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Tree::Binary::Search(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
Tree::Binary::Search(3) |
Tree::Binary::Search - A Binary Search Tree for perl
The program ships as scripts/search.1.pl:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tree::Binary::Search;
# -----------------------
my($btree) = Tree::Binary::Search -> new;
$btree -> useNumericComparison();
$btree -> insert(5 => 'Five');
$btree -> insert(2 => 'Two');
$btree -> insert(1 => 'One');
$btree -> insert(3 => 'Three');
$btree -> insert(4 => 'Four');
$btree -> insert(9 => 'Nine');
$btree -> insert(8 => 'Eight');
$btree -> insert(6 => 'Six');
$btree -> insert(7 => 'Seven');
# This creates the following tree (showing keys only):
# +-------(5)----------+
# | |
# +-(2)-+ +-(9)
# | | |
# (1) (3)-+ +----(8)
# | |
# (4) (6)-+
# |
# (7)
# There is no method which will display the above,
# but a crude tree-printer follows.
$btree -> getTree -> traverse
my($tree) = @_;
print "\t" x $tree -> getDepth, $tree -> getNodeKey, ': ', $tree -> getNodeValue, "\n";
$btree -> exists(7); # Returns a true value (1 actually).
$btree -> update(7 => 'Seven (updated)');
$btree -> select(9); # Returns 'Nine'.
$btree -> min_key(); # Returns 1.
$btree -> min(); # Returns 'One'.
$btree -> max_key(); # Return 9.
$btree -> max(); # Returns 'Nine'.
$btree -> delete(5);
# This results in the following tree (showing keys only):
# +-------(6)-------+
# | |
# +-(2)-+ +-(9)
# | | |
# (1) (3)-+ +-(8)
# | |
# (4) (7)
$btree -> getTree -> traverse
my($tree) = @_;
print "\t" x $tree -> getDepth, $tree -> getNodeKey, ': ', $tree -> getNodeValue, "\n";
If printing the tree is important, you are better off using
This module implements a binary search tree, which is a specialized usage of a
binary tree. The basic principle is that all elements to the left are less
than the root, all elements to the right are greater than the root. This
reduces the search time for elements in the tree, by halving the number of
nodes that need to be searched each time a node is examined.
Binary search trees are a very well understood data-structure and
there is a wealth of information on the web about them.
Trees are a naturally recursive data-structure, and therefore,
tend to lend themselves well to recursive traversal functions. I however,
have chosen to implement the tree traversal in this module without using
recursive subroutines. This is partially a performance descision, even
though perl can handle theoreticaly unlimited recursion, subroutine calls to
have some overhead. My algorithm is still recursive, I have just chosen to
keep it within a single subroutine.
- new
- The constructor will take an optional argument
($root) which a class (or a class name) which is
derived from Tree::Binary::Search::Node. It will then use that class to
create all its new nodes.
- getTree
- This will return the underlying binary tree object. It is a
Tree::Binary::Search::Node hierarchy, but can be something else if you use
the optional $root argument in the
- isEmpty
- Returns true (1) if the tree is empty, and false
(0) otherwise.
- size
- Return the number of nodes in the tree.
- height
- Return the length of the longest path from the root to the furthest leaf
- accept ($visitor)
- This will pass the $visitor object to the
underlying Tree::Binary::Search::Node
"accept" method.
- This will clean up the underlying Tree::Binary object by calling DESTROY
on its root node. This is necessary to properly clean up circular
references. See the documentation for Tree::Binary, specifically the
"CIRCULAR REFERENCES" section for more details.
- useNumericComparison
- A comparison function needs to be set for a Tree::Binary::Search object to
work. This implementes numeric key comparisons.
- useStringComparison
- A comparison function needs to be set for a Tree::Binary::Search object to
work. This implementes string key comparisons.
- setComparisonFunction ($CODE)
- A comparison function needs to be set for a Tree::Binary::Search object to
work. You can set your own here. The comparison function must return one
of three values; -1 for less than, 0 for equal to, and 1 for greater than.
The constants EQUAL_TO, GREATER_THAN and LESS_THAN are implemented in the
Tree::Binary::Search package to help this.
- insert ($key, $value)
- Inserts the $value at the location for
$key in the tree. An exception will be thrown if
either $key or $value is
undefined. Upon insertion of the first element, we check to be sure a
comparison function has been assigned. If one has not been assigned, an
exception will be thrown.
