 35%, and 15%.
Creates a combined generator that generates each value by
selecting at random one of the generators gen1 or gen2 or
... and using that generator to generate the output value. Each
generator is selected with probability proportional to its associated
frequency. (If all of the given frequencies are the same, the Frequency
combinator effectively becomes OneOf.) The frequencies can be any
non-negative numerical values you want and will be normalized to a
0-to-1 scale internally. At least one frequency must be greater than
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to the selected sub-generator.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- Each(gens...)
my $gen = Each( Unit(1), Unit("X") );
# always generates [ 1, "X" ]
Creates a generator that returns a list (array ref) whose
successive elements are the successive values generated by the given
generators gens.
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each sub-generator.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
(Note for technical buffs:
"Each(...)" is exactly equivalent to
"List(..., length=>1)").
- Apply(fn, gens...)
my $gen = Apply( sub { $_[0] x $_[1] }
, Unit("X"), Unit(4) );
# always generates "XXXX"
Creates a generator that applies the given function fn
to arguments generated from each of the given sub-generators gens
and returns the resulting value. Each sub-generator contributes one
value, and the values are passed to fn as arguments in the same
order as the sub-generators were given to Apply.
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each sub-generator.
Note: The function fn is always evaluated in
scalar context. If you need to generate an array, return it as an array
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- Map(fn, gens...)
my $gen = Map( sub { "X" x $_[0] }
, Unit(4), Unit(3), Unit(0) );
# always generates [ "XXXX", "XXX", "" ]
Creates a generator that applies the given function fn
to the values generated by the given generators gen one at a time
and returns a list (array ref) whose elements are each of the successive
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each sub-generator.
Note: The function fn is always evaluated in
scalar context. If you need to generate an array, return it as an array
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- Concat(gens...)
my $gen = Concat( List( Unit(1), length=>3 )
, List( Unit("x"), length=>1 ) );
# always generates [1, 1, 1, "x"]
Creates a generator that concatenates the values generated by
each of its sub-generators, resulting in a list (which is returned as a
array reference). The values returned by the sub-generators are expected
to be lists (array refs). If a sub-generator returns a scalar value, it
will be treated like a single-element list that contains the value.
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each sub-generator.
Note: If a sub-generator returns something other than a
list or scalar, you will get a run-time error.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- Flatten(gens...)
my $gen = Flatten( Unit( [[[[[[ 1 ]]]]]] ) );
# generates [1]
Flatten is just like Concat except that it recursively
flattens any sublists generated by the generators gen and then
concatenates them to generate a final a list of depth one, regardless of
the depth of any sublists.
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each sub-generator.
Note: If a sub-generator returns something other than a
list or scalar, you will get a run-time error.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- ConcatMap(fn, gens)
sub take_odds { my $x = shift;
$x % 2 ? [$x] : [] }
my $gen = ConcatMap( \&take_odds
, Unit(1), Unit(2), Unit(3) );
# generates [1, 3]
Creates a generator that applies the function fn to
each of the values generated by the given generators gen in turn,
and then concatenates the results.
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each sub-generator.
Note: The function fn is always evaluated in
scalar context. If you need to generate an array, return it as an array
Note: If a sub-generator returns something other than a
list or scalar, you will get a run-time error.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- FlattenMap(fn, gens)
my $gen = FlattenMap( sub { [ ($_[0]) x 3 ] }
, Unit([1]), Unit([[2]]) );
# generates [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
Creates a generator that applies the function fn to
each of the values generated by the given generators gen in turn,
and then flattens and concatenates the results.
The sizing guidance given to the combined generator will be
passed unchanged to each sub-generator.
Note: The function fn is always evaluated in
scalar context. If you need to generate an array, return it as an array
Note: If a sub-generator returns something other than a
list or scalar, you will get a run-time error.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
- Sized(fn, gen)
my $gen = Sized { 2 * $_[0] } List(Int);
# ^ magnify sizing guidance by factor of two
my $gen2 = Sized { 10 } Int;
# ^ use constant guidance of 10
Creates a generator that adjusts sizing guidance by passing it
through the function fn. Then it calls the generator gen
with the adjusted guidance and returns the result.
