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Toader::Directory(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Toader::Directory(3)

Toader::Directory - This the index file for a Toader directory.

Version 0.1.0

For information on the storage and rendering of entries, please see 'Documentation/Directory.pod'.

This initializes the object.

One argument is required and it is a Toader object.

    my $foo = Toader::Directory->new($toader);
    if ($foo->error){
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This returns the directory as a string.

    my $mimeString=$foo->as_string;
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This gets body.

    my $body=$foo->bodyGet;
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This sets the body.

One argument is required and it is the body.

        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This gets Toader directory this entry is associated with.

This will only error if a permanent error is set.

    my $dir=$foo->dirGet;
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This sets Toader directory this entry is associated with.

One argument is taken and it is the Toader directory to set it to.

        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This lists the sub Toader directories in the current Toader directory, ignoring items starting with a '.'.

The returned value is a array containing a list of relative directory names.

This method requires dirSet to have been used previously.

    my @subToaderDirs=$foo->listSubToaderDirs;
        warn('error: '.$foo->error.":".$foo->errorString);

This returns the renderer type.

    my $renderer=$foo->rendererGet;
        warn('error: '.$foo->error.":".$foo->errorString);

This sets the renderer type.

One argument is taken and it is the render type.

A value of undef sets it to the default, 'html'.

    my $renderer=$foo->rendererGet;
        warn('error: '.$foo->error.":".$foo->errorString);

This adds a new file as a subpart.

One argument is required and it is the path to the file.

    $foo->subpartsAdd( $file );
    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This extracts the subparts of a entry.

One argument is extracted, it is the directory to extract the files to.

    $foo->subpartsExtract( $dir );
    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This returns the results from the subparts methods from the internal Email::MIME object.

    my @parts=$foo->subpartsGet;
    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This returns a list filenames for the subparts.

    my @files=$foo->subpartsList;
    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This removes the specified subpart.

One argument is required and it is the name of the file to remove.

    $foo->subpartsRemove( $filename );
    if ( $foo->error ){
        warn('Error:'.$foo->error.': '.$foo->errorString);

This returns the summary.

    my $summary=$foo->summaryGet;
        warn('error: '.$foo->error.":".$foo->errorString);

This sets the summary.

One argument is taken and it is the summary.

        warn('error: '.$foo->error.":".$foo->errorString);

This saves the page file. It requires dirSet to have been called previously.

        warn('error: '.$foo->error.":".$foo->errorString);

This returns the file directory for the object.

This is not a full path, but a partial path that should be appended the directory current directory being outputted to.

This returns the location ID.

This one requires the object to be initialized.

This is the directory that it will be rendered to.

The base directory that will be used for rendering.

This returns the module to use for rendering.

    my $module=$foo->renderUsing;

This method returns true and marks it as being Toader renderable.

This returns the path to the object.

This is not a full path, but a partial path that should be appended the directory current directory being outputted to.

Unable to open the index file for the specified directory.

The specified directory is not a Toader directory.

No title specified.

No directory has been specified yet.

The directory is no longer a Toader directory.

Failed to open the file for writing.

Failed to open the directory.

No summary specified.

The specified objected is not a Toader object.

Toader->getVCS errored.

Toader::VCS->usable errored.

Toader::VCS->underVCS errored.

Toader::VCS->add errored.

No Toader object specified.

Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, "<vvelox at>"

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-toader at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Toader::Directory

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  • RT: CPAN's request tracker


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  • Search CPAN


Copyright 2013 Zane C. Bowers-Hadley

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

2013-04-12 perl v5.32.1

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