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NAMEText::ClearSilver - Perl interface to the ClearSilver template engineVERSIONThis document describes Text::ClearSilver version v0.10.5.4.SYNOPSISuse Text::ClearSilver; my $cs = Text::ClearSilver->new( # core configuration VarEscapeMode => 'html', # html,js,url, or none TagStart => 'cs', # <?cs ... > # extended configuratin load_path => [qw(/path/to/template)], dataset => { common_foo => 'value' }, functions => [qw(string html)], ); $cs->register_function( ucfirst => sub{ ucfirst $_[0] } ); my %vars = ( foo => 'bar', # as var:foo baz => { qux => 42 }, # as var:baz.qux ); $cs->process(\q{<?cs var:ucfirst(foo) ?>}, \%vars); # => Bar # with encodings $cs->process(\q{<?cs var:foo ?>}, \%vars, \my $out, encoding => 'utf8', # may be 'utf8' or 'bytes' ); DESCRIPTIONText::ClearSilver is a Perl binding to the ClearSilver template engine.INTERFACEThe Text::ClearSilver class"Text::ClearSilver->new(%config | \%config) :TCS"Creates a Text::ClearSilver processor. Configuration parameters may be:
"$tcs->dataset :HDF" Returns the dataset that the processor uses in common. "$tcs->register_function($name, \&func, $n_args = -1 ) :Void" Registers a named function in the TCS processor. If you set the number of arguments ">= 0", it will be checked at parsing time, rather than runtime. Note that Text::ClearSilver defines some builtin functions, and you cannot re-define them. Builtin functions are as follows:
"$tcs->process($source, $data, ?$output, %config) :Void" Processes a ClearSilver template. The first parameter, $source, indicates the input template as a filename, filehandle, or scalar reference. The second, $data, indicates template variables which may be a HDF dataset, HASH reference, ARRAY reference. The result of process is printed to the optional third parameter, $output, which may be a filename, filehandle, or scalar reference. If the third parameter is omitted, the default filehandle will be used. Optional %config are stored into "Config.*", i.e. "VarEscapeMode => 'html'" changes the escaping mode temporally. "$tcs->clear_cache :HASH" Clears the global file cache, and returns the old one. The Text::ClearSilver::HDF classThis is a low-level interface to the "HDF*" (Hierarchial Data Format) data structure.Text::ClearSilver::HDF->new($hdf_source) :HDF Creates a HDF dataset and initializes it with $hdf_source, which may be a reference to data structure or an HDF string. Notes:
$hdf->add($hdf_source) :Void Adds $hdf_source into the dataset. $hdf_source may be a reference to data structure or an HDF string. $hdf->get_value($name, ?$default_value) :Str Returns the value of a named node in the dataset. $hdf->get_obj($name) :HDF Returns the dataset node at a named location. $hdf->get_node($name) :HDF Similar to "get_obj" except all the nodes are created if they do not exist. $hdf->get_child($name) :HDF Returns the first child of a named node. $hdf->obj_child :HDF Returns the first child of the dataset. $hdf->obj_next :HDF Returns the next node of the dataset. $hdf->obj_name :Str Returns the name of the node. $hdf->obj_value :Str Returns the value of the node. $hdf->set_value($name) :Void Sets the value of a named node. $hdf->set_copy($dest_name, $src_name) :Void Copies a value from one location in the dataset to another. $hdf->set_symlink($link_name, $existing_name) :Void Sets a part of the dataset to link to another. $hdf->sort_obj(\&compare) :Void Sorts the children of the dataset. A &compare callback is given a pair of HDF nodes. For example, here is a function to sort a dataset by names: $hdf->sort_obj(sub { my($a, $b) = @_; return $a->obj_name cmp $b->obj_name; }); $hdf->read_file($filename) :Void Reads an HDF data file. $hdf->write_file($filename) :Void Writes an HDF data file. $hdf->dump() :Str Serializes the dataset to an HDF string, which can be passed into "add()". $hdf->remove_tree($name) :Void Removes a named node of the dataset. $hdf->copy($name, $source) :Void Copies a named node of a dataset to the dataset. if $name is empty, all the $souece node will be copied. Text::ClearSilver::CSThis is a low-level interface to the "CSPARSE*" template engine.Text::ClearSilver::CS->new($hdf_source) :CS Creates a CS context with $hdf_source, which may be a reference to data structure or an HDF string.. $cs->parse_file($file) :Void Parses a CS template file. $cs->parse_string($string) :Void Parses a CS template string. $cs->render() :Str Renders the CS parse tree and returns the result as a string. $cs->render($filehandle) :Void Renders the CS parse tree and print the result to a filehandle. $cs->dump() :Str Dumps the CS parse tree for debugging. APPENDIXClearSilver keywordsHere are ClearSilver keywords.See <http://www.clearsilver.net/docs/man_templates.hdf> for details.
ExamplesLoopsGiven a dataset: my %vars = ( Data => [qw(foo bar baz)], ); and a template: <?cs each:item = Data ?> <?cs if:first(item) ?>first<?cs /if ?> <?cs var:name(item) ?>: <?cs var:item(name) ?> <?cs if:last(item) ?>last<?cs /if ?> <?cs /each ?> makes: first 0: foo 1: bar 2: baz last with some white spaces. Macros Given a template: <?cs def:add(x, y) ?>[<?cs var:#x+#y ?>]<?cs /def ?> <?cs def:cat(x, y) ?>[<?cs var:x+y ?>]<?cs /def?> 10 + 20 = <?cs call add(10, 20) ?> (as number) 15 + 25 = <?cs call cat(15, 25) ?> (as string) makes: 10 + 20 = 30 (as number) 15 + 25 = 1525 (as string) with some white spaces. Escapes Given a dataset: my %vars = ( uri => q{<a href="http://example.com">example.com</a>}, ); and a template: escape: "none": <?cs escape: "none" ?><?cs var:uri ?><?cs /escape ?> escape: "html": <?cs escape: "html" ?><?cs var:uri ?><?cs /escape ?> escape: "js": <?cs escape: "js" ?><?cs var:uri ?><?cs /escape ?> escape: "url": <?cs escape: "url" ?><?cs var:uri ?><?cs /escape ?> makes: escape: "none": <a href="http://example.com">example.com</a> escape: "html": <a href="http://example.com">example.com</a> escape: "js": \x3Ca href=\x22http:\x2F\x2Fexample.com\x22\x3Eexample.com\x3C\x2Fa\x3E escape: "url": %3Ca+href%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%22%3Eexample.com%3C%2Fa%3E DEPENDENCIESPerl 5.8.1 or later, and a C compiler.BUGSAll complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT.SEE ALSO<http://www.clearsilver.net/>Data::ClearSilver::HDF Catalyst::View::ClearSilver Template AUTHORSCraftworks <craftwork(at)cpan.org>Goro Fuji (gfx) <gfuji(at)cpan.org> ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe ClearSilver template engine is developed by Neotonic Software Corp, and Copyright (c) 2003 Brandon Long.This distribution includes the ClearSilver distribution. See <http://www.clearsilver.net/license.hdf> for ClearSilver Software License. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2010, Craftworks. All rights reserved.This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlgpl and perlartistic.