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Thread::Queue::Queueable(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Thread::Queue::Queueable(3)

Thread::Queue::Queueable - abstract class for marshalling elements for a Thread::Queue::Duplex queue

        use Thread::Queue::Queueable;
        use base qw(Thread::Queue::Queueable);
        #       implement onEnqueue method
        #       (default implementation shown)
        sub onEnqueue {
                my $obj = shift;
        #       capture class name, and create shared
        #       version of object
                return $obj->isa('ARRAY') ?
                        (ref $obj, share([ @$obj ])) :
                        (ref $obj, share({ %$obj }));
        #       implement onDequeue method
        #       (default implementation shown)
        sub onDequeue {
                my ($class, $obj) = @_;
        #       reconstruct as non-shared
                $obj = (ref $obj eq 'ARRAY') ? [ @$obj ] : { %$obj };
                bless $obj, $class;
                return $obj;
        #       permit the object to be reconstructed on dequeueing
        sub onCancel {
                my $obj = shift;
                return 1;
        #       curse (ie, unbless) the object into a shared structure
        sub curse {
                my $obj = shift;

                if ($obj->isa('HASH')) {
                        my %cursed : shared = ();
                        $cursed{$_} = $obj->{$_}
                                foreach (keys %$obj);
                        return \%cursed;

                my @cursed : shared = ();
                $cursed[$_] = $obj->[$_]
                        foreach (0..$#$obj);
                return \@cursed;
        #       redeem (ie, rebless) the object into
        #       the class
        sub redeem {
                my ($class, $obj) = @_;

                if (ref $obj eq 'HASH') {
                        my $redeemed = {};
                        $redeemed->{$_} = $obj->{$_}
                                foreach (keys %$obj);
                        return bless $redeemed, $class;

                my $redeemed = [];
                $redeemed->[$_] = $obj->[$_]
                        foreach (0..$#$obj);
                return bless $redeemed, $class;

Thread::Queue::Queueable (aka TQQ) provides abstract methods to be invoked whenever an object is enqueued or dequeued, in either the request or response direction, on a Thread::Queue::Duplex (TQD) queue.

The primary purpose is to simplify application logic so that marshalling/unmarhsalling of objects between threads is performed automatically. In addition, when subclassed, the application class can modify or add logic (e.g., notifying a server thread object to update its reference count when a wrapped object is passed between threads - see DBIx::Threaded for an example).

Refer to the included classdocs for summary and detailed method descriptions.

Thread::Queue::Duplex, threads, threads::shared, Thread::Queue

Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp.

Copyright(C) 2005, Presicient Corp., USA

Permission is granted to use this software under the same terms as Perl itself. Refer to the Perl Artistic License for details.

2006-03-18 perl v5.32.1

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