NAMEUI::Dialog::Backend::CDialog - backend for the console dialog(1) variant.SYNOPSISuse UI::Dialog::Backend::CDialog; my $d = new UI::Dialog::Backend::CDialog ( backtitle => 'Demo', title => 'Default' ); $d->msgbox( title => 'Welcome!', text => 'Welcome one and all!' ); ABSTRACTUI::Dialog::Backend::CDialog is the UI::Dialog backend for the console dialog variant. While this module is used through UI::Dialog or any other loader module only the compatible methods are ever accessible. However, when using this module directly in your application (as in the SYNOPSIS example) you are given access to all the options and features of the real dialog(1) application.DESCRIPTIONThere are essentially two versions of the console dialog program. One has support for colours as well as extra widgets, while the other does not have either. You can read about the colour support in the TEXT MARKUP section.EXPORTNone
CONSTRUCTORnew( @options )
my $d = new( title => 'Default Title', backtitle => 'Backtitle', width => 65, height => 20, listheight => 5 );
This is the Class Constructor method. It accepts a list
of key => value pairs and uses them as the defaults when interacting with
the various widgets.
A blessed object reference of the
UI::Dialog::Backend::CDialog class.
if ($d->yesno( text => 'A binary type question?') ) { # user pressed yes } else { # user pressed no or cancel }
Present the end user with a message box that has two
buttons, yes and no.
TRUE (1) for a response of YES or FALSE (0) for anything
msgbox( )
$d->msgbox( text => 'A simple message' );
Pesent the end user with a message box that has an OK
TRUE (1) for a response of OK or FALSE (0) for anything
infobox( )
$d->infobox( text => 'A simple 6 second message.', timeout => 6000 );
Pesent the end user with a message box for a limited
duration of time. The timeout is specified in thousandths of a second, ie:
1000 = 1 second.
TRUE (1) for a response of OK or FALSE (0) for anything
password( )
my $string = $d->password( text => 'Enter some (hidden) text.' );
Present the end user with a text input field that doesn't
reveal the input (except to the script) and a message.
a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
inputbox( )
my $string = $d->inputbox( text => 'Please enter some text.', entry => 'this is the input field' );
Present the end user with a text input field and a
a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
textbox( )
$d->textbox( path => '/path/to/a/text/file' );
Present the end user with a simple scrolling box
containing the contents of the given text file.
TRUE (1) if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
menu( )
my $selection1 = $d->menu( text => 'Select one:', list => [ 'tag1', 'item1', 'tag2', 'item2', 'tag3', 'item3' ] );
Present the user with a selectable list.
a SCALAR of the chosen tag if the response is OK and
FALSE (0) for anything else.
checklist( )
my @selection = $d->checklist( text => 'Select one:', list => [ 'tag1', [ 'item1', 0 ], 'tag2', [ 'item2', 1 ], 'tag3', [ 'item3', 1 ] ] );
Present the user with a selectable checklist.
an ARRAY of the chosen tags if the response is OK and
FALSE (0) for anything else.
form( )
my @data = $d->form( text => 'Select one:', list => [ [ 'tag1', 1, 1 ], [ 'item1', 1, 10, 10, 10 ], [ 'tag2', 2, 1 ], [ 'item2', 2, 10, 10, 10 ], [ 'tag3', 3, 1 ], [ 'item3', 3, 10, 10, 10 ] ] );
Present the user with a selectable and potentially
editable form.
an ARRAY of the form data if the response is OK and FALSE
(0) for anything else.
radiolist( )
my $selection = $d->radiolist( text => 'Select one:', list => [ 'tag1', [ 'item1', 0 ], 'tag2', [ 'item2', 1 ], 'tag3', [ 'item3', 0 ] ] );
Present the user with a selectable radiolist.
a SCALAR of the chosen tag if the response is OK and
FALSE (0) for anything else.
fselect( )
my $text = $d->fselect( path => '/path/to/a/file/or/directory' );
Present the user with a file selection widget preset with
the given path.
a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
dselect( )
my $text = $d->dselect( path => '/path/to/a/directory' );
Present the user with a file selection widget preset with
the given path. Unlike fselect() this widget will only return a
directory selection.
a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
calendar( )
my $date = $d->calendar( text => 'Pick a date...', day => 1, month => 1, year => 1970 ); my ($m,$d,$y) = split(/\//,$date); # or alternatively... $d->calendar( text => 'Pick a date...', day => 1, month => 1, year => 1970 ); ($m,$d,$y) = $d->ra();
Present the user with a calendar widget preset with the
given date or if none is specified, use the current date.
a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
timebox( )
my $time = $d->timebox( text => 'What time?' ); my ($h,$m,$s) = split(/\:/,$time); # or alternatively... $d->timebox( text => 'What time?', hour => 10, minute => 01, second => 01 ); my ($h,$m,$s) = $d->ra();
Present the user with a time widget preset with the
current time.
a SCALAR if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
tailbox( )
$d->tailbox( path => '/path/to/a/text/file' );
Present the end user with a scrolling box containing the
contents of the given text file. The contents of the window is constantly
updated in a similar manner to that of the unix tail(1) command.
TRUE (1) if the response is OK and FALSE (0) for anything
gauge_start( )
$d->gauge_start( text => 'gauge...', percentage => 1 );
Display a meter bar to the user. This get's the widget
realized but requires the use of the other gauge_*() methods for
TRUE (1) if the widget loaded fine and FALSE (0) for
anything else.
gauge_inc( )
$d->gauge_inc( 1 );
Increment the meter by the given amount.
TRUE (1) if the widget incremented fine and FALSE (0) for
anything else.
gauge_dec( )
$d->gauge_dec( 1 );
Decrement the meter by the given amount.
TRUE (1) if the widget incremented fine and FALSE (0) for
anything else.
gauge_set( )
$d->gauge_set( 99 );
Set the meter bar to the given amount.
TRUE (1) if the widget set fine and FALSE (0) for
anything else.
gauge_text( )
$d->gauge_text( 'string' );
Set the meter bar message to the given string.
TRUE (1) if the widget set fine and FALSE (0) for
anything else.
gauge_stop( )
End the meter bar widget process. One of the flaws with
gdialog is that the gauge widget does not close properly and requies the end
user to close the gauge window when 100% has been reached. This is the second
reason why I'm glad gdialog is going the way of the dodo.
TRUE (1) if the widget closed fine and FALSE (0) for
anything else.
BUGSPlease email the author with any bug reports. Include the name of the module in the subject line.AUTHORKevin C. Krinke, <kevin@krinke.ca>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSECopyright (C) 2004-2016 Kevin C. Krinke <kevin@krinke.ca> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
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