Note: This combinator does not accept modifiers.
You can create your own generators by creating any object that has a
"generate" method. Your method should accept
as its first argument sizing guidance size and, if it makes sense,
adjust the complexity of the values it generates accordingly.
The easiest way to create a generator is by using the magic
function "Gen". It promotes a block of
code into a generator. For example, here's a home-brew generator for times
in ctime(3) format that is built on top of an Int generator:
use Test::LectroTest::Generator qw( :common Gen );
my $time_gen = Int(range=>[0, 2_147_483_647], sized=>0);
my $ctime_gen = Gen {
scalar localtime $time_gen->generate( @_ );
print($ctime_gen->generate($_), "\n") for 1..5;
# Fri Jun 2 18:13:21 1978
# Thu Mar 28 00:55:51 1974
# Wed Mar 26 06:41:09 2025
# Sun Sep 11 15:39:44 2016
# Fri Dec 26 00:39:31 1975
Alternatively, we could build the generator using the Apply
my $ctime_gen2 = Apply { localtime $_[0] } $time_gen;
Note: "Gen" is not
exported into your code's namespace by default. If you want to use it, you
must import it by name or import ":all"
when you use this module.
Here are some examples to consider.
use strict;
use Test::LectroTest::Generator qw(:common);
show("Ints (sized by default)", Int);
show("Floats (sized by default)", Float);
show("Percentages (unsized)",
Int( range=>[0,100], sized=>0 ));
show("Lists (sized by default) of Ints (unsized) in [0,10]",
List( Int( sized=>0, range=>[0,10] ) ));
show("Uppercase-alpha identifiers at least 3 chars long",
String( length=>[3,], charset=>"A-Z" ));
show("Hashes (sized by default) of form AAA=>Digit",
Hash( String( length=>3, charset=>"A-Z" ),
Int( sized=>0, range=>[0,9] ) ));
sub show {
print "\n", shift(), "\n";
my ($gen) = @_;
for (1..10) {
my $val = $gen->generate($_);
printf "Size %2d: ", $_;
if (ref $val eq "HASH") {
my @pairs = map {"$_=>$val->{$_}"} keys %$val;
print "{ @pairs }";
elsif (ref $val eq "ARRAY") {
print "[ @$val ]"
else {
print $val;
print "\n";
For these examples we use "Data::Dumper" to
inspect the data structures we generate. Also, we import not only the common
generator constructors (like Int) but also the generic Gen constructor, which
lets us build generators out of blocks on the fly.
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::LectroTest::Generator qw(:common Gen);
First, here's a recipe for building a list of lists of
my $loloi_gen = List( List( Int(sized=>0) ) );
print Dumper($loloi_gen->generate(10));
You may want to run the example several times to get a feel for
the distribution of the generated output.
Now, a more complicated example. Here we build sized trees of
random depth using a recursive set of generators.
my $tree_gen = do {
my $density = 0.5;
my $leaf_gen = Int( sized=>0 );
my $tree_helper = \1;
my $branch_gen = List( Gen { $$tree_helper->generate(@_) } );
$tree_helper = \Gen {
my ($size) = @_;
return rand($size) < $density
? $leaf_gen->generate($size)
: $branch_gen->generate($size + 1);
print Dumper($tree_gen->generate(30));
We define a tree as either a leaf or a branch, and we randomly
decide between the two at each node in the growing tree. Leaves are just
integers and become more likely when the sizing guidance diminishes (which
happens as we go deeper). The code uses $density as
a control knob for leaf density. (Try re-running the above code after
changing the value of $density. Try 0, 1, and 2.)
Branches, on the other hand, are lists of trees. Because branches generate
trees, and trees generate branches, we use a reference trick to set up the
mutually recursive relationship. This we encapsulate within a do
block for tidiness.
Test::LectroTest gives a quick overview of automatic, specification-based
testing with LectroTest.
Tom Moertel (tom@moertel.com)
The LectroTest project was inspired by Haskell's QuickCheck module by Koen
Claessen and John Hughes: http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/QuickCheck/.
Copyright (c) 2004-13 by Thomas G Moertel. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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