NAMEToader::Config - Represents the Toader config.VERSIONVersion 1.0.0METHODSnewThis initiates the object.One argument is required and it is a Toader object. my $foo = Toader::Config->new( $toader ); if ( $foo->error ){ warn('error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString); } getConfigThis returns the Config::Tiny object storing the Toader config.There is no need to do any error checking as long as Toader new suceeded with out issue. my $config=$foo->getConfig; getConfigFileThis returns the config file for Toader.my $configFile=$foo->getConfigFile; listSectionsThis returns a list of sections.my @sections=$foo->listSections; listVariablesThis returns a list of variables for a section.my @variables=$foo->listVariables( $section ); if ( $foo->error ){ warn( 'error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString ); } valueDelThis deletes a specified value.Two arguments are taken. The first is the section. If not specified, "_" is used. The second and required one is the variable name. As long as the section exists, which it always will for '_', and a variable name is specified, this won't error. $foo->valueDel( $section, $variable ); valueGetThis returns a value that has been set for a variable.Two arguments are taken. The first is the section. If not specified, "_" is used. The second and required one is the variable name. As long as the section exists, which it always will for '_', and a variable name is specified, this won't error. If a value does not exist, undef is returned. my $value=$foo->valueGet( $section, $variable ); valueSetThis sets a new value for the config.Third arguments are taken. The first is the section. If not specified, "_" is used. The second and required one is the variable name. The third and required is the the value. If the specified section does not exist, a new one will be created. Neither the section or variable name can match /[\t \n\=\#\;]/. my $value=$foo->valueSet( $section, $variable, $value ); writeWrites the config out to the Toader config file.$foo->write; if ( $foo->error ){ warn('error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString); } ERROR CODES/FLAGS1, noToaderObjNo Toader object specified.2, notAtoaderObjThe specified object is not a Toader object.3, noDirSetThe Toader object did not return a directory.4, configReadFailedFailed to read the config file.5, sectionDoesNotExistThe section does not exist.6, noVariableSpecifiedNo variable name specified.7, invalidVariableOrSectionVariable or section matched /[\t \n\=\#\;]/.8, configWriteFailedFailed to write the config out.9, getVCSerroredToader->getVCS errored.10, VCSusableErroredToader::VCS->usable errored.11, underVCSerroredToader::VCS->underVCS errored.12, VCSaddErroredToader::VCS->add errored.AUTHORZane C. Bowers-Hadley, "<vvelox at vvelox.net>"BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-toader at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Toader>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc Toader::Config You can also look for information at:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright 2011 Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.
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