- update ($key, $value)
- Updates the $value at the location for
$key in the tree. If the key is not found, and
exception will be thrown. An exception will also be thrown if either
$key or $value is
undefined, or if no keys have been inserted yet.
- exists ($key)
- Returns true (1) if the
$key specified is found, returns false
(0) othewise. An exception will be thrown if
$key is undefined, and it will return false
(0) if no keys have been inserted yet.
- select ($key)
- Finds and returns the $key specified. If the key
is not found, and exception will be thrown. An exception will also be
thrown if $key is undefined, or if no keys have
yet been inserted.
- delete ($key)
- Deletes the node at $key in the tree, and
restructures the tree appropriately. If the key is not found, and
exception will be thrown. An exception will also be thrown if
$key is undefined, or if no keys have been
inserted yet.
Deletion in binary search trees is difficult, but as with most
things about binary search trees, it has been well studied. After a few
attempts on my own, I decided it was best to look for a real
implementation and use that as my basis. I found C code for the GNU
online along with an excellent description of the code, so I pretty much
copied this implementation directly from the code in this library.
- max_key
- Returns the maximum key stored in the tree (basically the right most
- max
- Returns the maximum value stored in the tree (basically the right most
- min_key
- Returns the minimum key stored in the tree (basically the left most
- min
- Returns the minimum value stored in the tree (basically the left most
There are a number of advanced binary search tree-ish modules on CPAN, they are
listed below for your reference. Tree::Binary::Search is not a balanced tree,
which may not fit your needs, most of the trees below are balanced in one way
or another.
- Tree::RedBlack
- This is an implementation of a red-black tree which is a type of balanced
binary tree (to the best of my knowledge that is, I am sure I am
simplifying it). Tree::Binary::Search does not attempt to balance the
tree, so if you are looking for a balanced tree, you might try this.
- Tree::BPTree
- This module implements a B+ tree, rather than a binary search tree. In the
authors own words, "B+ trees are balanced trees which provide an
ordered map from keys to values. They are useful for indexing large bodies
of data. They are similar to 2-3-4 Trees and Red-Black Trees. This
implementation supports B+ trees using an arbitrary n value." I am
not quite sure exactly how a B+ Tree works, but I am intrigued but this
module. It seems to me to be well tested module as well. If you are
looking for a B+ Tree, I suggest giving it a look.
- Tree::M
- In its own words, this module "implement M-trees for efficient
'metric/multimedia-searches". From what I can tell, this module is
not a b-tree (binary search tree), but an m-tree, which is a tree
optimized to handle multi-dimensional (spatial) data, such as latitude and
longitude. It is a wrapper around a C++ library.
- Tree::FP
- In the authors own words, "Tree:FP is a Perl implmentation of the
FP-Tree based association rule mining algorithm (association rules ==
market basket analysis)". For a detailed explanation, see
"Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation" by
Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, and Yiwen Yin, 2000. Contrarywise, most books on
data mining will have information on this algorithm. " While it
sounds like a very cool thing, it is not a binary search tree". =item
This is a ternary search trees, as opposed to a binary search
tree. Similar, but different. If two nodes are not enough for you, I
suggest taking a look at this. These is also an XS based implementation
- Tree
- This is actually the only module I found on CPAN which seems to implement
a Binary Search Tree. However, this module was uploaded in October 1999
and as far as I can tell, it has ever been updated (the file modification
dates are 05-Jan-1999). There is no actual file called Tree.pm, so CPAN
can find no version number. It has no MANIFEST, README of Makefile.PL, so
installation is entirely manual. Its documentation is scarce at best, some
of it even appears to have been written by Mark Jason Dominus, as far back
as 1997 (possibly the source code from an old TPJ article on B-Trees by
This module is part of a larger group, which are listed below.
- Tree::Binary
- Tree::Binary::VisitorFactory
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::BreadthFirstTraversal
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::PreOrderTraversal
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::PostOrderTraversal
- Tree::Binary::Visitor::InOrderTraversal
None that I am aware of. Of course, if you find a bug, let me know, and I will
be sure to fix it.
See the CODE COVERAGE section of Tree::Binary for details.
The algorithm for "delete" was taken from the
GNU libavl 2.0.1, with modifications made to accomidate the OO-style of this
- Thanks to Jan Kratochvil for the min_key() and max_key()
stevan little, <stevan@iinteractive.com>
Copyright 2004, 2005 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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