Tk::Sugar - Sugar syntax for Tk
use Tk::Sugar qw{ :pack :state };
$widget->pack( top, xfill2, pad10 );
# equivalent to those pack options:
# -side => 'top'
# -expand => 1
# -fill => 'both'
# -padx => 10
# -pady => 10
$widget->configure( enabled );
# equivalent to: -state => 'enabled'
Tk is a great graphical toolkit to write desktop applications. However, one can
get bothered with the constant typing of quotes and options. Tk::Sugar
provides handy subs for common options used when programming Tk.
Benefits are obvious:
- Reduced typing.
The constant need to type
"=>" and ''
is fine for one-off cases, but the instant you start using Tk it starts
to get annoying.
- More compact statements.
Reduces much of the redundant typing in most cases, which
makes your life easier, and makes it take up less visual space, which
makes it faster to read.
- No string worries.
Strings are often problematic, since they aren't checked at
compile- time. Sometimes it makes spotting an error a difficult task.
Using this alleviates that worry.
This module is using Sub::Exporter underneath, so you can use all its
shenanigans to change the export names.
Look below for the list of available subs.
Pack options
Traditional packer sides (available as
":side" export group):
- top - equivalent to "( -side => 'top'
- bottom - ditto for "bottom"
- left - ditto for "left"
- right - ditto for "right"
Packer expand and filling (available as
":fill" export group):
- fillx - equivalent to "( -fill => 'x'
- filly - equivalent to "( -fill => 'y'
- fill2 - equivalent to "( -fill => 'both'
- xfillx - same as "fillx" with
"( -expand => 1 )"
- xfilly - ditto for "filly"
- xfill2 - ditto for "fill2"
- expand - equivalent to "( -expand => 1
)" if you don't like the
"xfill*" notation
Packer padding (available as
":pad" export group):
- pad1 - equivalent to "( -padx => 1, -pady => 1
- pad2 - ditto with 2 pixels
- pad5 - ditto with 5 pixels
- pad10 - ditto with 10 pixels
- pad20 - ditto with 20 pixels
- pad($n) - ditto with $n pixels (function call with
one argument)
- padx($n) - x padding with $n pixels (function call
with one argument)
- pady($n) - y padding with $n pixels (function call
with one argument)
Packer padding (available as
":ipad" export group):
- ipad1 - equivalent to "( -ipadx => 1, -ipady
=> 1 )"
- ipad2 - ditto with 2 pixels
- ipad5 - ditto with 5 pixels
- ipad10 - ditto with 10 pixels
- ipad20 - ditto with 20 pixels
- ipad($n) - ditto with $n pixels (function call
with one argument)
- ipadx($n) - internal x padding with $n pixels
(function call with one argument)
- ipady($n) - internal y padding with $n pixels
(function call with one argument)
Common options
Widget state (available as
":state" export group):
- enabled - equivalent to "( -state => 'normal'
- disabled - ditto for "disabled"
Widget anchor (available as
":anchor" export group). Note that those
subs are upper case, otherwise the sub "s"
would clash with the regex substitution:
- N - equivalent to "( -anchor => 'n'
- S - ditto with "s"
- E - ditto with "e"
- W - ditto with "w"
- C - ditto with "center"
- NE - ditto with "ne"
- NW - ditto with "nw"
- SE - ditto with "se"
- SW - ditto with "sw"
Widget orientation (available as
":orient" export group).:
- horizontal - equivalent to "( -orient =>
'horizontal' )"
- vertical - ditto with "vertical"
Beside the individual groups outlined above, the following export groups exist
for your convenience:
- :default
- This exports all existing subs.
- :pack
- This exports subs related to Tk::pack options. Same as
":pad" and
- :options
- This exports subs related to widget configure options. Same as
":anchor" and
You can look for information on this module at:
- Search CPAN
- Open / report bugs
- Git repository
- AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
- CPAN Ratings
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Jerome Quelin.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.